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After Effects Help Needed: Lens Warp Issue for SW Title Crawl

I'm trucking pretty steadily with my title crawl in After Effects 7.0, but I was hoping someone might have some tips to give for emulating the crawl as authentically as possible.

Upon setting my position key frames for the title crawl scroll with a camera layer, I'm still experiencing issues with getting my crawl to track exactly with the lines of the original Episode III version as shown in the image that follows.

By imageshack at 2007-10-06

Affecting this issue looks to be a lens warp or bulge on the original as shown in this screen grab and rough perspective correction I did of the original.
There definitely seems to be a curve to the text's path, especially noticeable at the bottom.

By imageshack at 2007-10-06

Any tips which might speed me along to a proper, authentic-looking crawl without as much trial-and-error as I've had to do so far? Thanks for any help anyone can offer.
So, I'm that much closer to an authentic-looking crawl. The text is tracking very closely to the real Episode III crawl, and I'm on the trail of a lens warp on text. Things are good.