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The Force Awakens: Official Review Thread - ** SPOILERS ** — Page 11


SilverWook said:

There very well could be a psychological aspect to putting on the mask. And Kylo hero worships Vader, not Anakin.

True. Wasn’t looking at it in-universe. I do like that he freely removes it occasionally. He really is conflicted.

Forum Moderator

Not to sure we should have links to clips from an obvious bootleg. And holy hell that was quick if the whole movie is out there already.

Someone at Lucasfilm or Bad Robot has clearly been taking notes about fanediting around here. 😉

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Glad to see you enjoyed it Anchored. Been looking forward to your reaction and whether it provided a satisfying follow up to the original.

Just saw it again and it was even better this time. Knowing what to expect and everything that’s going on (not having to figuring things out) I was able to immerse myself and enjoy it even more than before. I actually cried a lot this time (where as last time I just teared up). The emotional stuff packed a bigger punch, especially with Han knowing what was coming (even though I suspected it the first time, knowing it for sure is a bit different).

What gripes? Even the stuff that felt off to me the first time (like the rathtar sequence) I didn’t mind. This might’ve actually been one of the best experiences I’ve had seeing a film a second time. Third go round is a must at this point. I’ve never seen a film in theaters more than three times but this might be the one to break that.


joefavs said:

Really nice article. I agree with a lot of this. http://birthmoviesdeath.com/2015/12/18/kylo-ren-is-the-centerpiece-of-star-wars-the-force-awakens

This is great, thanks. It puts a finger on something I couldn’t quite. The movie’s not perfect, but damn does it have some serious heart and humanity. That’s what you want from a Star Wars film, that’s what made the original so special.

So many blockbusters nowadays feel like empty cash-ins. But not this. There was so much love put into this, from everyone involved, and it shows.


Loved it. I feel bad for those of you who didn’t.


Don’t be silly Alderaan. I agree with Frink. I’ve often said that phrase “I feel bad for you if you don’t such and such” flippantly, but in this case, I mean it sincerely. The film is a delight, and I honestly feel bad for you if you didn’t enjoy it.


It does come across as somewhat condescending.

Forum Administrator



Finally got to go. Did the RPX big screen at the same theater where I saw TPM opening week in Dolby EX.

The film I was most reminded of while watching this besides STAR WARS? (Abrams TREK reboots I haven’t seen, because I know nothing of ST.) SUPERMAN RETURNS.
Why did Luke do the SR thing? Why? And why and HOW IN THE WORLD did everything suddenly go to hell after dancing in the Ewok village?

So many questions, so many problems, so much that I simply didn’t care about. All this is going to be pure post-screening conjecture and randomness–not a cohesive review as of yet.

The spirit is gone for me. I felt more in even ROTS, which was my most disliked of the prequels. Sure the new characters were great and there were flashes of sparkle in the dialogue here and there and practically whenever Harrison opened his mouth. But that was it. The story continually goes back to SW for no reason. There is nothing new developed, no new plot threads, no new anything other than the three leads. (Well, two leads really.)
And then we have the stuff that felt badly ripped out of the most cliched of the EU, i.e. the Kylo Ren stuff. And then…I said to myself just get it over with guys, you want to kill off Han, and then the scene appeared and they stretched it out forever before finally just giving Harrison what he wanted in 1983.
Nothing is really explained; such as how can there be a New Republic and still be a Civil War, how do the factions fit in if there is a new government and why does the government back a side, where did all the Imperials come from if not a Remnant, what’s up with the brainwashed armies, are both leads meant to be Force-sensitive, What exactly does Rey’s backstory mean, who/how/what is the main vilain…and I could go on and on.

I just…didn’t buy any of it really. I wasn’t involved in the story and couldn’t believe the degree to which they just said f*** it let’s use the original story elements because they worked and are the opposite of the Prequels that the fans hated.
It felt as if the original cast and icons are being dangled in front of us to entice both the heart and the wallet to open.

