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The Empire Strikes Back is a "junk movie" — Page 7


I think most people here will agree that Empire is a great film.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Tyrphanax said:

I think most people here will agree that Empire is a great film.

It's is even better and more awesome knowing the backstory with the prequels trilogy, imaging how Darth Vader finds out "oh crap, padme's son surived and she gave birth to him, when i was on Coruscant and i thought that she died and had a miscarriage, her baby boy is now alive"!!!!!

So, Padme amidala is actually part of the storyline of episode 5, I guess, indirectly.......

And, imaging when Darth Vader tells luke skywalker "join me and together we can rule the galaxy as father and son", i get flashbacks of Mustafar and the unborn skywalker twins, and when the young handsome hot Darth Vader with the long hair (and hayden christensen!!!)

And, when the captain needa gets himself force-choked by vader, we get flashbacks of luke and leia's pregnant mother being force-choked (and luke and leia, indirectly being force-choked, since they're fetuses inside of her), on Mustafar, by the young darth vader before the suit, actually a few hours before he got the suit!!!!!

Anakin was only a young 23-year old man when he became darth vader and got the robot samurai suit, kinda like how Luke was tempted to the darkside of the force in/during episode 6 and he was only a young guy in his twenties too......



TV's Frink said:

Stop...just stop.

I have the right to my opinions.....

Stop being biased against the prequels for nostaglic reasons.....

Anyways, back on topic, let's discuss Episode 5-The Empire Strikes Back, and let me say something here....This movie makes 0%/100% sense for 1 reason, and one reason only; the meaning of the title.......

A New Hope-luke skywalker, whatever reason that he's is called the galaxy's last hope and only hope escapes me, makes no sense, i dont geddit, but at least i know that the title is a reference to him....

Return of the Jedi-Luke becomes a jedi knight, his father anakin skywalker becomes a jedi and "returns" to being a good guy once more again.....

The phantom menace-Darth Sidious, the mysterious dark lord of the Siths who is manipulating the bad guys behind the scenes in order to achieve his final, long-term goal........

attack of the clones-the clone wars have begun!!!!

 the revenge of the sith-again, i don't know, but episode 3 isn't relevant to this conversation

the empire strikes back- I have no idea whatsoever what that title means....


Father Skywalker said:

Stop being biased against the prequels for nostaglic reasons.....

My reasons are anything but nostaglic.


I wonder if twooffour has a little brother who is more annoying than arrogant.  Hmmmm....


Well, I think it has something to do with the Empire.  Yes, that seems right.  And I think they suffered a defeat in the first film.  But, if I recall, they struck back at their enemies.  I'm guessing this is all somehow related to the title.


Father Skywalker said:

What is the meaning of the title "the empire strikes back"???

It was taken from one of the early drafts of what was then known as "Episode 2". In it there was a new Sith lord that was trying to challenge Darth Vader's position. His name was Darth Back. At the climax there was to be an intergalactic boxing match. Darth vader represented the Empire and Darth Back represented himself. At the end of the match Back was beaten and Vader invited all the Imperial commanders to beat the crap out of Back, striking deadly blows. hence the original working title "The Empire Strikes Darth Back"




The second draft shortened it to just, "The Empire Strikes Back," which is saying the same thing. But then Lucas felt that the boxing idea was too real-world, so he changed it to a lightsaber match instead. Gary Kurtz suggested it would be better if he fought Luke instead of Darth Back, so that's where the climactic saber duel originated from. Darth Back was eventually cut down to a side character, and they even made prototype action figures of him, but his few scenes were all cut out. There have been bootleg prototype toys on eBay from time to time but none are authentic.


Wait, are you telling me, that my nearly complete collection of Darth Back action figures is not authentic? But surely the "Darth Back's castle on Kashyyyk" model must be genuine. Most of the money my parents saved for my college went into that collectible.


Wexter said:

Wait, are you telling me, that my nearly complete collection of Darth Back action figures is not authentic? But surely the "Darth Back's castle on Kashyyyk" model must be genuine. Most of the money my parents saved for my college went into that collectible.


