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***The "Darth Editous" Episode V DVD Info and Feedback Thread*** - a work in progress — Page 8

I like the improvements on Palpatine. I think DE's latest version is a bit too soft, though.

Laserman's revision looks nice. I personally think it looks better without the eyes.

You know of the rebellion against the Empire?

I used firefox 'find' key on every page, and I have yet to see anything reguarding the 'blue vs white' snow. Are you planning on color correcting that to make it white?

Also, will you fix the lightsaber inconsistency?

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em

I seem to recall DE said he wasn't going to play with the colour as it didn't really bother him....I could be mistaken though.
Originally posted by: Darth Editous
It's time to play spot the difference!


It's an XVID AVI, and it's a bit dark so you might need to crank up the brightness.


Hey, can you put this back up somewhere? Can't find it.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em

DE- I like the third one. I think the sharpness of Palpatine's face was too much for my eyes to take. I like the softer, more "mysterious" version that you're working on in the third pic.
Originally posted by: bkevHey, can you put this back up somewhere? Can't find it.

Try this: http://www.filefactory.com/file/d33b4d/

DE, I have a few suggestions for Jedi (a bit early I know, but one can always hope that telling in advance will let people know that it's important.

1. Fix lightsaber inconsistency by adding a more visible core.
example of 04 DVD: http://www.dvdactive.com/images/editorial/screenshot/2006/8/sabers2004a.jpg
2. Old sarlaac pit, perhaps?
3. Lapti Nek re-insertion. May seem like an ADM rip-off decision, but it would definitely be worth it. And keep the extra Ula scene from the SE of her in the Rancor den if possible.
4. Take the audio of the victory celebration from the original SE's. That may sound strange to some, but it makes sense to me; in the 04 DVD, a chorus of children or something was added in the background at the Ewok celebration, and that always bugged me.
5. Remove the Naboo scene completely, only makes the celebration more tedious.
6. Bring back the eyebrows of Shaw, despite what inconsistency it may bring. Seems so odd and creepy to see the man without eyebrows.
7. Menus ripped from the GOUT. When I rented it I was impressed because it was simple compared to the 04 DVDs and was easy to navigate; plus you didn't have to go through all the trouble of watching the eyecatches any time you chose a new section
Hope that these suggestions strike your interest DE.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em

Originally posted by: bkev
DE, I have a few suggestions for Jedi (a bit early I know, but one can always hope that telling in advance will let people know that it's important.

1. Fix lightsaber inconsistency by adding a more visible core.

Definitely under consideration

2. Old sarlaac pit, perhaps?
3. Lapti Nek re-insertion. May seem like an ADM rip-off decision, but it would definitely be worth it. And keep the extra Ula scene from the SE of her in the Rancor den if possible.

That means taking footage from a lower quality source - something I really don't want to do, and if I do, I'd like to use X0 as the source. At the very least, Jedi Rocks will be cut down drastically.

4. Take the audio of the victory celebration from the original SE's. That may sound strange to some, but it makes sense to me; in the 04 DVD, a chorus of children or something was added in the background at the Ewok celebration, and that always bugged me.

I kinda like the new music.

5. Remove the Naboo scene completely, only makes the celebration more tedious.

Right now I'm leaning towards removing all the off-world celebrations.

6. Bring back the eyebrows of Shaw, despite what inconsistency it may bring. Seems so odd and creepy to see the man without eyebrows.

I find the bushy eyebrows more creepy

7. Menus ripped from the GOUT. When I rented it I was impressed because it was simple compared to the 04 DVDs and was easy to navigate; plus you didn't have to go through all the trouble of watching the eyecatches any time you chose a new section

My editions don't have any menus, they just go straight into the movie.

Hmmm ... I thought I replied to this but I guess not. DE, feel free to use my version of Lapti if you so desire. I'd rather see the original version of course, but what I did may be a happy medium between the OOT and the SE.
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
Originally posted by: Darth Editous
Originally posted by: bkev

4. Take the audio of the victory celebration from the original SE's. That may sound strange to some, but it makes sense to me; in the 04 DVD, a chorus of children or something was added in the background at the Ewok celebration, and that always bugged me.

I kinda like the new music.
Right now I'm leaning towards removing all the off-world celebrations.

I don't know about the choice to remove all of the otherworld celebration; the Cloud City and Coruscant (spell?) scenes from the original SE and onward would be worth keeping IMO. And the music in the victory celebration, I like the SE's version. I'm not talking about the difference from the OT to the SE, I'm talking SE to 04. It's a subtle difference, really. I'll try to get an audio snippet if I can from my Pan&Scan VHS.
Thank you very much for your quick response and answers DE.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em

Your edit probably won't be ready until my edit is over, so feel free to use my footage, excluding the Hayden double, DE. I would also try to avoid XO and use the Vintage Edit coming out soon.
Film Reinvented
Come On!
Originally posted by: RemixerBoss
I would also try to avoid XO and use the Vintage Edit coming out soon.

I'm fairly sure that doesn't make any sense, since the Vintage Edit (I think) will use laserdisc footage to restore non-SE elements. So... the X0 project would be the best to use if DE were to incorporate any laserdisc footage.

I used to be very active on this forum. I’m not really anymore. Sometimes, people still want to get in touch with me about something, and that is great! If that describes you, please email me at [my username]ATgmailDOTcom.

Hi everybody. You’re all awesome. Keep up the good work.

OK, after listening to the SE again, there's no difference - it's just the surround mix makes the voices much more noticable.
Were you to remove all the off-world celebrations, I'd recomment using Yub Nub - but it is your call.
Any progress on ESB?

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em

Darth Editous, first of all I gotta say: you're the man. This is a huge contribution you are making and its very considerate of you to allow our input into your work. I really don't like seeing Ian McDiarmid as the emporer though, and I wish there was a way you could keep the old emperor's hologram, face, and audio untouched. I don't see anything wrong with the original, and I just think Ian McDiarmid looks like a crackhead. I know can do this project however you want, but I was wondering how strongly you felt about changing the emporer, and also I am wondering how other fans feel about the two different emperors.
Originally posted by: Darth Editous
Here's a screenshot showing 1) the original Emperor 2) my first attempt 3) my new (in-progress) attempt. What do you think?

Emperor evolution


This link, and the next one with Elmo, don't seem to be working anymore. I would love to see them, so would it be possible for you or someone else to make new links available? Thanks.

My crazy vinyl LP blog

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My Retro blog

Dammit... I thought imgspot kept stuff for ages. I'll have a look for Elmo tomorrow, though I don't have that Emperor comparison shot any more.

never mind, it's noted in your first post DE

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em

DE, is there any chance you could re-post some of the older pics on this thread that have disappeared? I thought I saved them, but I can't find them anymore.
I guess I was thinking of the one of Luke losing his hand and a few others. I've been working on a set of covers (and what's more fun than having empty covers on your shelf?) These are mock-ups of what I have in mind...

Can you please switch the colors for SW and ESB? I've always thought of ESB as a "blue" movie.

You know of the rebellion against the Empire?

Originally posted by: Erikstormtrooper

Can you please switch the colors for SW and ESB? I've always thought of ESB as a "blue" movie.

agreed. i think its all the snow and ice. also i think of sw as tan because of the sand. but anyway, cool covers

ThrowgnCpr’s edits on Fanedit.org

Didn't you guys have this same argument in the last DE thread? ;D

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em

Exactly. Yeah, I can do that.