I feel like I just watched a big fan film derived from a truly bad non-canon EU novel. It looked horribly fake to me, and not the CG ships like I thought it would be–no what I abhorred was how bad the sets looked-particularly the quasi-Imperial ones. To my eyes nothing really fit together, and this was compounded by shooting 35mm stock and then apparently deciding to remove the grain in post. With all the digital effects whizzing about it was the less technical moments I could start to get into.

And boy was the music quoting in the final fight truly weird. I didn’t expect it at all and it was truly jarring to me.

I simply don’t know right now. But it sure wasn’t STAR WARS for me. I’d take even Jar Jar stepping in the poop. Or coarse sand. Or even love has blinded you. Or better yet just bring back the EU.

They should have just done HEIR years ago. Now who knows what the heck Disney will put out every year. Young Han movie…great…just great…

Seriously bummed guys, but I’m glad so many enjoyed themselves.

I can hear George going: “See…it’s not easy to not have another Death Star!”

The sound mix was un-inventive. Perhaps worst of all was the JW score, especially since he understands these so well and truly made the Prequels watchable.

I’m just still in WTF just happened mode. And I too am convinced they digitally softened and altered all of Carrie’s closeups.

VADER!? WHERE THE HELL IS MY MOCHA LATTE? -Palpy on a very bad day.
“George didn’t think there was any future in dead Han toys.”-Harrison Ford
YT channel:


A lot can happen in 30 years.

I must admit I thought Carrie’s voice sounded odd. She sounded more like Leia when she did Robot Chicken, but that was five years ago.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Special note. Please refrain linking to TFA clips of any camcorder theater bootlegs or anything else legally suspect. We really don’t know what the new Mouse Overlords might do, and we’d rather not find out. Thanks!

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


I agree, second time was the charm for me, the little nit-picky problems I had on the first viewing didn’t worry me second time around and it was a much more emotional experience. Its the first film in years that I’ve wanted to see more than once on the big screen.


As we just had our first TFA bootleg spammer, I’d like to emphasize if you see such postings, report them to the mods immediately. And don’t click on any links in such posts, as they could be dangerous to your computer. Thanks!

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Jay said:

Who bothers to memorize the serial number of cannon fodder?

I assumed he ‘mind-read’ Finn’s serial number when they had that stare-off moment on Jakku.

War does not make one great.


SilverWook said:

Finn’s ability with a lightsaber also might be a massive hint about something. 😉

That’s what I was thinking.

War does not make one great.


hydrospanner said:

I guess a good question would be why he was put in charge of escorting Poe away if Ren sensed something off about him and Phasma could see he was visibly shaken.

He wasn’t put in charge of escorting Poe. He was acting off his own back to free Poe, pretending that He’d been ordered to escort him. I thought that was pretty clear.

War does not make one great.


hydrospanner said:

I guess a good question would be why he was put in charge of escorting Poe away if Ren sensed something off about him and Phasma could see he was visibly shaken.

He wasn’t put in charge of escorting Poe. He was acting off his own back to free Poe, pretending that He’d been ordered to escort him. I thought that was pretty clear.

War does not make one great.


Alderaan said:

Also seems like a terrible strategy for Finn. Would have been better to fake mental illness, or wait for leave to desert. Even while on a mission on some planet. Deciding to bust into the detention block to rescue someone he’s never met before and then blast his way out of a military ship? Just dumb.

Go back and watch the rescue of Han from Jabba and tell me there’s anything even remotely strategically sound about that plan. It’s literally the worst rescue plan ever. And they had months to plan it, whereas Finn was acting on impulse.

This is Star Wars, people. It’s not Shakespeare and it’s certainly not a military documentary 😉 Just enjoy it.

War does not make one great.


Max_Rebo said:

Snoke … Looked bad.

Totally agree. His appearance is one part of the movie I can’t defend. People calling him a Gollum/Voldemort hybrid are spot on. And the CGI was 2005 standards.

Max_Rebo said:
C-3PO … there was something off about the costume, it seemed less shiny

This bugged me too!

Max_Rebo said:
One of my biggest problems is several populated worlds are destroyed, Leia feels it through the force, so you’ve got to assume Luke felt it, yet he does nothing, just stays on his island waiting for someone to solve his map puzzle. I would hope that might bring him to his senses and make him take action, but maybe he was too far away to feel it through the force?

