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The Empire Strikes Back is a "junk movie" — Page 9


I don't think Hayden is so great he is one the worst actors i have ever seen in sci fi or fantasy films, or genre films in  general.  No i did not see that Glass movie but he was awful in Awake and Jumper, and also Star Wars Episode II and III.


Maybe his range is limited and he would need a good script or director to make him tolerable and less emo and sullen.


Sure i was against Leo Decaprio as Anakin because i hated Titanic for dethroning star wars, but at least he can act.  Though Lucas has to be one of the worst directors of actors ever if the prequels were the only movies he made.

I mean Lucas had Christopher Lee, Ian Mcdiarmid and Terrence Stamp in the prequels and they all gave crap performances. Well below their range, Liam Neeson was tolerable  but also under directed.

I mean come on Chris Lee gives great performances in b movie schlock Horror films from Hammer, and also in 007 the man with the golden gun even if they were somewhat cheesy movies.  But the way he is used in the star wars prequels is almost criminal.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


skyjedi2005 said:

I mean come on Chris Lee gives great performances in b movie schlock Horror films from Hammer, and also in 007 the man with the golden gun even if they were somewhat cheesy movies.  But the way he is used in the star wars prequels is almost criminal.

Yeah, it's pretty sad when you can't even surpass those schlocky (but awesome!) Hammer films in one of the biggest blockbusters of all time.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Father Skywalker said:

DominicCobb said:

adywan said:

Father Skywalker said:

George Lucas is like Santa Claus, the wise old white-haired bearded man who gives everybody (millions of people actually) gifts and presents (kickass SW movies)!!!!!

You mean except for those loyal fans that supported him since 1977 and gave him his Empire through ticket and merchandising sales, only to get shafted with the suppression of the Original versions that they love.


That would be like if Santa gave you the best present of all time, then a few years later shat on it, gave it back to you, and refused to clean it up.

Nice comedy and humor and sarcasm attempt, I appreciate and understand your witiness, and I understand what U R trying to say, but I can't disagree with you any more than i disagree with you now. The prequels kicked serious ass, i mean, seriosuly......


Do you understand the point of this site? I liked the prequels almost as much as you did. I'm talking about the special editions. The fact that I can't watch the original versions of the films I grew up with is appalling and the whole reason I'm on this site. 

Starting to wonder if I should even be talking to you, as you are a very obvious troll.


Wexter said:

Father Skywalker said:

Tyrphanax said:

As long as they re-release the unaltered, theatrical trilogy so I can watch it, they can put ol' sexy long-haired Hayden Christensen in every scene for all I care.

No, not in every scene. Just in relevant parts. Like, for instance, edit out sebastian shaw's voice during the scene where luke unmasks his dying father anakin skywalker, and replace it with hayden christensen's voice, like make hayden christensen talk in a very low, weak, monotone voice like anakin did in ROTJ......

Now, that would be sexy. I would watch that with my shirt off.

Oh No, Good Lord God, protector of all that is good and holy, that would be digusting, i only think the anakin skywalker from episode 3 is good-looking, when he's is that bald white skinned egg looking thing, he's is just so ugly looking......

I could tell that U R just being sarcastic, and i appreciate a little sarcasm!!!!!!


Father Skywalker said:

he's is just so ugly looking......

I thought this was a more adult SW community that knew how to write in complete sentences.


I wish that I could just wish my feelings away...but I can't.  Wishful wishing can only lead to wishes wished for in futile wishfulness, which is not what I wish to wish for. 


1990osu said:

Father Skywalker said:

he's is just so ugly looking......

I thought this was a more adult SW community that knew how to write in complete sentences.


And how was my sentence that I wrote an incomplete sentence???


You are a Class-A troll, friend.

I wish that I could just wish my feelings away...but I can't.  Wishful wishing can only lead to wishes wished for in futile wishfulness, which is not what I wish to wish for. 


