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The Eopie fart joke appriciation thread (Formerly "Revenge of the Sith and inconsistencies with my memory - wipe transition?")


I remember there being a wipe transition between Anakin and the Younglings to Padme seeing the Jedi Temple burning in Episode III, but I’m watching again and it’s just a normal cut. Is there any version where it’s a wipe transition, or am I losing my mind? Edit: For added clarity, I’ve never seen it in Theatres. Only DVD.

I find your lack of faith disturbing.


You might be. No you may just remember it that way. I remember watching Episode 1 in theaters and seeing a cantina band in the stands of the pod race, but when it came out on VHS it wasn’t there. I didn’t see it again until I saw the extended deleted scenes in the first DVD release. At least that’s how my memory is.

I also remember watching Episode II in theaters thinking Anakin had the right moves with Padme, which would explain why I had absolutely no game for a long time.


Adaman Kenobi said:

You might be. No you may just remember it that way. I remember watching Episode 1 in theaters and seeing a cantina band in the stands of the pod race, but when it came out on VHS it wasn’t there. I didn’t see it again until I saw the extended deleted scenes in the first DVD release. At least that’s how my memory is.

I also remember watching Episode II in theaters thinking Anakin had the right moves with Padme, which would explain why I had absolutely no game for a long time.

I believe the theatrical cut of TPM included the extended Podrace, but it got deleted for the VHS release. That would be how you saw the Cantina Band. As for the second comment… I don’t know what to tell you about that.

I find your lack of faith disturbing.


That’s not true. If it was, the Cinema DTS track of TPM wouldn’t sync with the VHS and laserdisc. But it does.


I remember the Cantina band on a Taco Bell poster, maybe it was that!

Oh boy. With this quarantine I could sure use a Tatooine taco about now… and drink through Watto’s spine.

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


ChainsawAsh said:

That’s not true. If it was, the Cinema DTS track of TPM wouldn’t sync with the VHS and laserdisc. But it does.

Furthermore, at least two bootlegs (direct cams from a theater) are available: the VCD “Z bootleg” and the VHS taken from a NYC theater. They perfectly match the official VHS, VCD and laserdisc releases.


Hal 9000 said:

I remember the Cantina band on a Taco Bell poster, maybe it was that!

Oh boy. With this quarantine I could sure use a Tatooine taco about now… and drink through Watto’s spine.

Why would they bring their instruments to a podrace?

Also, Attack of the giant Watto

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Actually, the Cantina band is (shortly) visible in the theatrical cut of the pod race:

Suprisingly, the same shot was used twice, at 7’23 and 12’04 (according to the timing of the Digital Collection bonus).


They’re like the people who bring air horns to graduations.

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


Aaark Bumpyyy Rrroose!

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


Is my memory bad, or was the farting creature more subtle in the theatrical cut?

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


In the extended podrace intro, the farting animal is extended to wonderful effect. It’s a hell of a fart there.

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


Hal 9000 said:

In the extended podrace intro, the farting animal is extended to wonderful effect. It’s a hell of a fart there.


I find your lack of faith disturbing.


It’s an Eopie, and the fact Obi Wan is riding one in one of the most important scenes in Episode III totally wrecked it for me. I was expecting it to fart.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Goes to watch the deleted scene

Ah this isn’t that bad, I wonder why they cut it. You know actually the prequels aren’t that ba-


Ah, now I remember…

Maul- A Star Wars Story




The whole gag is a good 15 seconds. The thing farts and howls about it. We need to get that into 4K and back into the movie. All theatrical otherwise.

In all seriousness, I miss my ooooold TPM edit sourced from DVD, where I could mix and match from all the extended podrace bits. Couldn’t really do that while working with the BluRay since it’s so different.

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


It’s really a joyous thing as an oddity and doesn’t have to be part of the movie itself.

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


The Eopie sequence is yet another reason why the prequels are secretly brilliant. George employs the use of fundamental filmmaking techniques to immerse viewers into the storytelling experience and most importantly, entertain them. Let me explain, the great filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock defined the difference between mystery in a film and suspense in a film as:

“Mystery is when the spectator knows less than the characters in the movie. Suspense is when the spectator knows more than the characters in the movie."

In the case of the Eopie, there is a distinct sense of mystery surrounding the theatrical cut of the fart. We are calmly watching Jar Jar toiling away at the pod when suddenly, he is bombarded by an overpowering odour. We are surprised by this as we had never suspected such a thing to occur beforehand.

In the extended cut of the fart, we see the Eopie from the very beginning, we watch with suspense as he snorts in agony, waiting for something to happen, we know more than Jar Jar at this point and are the only ones aware of this approaching storm.

I ask you, which is more effective?

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