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metacarattere secondo said:
I own three German VHS and a TV capture from the 80s. They all have this nine differences.
Thank you very much for confirming this. At this point we have no doubt what comprised the International Cut (of which the US cut was most complete) based not only on home releases sourced from theatrical prints, but also a continuity script of the IC.
The Italian cut is less clear given we don't have access to a continuity script that provides a frame-by-frame description, but I'm confident we'll figure it out.
metacarattere secondo said:
By the way, in the "Kitty scene dubbed" thread of the leone forum, you asked about the original joke in the sentence...
I would love for someone to translate the Italian Cut word-for-word because I'm curious how much Mickey Knox strayed from the original script; not only for this scene, but also the entire film. I read somewhere that SL was less than pleased with the fact that MK had taken liberties with the original script in order to achieve his goal of maximizing lip synchronization.
Who's up to the task?? :P
metacarattere secondo said:
Is there an intermission included on this glorious IB Tech print?
I don't know the answer to that...yet. The reel that includes this portion of the film has yet to be scanned.
Although we are continuing to make progress with the TECH IB, I'm unfortunately not at a point where I can provide a meaningful update. As soon as I have more info I'll share it with everyone here (and AMPS).