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The Dream of the Giant Fractal Woodlouse. — Page 19


suspiciouscoffee said:

I’m going to leave out the sexy bits and focus on the nightmarish plot.

For some reason, a clandestine group of Hollywood higher-ups decided that certain movies—chosen arbitrarily—no longer existed. All copies were inexplicably purged from home collections in the middle of the night. I spent a night in a small hotel, and happened to have some of the movies that were banned with me, thus not at home to be destroyed. It was entirely coincidental, as I didn’t know about the purge.

I got a text from someone saying his house was on fire and he needed help, but I kept either passing out or being attacked and knocked out by my brother every time I would try to leave and help him. Eventually I made it to his place, but everything was fine by then.

I had to go back to the high school for some event, and while there, I started catching on to the grand movie conspiracy, because I noticed people disappearing or being murdered just for mentioning the movies that were banned. I went home and saw a disc explode. I figured pretty soon that I was going to die, but when someone arrived to kill me, I killed him first. Then I realized that society was meaningless, and began roaming the streets naked.

Then, it all went crazy.



TV’s Frink said:

suspiciouscoffee said:

I’m going to leave out the sexy bits and focus on the nightmarish plot.

For some reason, a clandestine group of Hollywood higher-ups decided that certain movies—chosen arbitrarily—no longer existed. All copies were inexplicably purged from home collections in the middle of the night. I spent a night in a small hotel, and happened to have some of the movies that were banned with me, thus not at home to be destroyed. It was entirely coincidental, as I didn’t know about the purge.

I got a text from someone saying his house was on fire and he needed help, but I kept either passing out or being attacked and knocked out by my brother every time I would try to leave and help him. Eventually I made it to his place, but everything was fine by then.

I had to go back to the high school for some event, and while there, I started catching on to the grand movie conspiracy, because I noticed people disappearing or being murdered just for mentioning the movies that were banned. I went home and saw a disc explode. I figured pretty soon that I was going to die, but when someone arrived to kill me, I killed him first. Then I realized that society was meaningless, and began roaming the streets naked.

Then, it all went crazy.





suspiciouscoffee said:

TV’s Frink said:

suspiciouscoffee said:

I’m going to leave out the sexy bits and focus on the nightmarish plot.

For some reason, a clandestine group of Hollywood higher-ups decided that certain movies—chosen arbitrarily—no longer existed. All copies were inexplicably purged from home collections in the middle of the night. I spent a night in a small hotel, and happened to have some of the movies that were banned with me, thus not at home to be destroyed. It was entirely coincidental, as I didn’t know about the purge.

I got a text from someone saying his house was on fire and he needed help, but I kept either passing out or being attacked and knocked out by my brother every time I would try to leave and help him. Eventually I made it to his place, but everything was fine by then.

I had to go back to the high school for some event, and while there, I started catching on to the grand movie conspiracy, because I noticed people disappearing or being murdered just for mentioning the movies that were banned. I went home and saw a disc explode. I figured pretty soon that I was going to die, but when someone arrived to kill me, I killed him first. Then I realized that society was meaningless, and began roaming the streets naked.

Then, it all went crazy.





Had myself a dream where I meet both Heather Langenkamp & Brooke Shields at a convention. My reaction was thus.


My latest dream(s):

In my hometown, on the waterfront of the lake closest to me, were buildings constructed from old apple bins. The bins had been arranged/stacked together then bolted in place.

I was watching/inside some (nonexistent) Kim Wilde music videos. At least one of them was set in my hometown. In this particular video, she walked backward through town, from the lake to the highway. As this was happening, the seasons were passing in reverse, from summer through to winter. During the dream, I caught some of the lyrics; they weren’t bad, but could’ve used some polishing (I forget these lyrics soon after I awoke.).

Finally, Ms. Wilde & I met up in a local thrift store. We made some chit-chat in front a small shelf bearing gaudy, ugly clothing.


I kept starting and exiting this turn-based medieval strategy game. Eventually I decided to actually play. Now, I was a soldier (though still dressed in everyday clothes) marching in line with my cousin from the TV room to the bathroom. To motivate us, our commander told us the last one to get to the bathroom would be killed. An ostrich rider fell noticeably behind, so upon reaching the bathroom, the commander pinned the ostrich down, and stepped on its neck ‘till it was dead. Now we marched back to begin some kind of Lego related battle game, and our base was the TV room (I have lego on the shelves there). My cousin Frodo suggested we loot the shelves while no one was looking.

Now I was at the kitchen sink downstairs, washing a suitcase to which had been attached a label saying owner had been accused of wife-beating and had to appear in court. I then handed it to Johnny Depp’s wife, telling her not to shoot the messenger (a message probably better addressed to Depp himself, but told myself he’d best be avoided at the moment, given he’d probably be mad) (an eerily appropriate statement, given I haven’t followed this story in the slightest).

