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Saw this on FE, I'm pretty pumped.
I have completed rough cuts of The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones, and begun work on a rough cut of Revenge of the Sith this week. One of my biggest issues with the PT is that it assumes you’ve seen the OT, but for the younger generation (and as a film fan) I want to be able to watch the series, in order, without having key moments ruined (i.e. Vader’s comment in ESB). Along with that I want to fix continuity issues between the PT and OT so that they flow better, as well as the standard cutting of unnecessary dialog and scenes.
A full cut list will be forth coming, but it is safe to say the biggies that covers all three: less Jar-Jar, Yoda doesn’t have these massive lightsaber battles (he is nearly 900 years old) and no R2D2 or C3PO. I’ve also reworked the romance in AOTC so it feels more organic.
If you’re interested in looking at the trailer I put together…
Saw this on FE, I'm pretty pumped.
thunderclap said:
I want to be able to watch the series, in order, without having key moments ruined (i.e. Vader's comment in ESB).
How on earth are you going to do that? The PT seems to be designed entirely to ruin the best surprise in cinema history. Without cutting out almost every scene in the PT, I would be extremely surprised and impressed if you manage to pull this off.
Love the trailer, BTW.
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Cool trailer.
Is there a more detailed thread over at FE.org? IF so, I can't find it.
You know of the rebellion against the Empire?
One surprise that's broken in the trailer is that the Jedi Master Obi-Wan's ghost leads Luke to is a funny green guy with big ears.
Erikstormtrooper said:
Is there a more detailed thread over at FE.org? IF so, I can't find it.
Can't wait to see this! I'll definitely need to see this to make sure I don't create issues with my "Skywalker" trilogy.
Can't wait to see how you are going to do this. I'm not sure how you are going to do this though. Isn't the entire point of the prequel to show you how AS transforms into DV?
v2david said:
Can't wait to see how you are going to do this. I'm not sure how you are going to do this though. Isn't the entire point of the prequel to show you how AS transforms into DV?
Great news. I'm looking forward to seeing a cut list at your earliest opportunity.
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A brand new full trailer has been posted on Vimeo. Also, the trilogy has a new name: The Fall of the Jedi.
FANtastic Trailer, man! Q2, your work looks really fantastic and that trailer looks epic. I look forward to seeing the finished product. Nice trilogy title by the way, as well, too!
The first film is locked and on schedule for a early June release. (Originally listed as May which was incorrect.) Here are the details:
Original Run Time: 136 minutes
New Run Time: 93 minutes
Intention: Like many fanedits before it, my version aims to cut bad acting, bad dialog and streamline the film. I've also attempted bring the prequels in alinement with the original trilogy by cutting anything that broke continuity. I really want viewers to be able to watch Episodes 1 - 6, in order, without having key moments in the later films spoiled. Anakin no longer is C3PO's creator. In fact, C3PO and R2D2 are no longer major (minor?) characters in the PT. They are now just like any other droid. They do have minor dialog here or there, but they are never referenced by name nor are their rolls significant.
Cut List
This list is in noway complete as there are a lot of minor tweaks I'm not referencing, but it should give you a good sense of changes. I've bold the changes I think are original (though I'm no expert and haven't seen many of the SW fanedits out there) so if I'm wrong please correct me.
- new opening crawl
- cut "As you know our blockage is perfectly legal"
- cut Qui-Gon telling Obi-Wan that the Trade Federation are cowards
- cut the first "What?" in "What? What did you say?"
- cut "Are you brain dead?"
- trimmed Jedi's being served drinks
- cut "Is that legal?" and "I will make it legal."
- cut "Look!" from "Captain! Look!"
- cut all droids talking
- cut "We lost the transmission sir!"
- cut "Yes sir!" after "Seal off the bridge."
- cut "That will hold them."
- cut "This is impossible!"
- cut "Where are those droidekas?"
- cut "Its a standoff! Let's go!"
- cut "They're no match for droidekas."
- cut "They've gone up the ventilation shaft."
- cut "You were right about one thing, Master…"
- cut "A transmission from the planet" and "It's Queen Amidala herself."
- cut Jar-Jars bad jump down when Qui-Gon says, "Stay down!"
- cut "Mores did you speak?"
- cut Jar-Jar explaining he was banished
- new transition to Gungan city
- cut Jar Jar being arrested
- cut "You didn't tell him about the missing Jedi"
- cut "Ah! Victory!"
- cut journey through the planet core
- cut "Either choice presents great danger…"
- cut introduction to R2-D2. (He is just another droid in this trilogy.)
- cut "That little droid did it!"
- cut "Now there are two of them."
- cut most of Jar-Jar's antics on Tatooine
- reworked Padme and Anakin's introduction
- cut "You think you're some kind of Jedi…?"
- cut most of Anakin's bad dialog
- cut Sebulba trying to strangle Jar-Jar. In fact, Sebulba is just another racer.
- cut introduction to C3PO. (He ends up being just another droid in this trilogy.)
