Gaffer Tape said:
Come on! Everyone loves the Urkelbot! It's like regular Steve Urkel... but as a robot, man!!!!
Anyway, since this is apparently still my thread, I get to bitch in it. Editing new video. If Handbrake bends me over tomorrow and fucks me in the poophole with its sudden, inexplicable loss of all of its file converting powers like it did tonight, I'm going to take my computer and chuck it out the window.
Cut bkev some slack, he's obviously too young to remember ABC's TGIF lineup. I just wish I were too young to remember it...*sigh*
Anyway, if Handbrake buys you dinner and treats you well, and you really like Handbrake, well...I'm not saying you should do something you don't want to do, of course. But you might want to give Handbrake a chance. Maybe agree on a safe word or something.