Still downstairs, me and some others began wondering what the other team was doing that was taking so long. We knew they were in the TV room, and were waiting for them to strike. I guess I must’ve switched sides. I head towards the staircase to check it out when I see my cousin sitting on the steps, and below him, my brother pushing what I can only describe as a monstrous-looking black Lego lawnmower covered in Lego blades (though it does not function as such, serving more as a battle tank), with my cat sitting happily in a compartment on top. The siege has begun.


I was in a hidden room, being given a tour by the person in charge. They explained to me that they conduct experiments on how various foods affect aging. I could see tons of children in small vats covered in filth, presumably being fed nothing but one food. The experiments were highly illegal, due to how unethical they were, but I promised not to spill the beans, if only to not have a price on my head. We looked out one doorway into the hallway. There was a guy watching us. We didn’t go out. I was lead out another door into the hallway. There was a guy watching us. A moment later, someone came to tell us that guy was watching us, and I told him I knew.

Now I was heading to floor 3a, which I reminded myself was floor 4. I was going up the stair, balancing some huge metal thing I was carrying in both arms. I reached the top and there was a cafeteria. I headed right to order something to eat. The line wasn’t moving, and everyone, including the one taking the orders, was dancing, so I left. I went to the counter directly in front of the stairs (though some distance away) and looked to see if there was anything good to buy. I decide I’ll get the egg muffin again, and head left to the start of the line. It’s a pretty long line, and more people are getting in line, such as a group of three who were in front of me in the other line. I follow the group after them to get a tray, but make sure to hurry to get in line before them. I realize the tray I grabbed, and half of the few remaining were actually folders and went “fuck it” and quickly tossed it back and got in line without a tray. I figured I could carry the two things I was getting in my hands with ease.

Later, I’m at a table with some friends. I can’t say my friend’s secret (he’s sitting across from me. btw), so I just say that I saw two secrets (the former being what my friend showed me, and the latter being the experiment I saw directly after), and they start trying to guess what it is. I tell them they’re not some events, but rather
organizations. Before I let slip more about these secret societies, I think an alarm conveniently rings, and we leave.

Now we are outside. Among the crowd, there is someone dressed in a blue attire with a kipa, who for some reason I deduce is supposed to be Jesus, and some followers. We head to the courtyard. The Jesus cosplayer follows, now wearing nothing but a robe and what I can only describe as Hela’s crown from Thor: Ragnarok (a movie I haven’t even seen). His followers are preparing to mount him onto the clocktower clock to represent the crucifixion. I think to myself it was funny at first, but this is getting out of hand. I try to back away to the most neutral position I can, avoiding siding with another group that, while also against this act, were firmly and proudly christian. Thus I place myself between the two. Then the fireworks start. Someone starts lighting them from the center of the courtyard, and sending them flying upwards. I head to the back of the courtyard where the anti-crucifixion-reconstruction Christians were. I’m too busy blocking my ears to actually watch the fireworks, for some reason. Many of the fire away from the courtyard, further out from where I am.

Suddenly, a responsible adult steps and says to stop the fireworks. The person lighting the fireworks doesn’t hear, and lights another match. Someone closer to him repeats what she said, and the guy hears, turning off the match by grasping the flame with his fingers. She heads from the back area where I was to in front of the clock tower, and I follow. She says “Your coins are now useless. All that YouTube ad revenue…” No one is allowed to exchange any money. I say “Finally! These people are insane.” in reference to halting the dangerous crucifixion reconstruction, which involves putting a person very high in the air, and the unauthorized start of the fireworks. I head off the way I came.


My last dream was set in a Soylent Green-type near future, after the Americas had devolved into Third World countries, where hoarding soap was illegal.

The Mask got into a fight with a supervillain who resembled Billy Idol. They unleashed nuclear attacks upon each other, but as they were both essentially omnipotent, they weren’t able to inflict injury on one another. Then faux Billy became a chrome-sheathed villain with no face. Every superhero from the MCU confronted Chrome No-Face and crucified him to a crystal objet d’art, reciting a prayer as they did so; I thought to myself that the prayer was too exclusively Judeo-Christian for the more omnist orientation of the Marvel Universe.

I was then inside a dilapidated office building. While actual office work went on inside some of the rooms, in most people were just partying and engaging in drug abuse & illicit sex. I was striding room-to-room, lip-syncing to the Nine Inch Nails song “The Hand That Feeds” which was loudly playing from some nebulous source. While doing this, I came across a woman who resembled Tori Amos; I took her by the shoulders, lifted her to eye level, then kissed her succulent lips.


I keep having dreams where everyone yells at me for being a terrible person. It’s like Curb Your Enthusiasm, but distressing.


I dreamt that I was cosplaying a Transformer (don’t remember which) and a friend was too (he was Hot Rod, fitting since this particular friend is actually hot).



The earliest part of this dream I recall is standing in the living room and noticing a heavily rewritten-&-reshot version of Stargate Origins playing on the TV; unlike the real SGO, the costumes looked good and the plot wasn’t shit. Then my father started complaining about something, and so I left the room.

