I’m not ruling out that the music in the film will not grow on me music has a tendancy to do that too as you quite rightly have stated, but I can say without any shadow of doubt in my mind that nothing about the music apart from the opening fanfare I could remember.
I remember there being music but I can’t recall how it went. Actually coming to think of it I liked the reggae tune in Maz Katana Bar… That I do remember vaguely.
But I can’t remember any of the orchestrals at all. I wish I could but I can’t.
But with that said there are many films that you can watch and immediately you will be struck with the thought “That sounds Amazing!!” that did not happen for me at all and I was really hoping for that and it just did not happen.
I watched “the Shining” the other day and whilst watching it I felt totally overcome in awe of the music and sound that I was being presented with.
I could probably mention also another film such as “The Mission” and the theme in that when it breaks namely gabriel and his obe or the falls. I am talking about powerful themes that can move you in an instant.
And I personally feel the Original Star Wars films and even the prequels did a better job. So to expect the same when it came to going to TFA was ultimately a let down for me and I’ll stand by my opinion that I thought it is weaker than previous efforts or perhaps different and it did not work as well as previous efforts.
Basically the music in TFA for me is honestly nowhere near the top of my list of what I look for in so far as music that really has an affect and thus I think it is unfortunately a weakness that I feel the film suffered. The music did not drive the film forward it just was there in the background.