Besides, how exactly did Darth Vader plan to overthrow the emperor???


What do you think the boxing match was for? Vader is testing Darth Back. If Darth Back can defeat Vader then he proves he is strong enough to be his apprentice; if Vader can beat him, then is useless and deserves a pummeling.

Lucas re-used the same idea for Episode III. Palpatine is testing Anakin with Dooku to see if he is strong enough but Dooku doesn't know it.

"It's like poetry, it rhyms."


Bingowings said:

Darth Ion is cannon.

Lets stop spamming and actually discuss the topic of episode 5, which, I want to discuss right now, how did darth vader plan on ovethrowing darth sidious and becoming emperor of the galactic empire himself????


Father Skywalker said:

Bingowings said:

Darth Ion is cannon.

Lets stop spamming and actually discuss the topic of episode 5, which, I want to discuss right now, how did darth vader plan on ovethrowing darth sidious and becoming emperor of the galactic empire himself????

He'd kill him



zombie84 said:

"It's like poetry, it rhyms."

What the HELL does that even mean???

It rhymes like poetry???


Jaitea said:

Father Skywalker said:

Bingowings said:

Darth Ion is cannon.

Lets stop spamming and actually discuss the topic of episode 5, which, I want to discuss right now, how did darth vader plan on ovethrowing darth sidious and becoming emperor of the galactic empire himself????

He'd kill him


Why not just capture him or imprison him or do something like that???


Father Skywalker said:

Jaitea said:

Father Skywalker said:

Bingowings said:

Darth Ion is cannon.

Lets stop spamming and actually discuss the topic of episode 5, which, I want to discuss right now, how did darth vader plan on ovethrowing darth sidious and becoming emperor of the galactic empire himself????

He'd kill him


Why not just capture him or imprison him or do something like that???

Yep....then kill him



Father Skywalker said:

Jaitea said:

Father Skywalker said:

Bingowings said:

Darth Ion is cannon.

Lets stop spamming and actually discuss the topic of episode 5, which, I want to discuss right now, how did darth vader plan on ovethrowing darth sidious and becoming emperor of the galactic empire himself????

He'd kill him


Why not just capture him or imprison him or do something like that???

Why not just bombard him with pointless suggestions and wonky speculations so he has to spend so much time explaining how nonsensical they are that he doesn't notice an obvious coup d'état


I know this is not a place to advertise, but I have a collection of 19 mint-condition Darth Back live-action figures with accessories and sets for sale at a reasonable price. If anyone is interested, please, PM me.


Father Skywalker said:

Bingowings said:

Darth Ion is cannon.

Lets stop spamming

You're funny.


Bingowings said:

Father Skywalker said:

Jaitea said:

Father Skywalker said:

Bingowings said:

Darth Ion is cannon.

Lets stop spamming and actually discuss the topic of episode 5, which, I want to discuss right now, how did darth vader plan on ovethrowing darth sidious and becoming emperor of the galactic empire himself????

He'd kill him


Why not just capture him or imprison him or do something like that???

Why not just bombard him with pointless suggestions and wonky speculations so he has to spend so much time explaining how nonsensical they are that he doesn't notice an obvious coup d'état

Did Darth Vader want Luke Skywalker to be his 2nd-in command, kinda like the same role that palpatine gave anakin, or did he want Luke to be another Emperor?? When he said "join me and together we can rule the galaxy as father and son", was he referring to a diuumvarate, where 2 dictators share equal power, or he was just offering Luke a higher-up position of power in the empire???


TV's Frink said:

Father Skywalker said:

Bingowings said:

Darth Ion is cannon.

Lets stop spamming

You're funny.

So is george carlin, too bad i found out about him not even half a year after he died...... I hate finding out about somebody just a little bit too late!!!!!!


Father Skywalker said:

TV's Frink said:

You're funny.

So is george carlin, too bad i found out about him not even half a year after he died...... I hate finding out about somebody just a little bit too late!!!!!!

Yeah, imagine all the fun you two could have had together....