It was late August, but the weather was unseasonably cool, so it felt more like fall. I found a medium-sized lizard outside; it had grown sluggish from the chilly weather. Carefully, I picked it up — it had sharp teeth and didn’t like being handled, so I wasn’t gonna be careless — then brought it to the garage so it could go into suspended animation in a sheltered area. The Joker then appeared and started handling the lizard, subtly implying he was going to harm the creature. After some minutes spent begging the Joker to put the lizard alone and leave, he lost interest in the animal, set it down, and went away.

I was then taking a leisurely walk in the back yard. A sensation of foreboding fell upon me, a strange “time lapse photography” effect occurred in the sky, and I suddenly found myself in the dead of winter. Going back to my house, I found things were stranger than I ever could have believed; I had experienced a time warp, and was now 62 years into the future. Having taken anti-aging drugs, my parents were still alive (indeed, they looked younger & healthier than they do now in real life) and my sister had had a sex change; she now had man-abs & a three-man army in her pants (Yet for reasons I don’t understand, she still wore her hair long and was wearing makeup.).


I hate it when the power goes out then I dream a series of dreams about the power coming back on. It’s a frustrating waste of the subconscious.


DuracellEnergizer said:

I hate it when the power goes out then I dream a series of dreams about the power coming back on. It’s a frustrating waste of the subconscious.

I have dreams like this all of the time. It’s really frustrating and disorientating.


Had myself an unwelcome bout of sleep paralysis.

I was in bed, dozing, when I heard my sister calling for me upstairs. Her voice sounded distant, muffled, so I figured I was asleep and dreaming all this and didn’t bother to get up or respond. Then I heard the music from the Pink Floyd song “In the Flesh” playing in the background; it was if my sister had turned it on at full-volume to rouse me from sleep, though it had the same distant, muffled quality her voice had. Then I felt myself being shaken. I opened my eyes and saw three figures over me; the first was my father — some 20-30 years younger than he is now; the second was a rail-thin man with fine hair and stringy beard who looked vaguely familiar; the third was out in the corner of my eye, and I couldn’t see them clearly (my sister?). My father looked kinda-sorta concerned for me, but the second man had something of a malevolent look on his face, and he moved forward in a creepy herky-jerky fashion. All of them made these unsettling noises, like something between roars and hisses. I shut my eyes and tried to move, but couldn’t. Then I felt a weird sensation, like the room was quaking around me. Then it was over and I was fully awake.

I guess this is what comes of a night spent watching horror movies and reading Hellboy comics.


Last night, I had the most terrible nightmare. Now this is unusual for me, because I rarely have dreams I consider nightmares; I may experience scenarios/imagery that is bizarre, even creepy, but rarely do they frighten me. The one I experienced last night, though, was a bona fide nightmare — quite possibly the worst I’ve ever had.

Thankfully, I remember very little of it. What I do remember, however, I wish I could forget. Imagine being trapped in a Fulci/Cronenberg collaboration — filled with murder, rape, bestiality, and humans transforming into grotesque monstrosities — and being unable to escape no matter how hard you try; that gives you some idea of what I experienced.

If there’s a positive to all this, it’s that I’m no longer eagre to experiment with hallucinogens. If my sleeping mind can subject me to such horrors, I’m positively afraid of what my waking mind on acid could subject me to.


I snuck into the house of a girl who goes to my school and brutally attacked her with a metal baseball bat while she and her boyfriend pleaded for me to stop. Once I’d killed her I started screaming in remorse since I regretted it. I woke up feeling both relieved that it hadn’t actually happened and disturbed that I could dream of such a thing.

Not enough people read the EU.


I dreamt that my Nan and I discovered a bunch of notes written by my own mother detailing her sexual attraction towards me and the fact that she had molested me as a young child. I was obviously disgusted at this, and even more so by the realisation that my father was the better of my parents (yikes). Mum wasn’t home and I dreaded how this discovery would turn my life upside down. Meanwhile, some of my friends were having a graduation (in real life I’ve only recently graduated from high school, woo) party right in my laundry. I walked in triumphantly and said “I got molested!” and they were like “ayyy” and high fived me.

Not enough people read the EU.


Dreamt last night my family were staying at some sort of resort or hotel. And my dad died again. Often in my dreams my dad didn’t die but had a row with my mum and moved out and I visit him in his flat where he isn’t coping too well. I guess it’s anxiety, entering my 50th year. If I make it through to my dad’s birthday I will have outlived him. In the dream everyone was roughly the same age when he died last time but more stoic. I had to explain death to some random little girl and I didn’t have a photo of him.


I’ve been having dreams of late that would SOUND like sexual dreams to describe them, but while dreaming them they weren’t at all.

One example, lots of nude women in a sauna, but all they were doing was asking questions about a survey they had to fill out.

TAFKA TheBoost