Maybe Luke knew he had to let events play out and wait for the force to bring people and events to the right time and place? Although on the face of it sitting on an island while the galaxy falls apart is a dumb (and cowardly) plan, we can’t always place ‘normal’ logic on the actions of wise old Jedi.

Remember what happened last time he ran off to save the day too soon? He got his hand chopped off and his best friend was encased in carbonite.

Max_Rebo said:
The falcon leaves Jakku and is immediately picked up by Solo, so either he was in the area or he was somehow able to detect it and instantly arrive via hyperspace, he said it was easy to track, but tracking ships from a long distance isn’t really a thing that can be done in the Star Wars universe (I can’t think of other examples from the films), but maybe he had previously installed a homing beacon.

I figure Han has tracking devices constantly searching for the Falcon’s unique flight signature. But I agree he got there pretty damn quick and him just being ‘in the area’ is lame. But did you notice how everything seemed to happen quicker in this movie. People travel light years in seconds (whereas in the old films they needed a chess board to pass the time). I put it down as a filmmaking decision but it did make the galaxy feel a little too small and convenient for me.

Max_Rebo said:
Hyperdrive now seems to be instantaneous to get anywhere, or maybe they just didn’t travel very far, there were no travelling scenes, just felt wrong. But it’s hard to know how far they travelled as we are never told where Jakku is in relation to anything else.

You did notice 😃

Max_Rebo said:
Why did Captain Phasma have authority to drop the shields for the whole planet, and why did nobody notice that it had happened?

Agree. This was a big one for me. If she’s so badass and loyal to the first order, she would have taken a laser bolt to the head before agreeing to shut down those shields and effectively destroying Starkiller and saving the resistance.

War does not make one great.


Yoda Is Your Father said:
Go back and watch the rescue of Han from Jabba and tell me there’s anything even remotely strategically sound about that plan. It’s literally the worst rescue plan ever. And they had months to plan it, whereas Finn was acting on impulse.

Yeah and ROTJ is considered the worst of the originals for things like that and Ewoks killing stormtroopers with rocks and arrows.

Yoda Is Your Father said:>
This is Star Wars, people. It’s not Shakespeare

Well ****. Let’s just do whatever we want because this isn’t Shakespeare.

Yoda Is Your Father said:
and it’s certainly not a military documentary 😉 Just enjoy it.’

Yeah it’s not like they modeled the assault on the death star after WWII fighter movies or anything.


Actually, it’s space opera. 😉

You’re thinking specifically of The Dam Busters, released in 1955. Peter Jackson has been planning a remake for a while.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


And besides, that’s a visual cue, not a plot point. You can’t please everyone. Some people were determined to hate the movie no matter what.

So, In ESB, Han flies the falcon into an asteroid. That just so happens to be inhabited by a giant worm. (Which survived by eating…?) Which has such a huge mouth that they didn’t even notice it flying in. And it took it a good 45 seconds to close its mouth the first time while they were escaping, but only a couple seconds to try and bite after them once they had already exited.
Yeah, let’s talk some more about how TFA doesn’t make sense. :\


Possessed said:

And besides, that’s a visual cue, not a plot point. You can’t please everyone. Some people were determined to hate the movie no matter what.

So, In ESB, Han flies the falcon into an asteroid. That just so happens to be inhabited by a giant worm. (Which survived by eating…?) Which has such a huge mouth that they didn’t even notice it flying in. And it took it a good 45 seconds to close its mouth the first time while they were escaping, but only a couple seconds to try and bite after them once they had already exited.
Yeah, let’s talk some more about how TFA doesn’t make sense. :\

There are things like this in all of the movies, you’re right. In Empire, the asteroid field sequence is entirely unrealistic. But … it is cinematic. For one person they might love it, and another might find it offensive. I love it. In TFA, people on one planet can supposedly see other planets in other solar systems get blown up instantly. Some people might think that’s cinematic, someone else might find it annoying. I think it’s dumb, but out of all the things to complain about in this movie, it’s pretty far down the list for me.