- recut Skywalker dinner scene
- cut Anakin working on the racer
- cut "midi-chlorians"
- cut Qui-Gon using the force to win the die roll
- pod race announcers no longer speak in English
- reworked pod race to speed it up
- cut Anakin presenting Padme with a neglace
- cut the explanation that Coruscant is one giant city
- cut Anakin going to see Padme
- cut all references to Anakin being the Chosen One, as well as talks of a prophecy
- cut Obi-Wan thanking Qui-Gon for believing he is ready for the trials
- cut "No, I beg you to help us"
- cut Jar-Jar being promoted
- reworked final battle, changes include: no Gungan stupidity, no grapple hooks, and - Anakin doesn't accidentally save the day (in fact, Anakin doesn't even go into space)
- cut Qui-Gon's dying speech to Obi-Wan
- cut end celebration
Special Thanks to the following for their input on this edit: Dwight Fry, L8wrtr, Neglify, Quickcut, and TV's Frink.
Sounds interesting and ambitious.
thunderclap said:
- cut Sebulba trying to strangle Jar-Jar. In fact, Sebulba is just another racer.
Is the whole scene cut? If so, I'm curious how you get Anakin together with Qui-Gon and company.
BTW, the latest trailer is great. It's hard to not get my hopes up. (No offense to you. Prequels, turd polishing, and all that.)
You know of the rebellion against the Empire?
Erikstormtrooper said:
Is the whole scene cut? If so, I'm curious how you get Anakin together with Qui-Gon and company.
thunderclap said:
in fact, Anakin doesn't even go into space
I'm finding this cut particularly interesting. It's definitely something that has not been attmepted before.
Has the fan edit now been submitted to FE.org?
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Bester said:
Has the fan edit now been submitted to FE.org?
thunderclap said:
Bester said:
Has the fan edit now been submitted to FE.org?
Not yet. The cut is done, but I'm still building the discs. It's slated to be released the first week of May.
..He says, as he posts this on May 10th, the second week of May.. hmm.. lol
I wanted to have my Avengers Assembled 'prequel' done before the Avengers movie came out, but I'm still working on that as well.
Never seen any Star Wars fan edits, but this, along with Adywans stuff of course, sounds very interesting!
Woops. Meant the first week of June. (Oops.)
If it's not too late, can you try to include this possible change below, but I can see why already it probably has to stay in ...
With SW3:ROTS, it has always bugged me that at the birth (and death) scene of Padame and naming her two children (Luke and Leia, duh!), if to either keep in or take out this little tidbit of info, it can present the following problems each way over :-
- if naming the twins as Luke and Leia remains in the SW3 edit, then it eventually spoils the revelation in SW6 between said siblings whereby they really shouldn't be trying to kiss each other etc
- if naming the twins as Luke and Leia are taken out of the SW3 edit, then the "newcomers to this franchise" won't have a freakin' clue as to what relevance these babies have in SW3 and whether they could even come back to haunt us in SW4/5/6
Come to think of it, by removing the names Luke and Leia but still referring to them as "it's a boy, it's a girl", the "newcomers" could then start their own eternal debate as to whether the indirect SW3 reference may actually have some correllation to the direct SW6 reference, even though it is only implied at most.
The "no-naming of the twins" situation isn't so bad because the OT is well-ingrained to the popular culture over three decades. But if these movies were actually made in chronological order (ie PT in 70s/80s, then OT in 21st Century), it would literally have become a 30-year-long cliffhanger that the vague SW3 reference in 1983 would only come to fruition when the more direct SW6 reference was revealed in 2005 (as well as in the literal timeline of said movies).
Many thanks.
I've made my own edit (just for my own enjoyment) of RotS and I find that removing the birth of the twins completely works pretty well.
My edit ends by showing the end of the lightsaber duels, Yoda saying he needs to go into exile, Kenobi returning to the ship and comforting Padme, Palpatine discovering crispy Anakin, Bail Organa telling Antilles to wipe Threepio's memory, the construction of Vader, and then the final shot is of Palpatine and Vader overlooking construction of the Death Star. Padme does not die (afterall, she is supposed to live long enough to raise Leia).
In fact, I have editted the PT in its entirety to hide the name Skywalker (Anakin is simply called by his first name), and Padme's pregnancy from the audience. So, when the SW movies are watched in chronological order, all the surprises of the OT are retained. The audience will not have enough information upon initial viewing to make the link between Anakin and Luke/Leia (until ESB/RotJ). It just goes to show that it CAN be done.
Although I don't know what Q2 has planned for his PT edits, I'm sure they will be much more professional than my amateur attempt.
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Rick2525 said:
If it's not too late, can you try to include this possible change below, but I can see why already it probably has to stay in ...
Out of curiosity, what did you change Watto's subs to so Anakin joins up with the group?
I did something similar, and found that it actually added a dynamic to the scene, rather than cheapened it.
Preferred Saga:
1/2: Hal9000
3: L8wrtr
4/5: Adywan
6-9: Hal9000
thunderclap said:
...and he even mentions Anakin by name.
The name 'Anakin' is first spoken by Force ghost Obi-Wan, in RotJ. The name is not spoken at all in ANH or ESB.
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Bester said:
thunderclap said:
...and he even mentions Anakin by name.
The name 'Anakin' is first spoken by Force ghost Obi-Wan, in RotJ. The name is not spoken at all in ANH or ESB.