I don't think he is a troll, I just don't think he understands the mindset of the people on this site and our dislike of the changes to and new films of the Star Wars franchise since 1983.

I think he is just an average Star Wars fan of the newer generation who just has no concept of what Lucas has done wrong (from most of our points of view) to the Star Wars franchise with the Prequels, and what Lucas has done wrong (which should be from anyone's point of view) to the OT with the suppression of the theatrical editions of the films and the replacement of them with the Special Editions.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Most people think the argument revolves around "what you like versus what I like".  Bring up film history and the response is usually short - that's for old history professors to care about.  It takes a while to graduate from "I don't care if they burn that book, I didn't want to read it anyways" to "whoa, that's dangerous and must not happen".

"Close the blast doors!"
Puggo’s website | Rescuing Star Wars


There is also always the chance that, well, there could be a mental component to this situation as well. Which is why I am being as gentle as I can and attempting to explain things clearly.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Tyrphanax said:

There is also always the chance that, well, there could be a mental component to this situation as well. Which is why I am being as gentle as I can and attempting to explain things clearly.

What Do U mean by a "Mental component to this situation"???


Father Skywalker said:

Tyrphanax said:

There is also always the chance that, well, there could be a mental component to this situation as well. Which is why I am being as gentle as I can and attempting to explain things clearly.

What Do U mean by a "Mental component to this situation"???

I mean differences in our mentalities; our perception of things versus yours are very different.

Everyone here is very staunch in our defense of the Original Trilogy, dislike of the Special Editions, and consensus about the canon (whether we agree with the official canon or not), the morality of the factions, and whether a character died or not; and you are very staunch in your love of the Prequels and Special Editions, defense of your hypothetical situations, and obsession with Hayden Christensen's looks and hair.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Why does this happen every so often, look it was fun...for a while

I'd say stop responding to the Father.



Jaitea said:


Why does this happen every so often, look it was fun...for a while

I'd say stop responding to the Father.



stop spamming/double posting. I've already reported U to the forum website moderators.......


Yeah, right...

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Tyrphanax said:

Father Skywalker said:

Tyrphanax said:

There is also always the chance that, well, there could be a mental component to this situation as well. Which is why I am being as gentle as I can and attempting to explain things clearly.

What Do U mean by a "Mental component to this situation"???

I mean differences in our mentalities; our perception of things versus yours are very different.

Everyone here is very staunch in our defense of the Original Trilogy, dislike of the Special Editions, and consensus about the canon (whether we agree with the official canon or not), the morality of the factions, and whether a character died or not; and you are very staunch in your love of the Prequels and Special Editions, defense of your hypothetical situations, and obsession with Hayden Christensen's looks and hair.

I love Victory Celebration far better than yub nub; THAT is one of the reasons that I am in love with the special editions of the star wars movies, especially episode 6, return of the jedi, the victory celebration song is cheerful dancy, it has a nice beat, and it's is very melancholic and epic at the same time!!!!!!!


"Dude, where's my thread?"


Episode II: Shroud of the Dark Side

Emperor Jar-Jar
“Back when we made Star Wars, we just couldn’t make Palpatine as evil as we intended. Now, thanks to the miracles of technology, it is finally possible. Finally, I’ve created the movies that I originally imagined.” -George Lucas on the 2007 Extra Extra Special HD-DVD Edition


Trooperman said:

"Dude, where's our forum?"




<p>YOUR MOTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<!/p>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Is there any way to let an account keep posting all they want, but just auto-add it to everyone else's ignore list by default?  Might cut down on overhead, just sayin'.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


He's like herpes or something. He's annoying and will not go away.


Strange as it may seem Catbus but some people may actual want to read what he has to say.

If he was doing it on off topic exclusively it would be a bit annoying to some but might even be entertaining to the more bizarre of us.

It's a shame Trooperman's thread has been riddled full of holes though.


I go away for one weekend, and this place falls apart. ;)

I'll be home tomorrow, if anyone cares.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?