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***The "Darth Editous" Episode IV DVD Info and Feedback Thread*** - a partially "de-specialed" DVD — Page 28

ADM, do you remember what it was we had to do to get that flipped AOTC opening working in Womble without reencoding? I think I had to match the bitrate, but I don't remember which bitrate (I think it was the maximum bitrate), or which program's decision we took as to what that bitrate was... can you remember? What does Womble report as the bitrate of that clip? Does it match the (maximum) bitrate of the whole film?

We thought it was the bitrate at the time, but it turned out it was the pulldown flag. The new segment had been encoded as 23.xxx w/o the pulldown flag, while the surrounding clips had the flag, which Womble interprets as 29.xxx. I've mixed bitrates for some time since with no problem, so long as the maximum doesn't exceed the maximum allowed.

SW had 9800 bitrates on the video and the most I could get in TMPGEnc was 8000 anyway, so I couldn't break the ceiling if I wanted to. All the Supermans have their video at 7500, incidentally. Any clips I've done for the purposes of FX have been at 7999 or 8000 which has worked fine.
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
In that case:

Bang! and the Gus is gone! It's missing the last frame for some reason (probably TMPGEnc trying to align things for pulldown) but that shouldn't matter to you.

Good heavens! How'd you do it so quickly? I must've spent an hour on one second worth of film which turned out to be garbage.

It looks astounding too! Just beautiful! As with any time I ask for your help, I can't thank you enough in the end. Folks following this thread should compare those two clips and note the timeframe in which Editous pulled this off.
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
It helps that the functions I used are already written and in a library - for a long time I just rewrote stuff as I needed it, but now I've got quite a collection of functions, some of which assist with image tracking. Track two points and you can allow for zooms (I had to manually set one zoom factor because of a tracking failure). I used a total of three masks to cover Gus, fading in and out between them as necessary. By the end of it I only had to handpaint one frame

I bow down before thee!
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
What are you writing your 'routines' in?
Hehe sequential TGA files are my weapon of choice also - no bloody codecs to get in the way.
Originally posted by: ADigitalMan
Folks following this thread should compare those two clips and note the timeframe in which Editous pulled this off.

I just watched them and yes, quite a feat! Even if he did have some shortcuts to use, I know how little time there was from when you asked to when you received. Looks great, and a bit odd too, with those two guys looking at nothing now.

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Heh ... I figured that would always be a flaw, but it's a lesser flaw than Richard Pryor flapping his arms. Hopefully the focus will stay on Superman, but for those in the know, the miners will always be looking at a ghost.

Okay, sorry to derail the thread. Back on topic.
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
Or you could morph them a little to tone down their movements to make it less obvious.
How about starting a thread over in the non star wars section, then it can be discussed at length.

DE, you are a coding kind of guy, had you thought about applying an N dimensional pdf transfer to get the SE colour to better match one of the laserdisc releases? I've had really good results in the past matching different plates this way, it should work an absolute charm when the actual frame content is the same, and you shouldn't get the banding issues etc. you were experienceoing. (It still works amazingly well even when the frame content is very different, so for this application it should work extremely well)
Yah... you're gonna have to explain what an N-dimensional PDF transfer is, first... besides, I have no idea how to go about writing an AVISynth filter, which is the only easy way to apply this that springs to mind. And further besides, as I've mentioned before, I don't have a big issue with the colours on the DVD.

It is basically a way to do an automatic colour match between two images using one as the source. The great thing about it is the images don't actually have to be the same, which is handy for matching up footage shot at different times of the day automatically.
But it would work even better when the images are pretty close, like two different transfers of the same film.
Most packages just do a median/mean colour match, (Like combustion's colour match tool, you pick the low, the high and the 'average' colour to match to)but in this methodyou get the probability density function for both images (the pdf) and effectively transfer it exactly across to the target image. The result is a pretty damn good colour match without the banding, noise and misconvergence you typically get.
By iterating single dimensional pdf transfers you end up with an extremely close match.

I have the math kicking around somewhere and the siggraph notes, it isn't that hard to implement and gives great results. I've been using it to pull together all of the various sources we have into a cohesive whole, just thought you might find it useful (plus a standalone pdf colour matcher is something that would be very useful, mine is coded into Shake scripts which isn't useful to the majority of people on these forums)

I'll dig out the details and post it over in the tech forum.

My non-SW thread has been updated. We'll take the discussion over there.
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
btw, I'm looking for a DVD cover for this release. I know one was made, but I can't seem to locate it anymore. Anyone have a link to it?

O.T. or No T., baby!

ANH:R Cover Art

ESB:R Cover Art

Two more things fixed - a second shot of the detention block elevator door, and a Stormtrooper flashing a bit of skin. Fingers crossed for a weekend release - just setting the PAL chapter points, with the NTSC to be encoded tonight (it needed redoing anyway, I used the wrong GOP size last time).

Originally posted by: Savage
btw, I'm looking for a DVD cover for this release. I know one was made, but I can't seem to locate it anymore. Anyone have a link to it?

I can post it tonight if no one beats me to it. (hint, hint!)
Originally posted by: Savage
btw, I'm looking for a DVD cover for this release. I know one was made, but I can't seem to locate it anymore. Anyone have a link to it?

Here is what you seek:

Problem: Many people liked the red-blue-green scheme, but I personally prefer the blue-red-green scheme.

Solution: Now there are two sets!

Set 1:


Set 2:


Thank God there was no debate about the color of ROTJ.

So here are the two versions of ANH. First Blue:


CLICK HERE for full-size BLUE cover.


Full-Res Blue Label

Then Red:


CLICK HERE for full-size RED cover.


Full-Res Red Label

There will be red and blue versions of the ESB cover.


You know of the rebellion against the Empire?

Erik, could I be a real pedant and request versions of those covers which don't say NTSC? It's not the only untruth (there's no copy control on MY discs, and they certainly aren't authorised by anyone ) but without it the cover would be equally valid for all three releases.

If it's okay with you, I'll put links to the covers in the torrents.


PS Did you use parts of my label for the background image on the back of the cover?

I currently have the "NTSC ALL" logo on there. If I just remove "NTSC" and leave the globe with "ALL", is that OK?

There is no CC "Close Captioned" logo. If you look closely, that's actually a DE "Darth Edited" logo. I don't know if anyone ever caught that.

Are there any other logos or text that bother you? Except for the NTSC and CC logos, that's actually the bottom of the 2004 DVD cover (I guess I got lazy with that part). So you won't offend me if you want something else modified or removed.

Are there any screenshots on the back that need to be updated for version 3 (are you still using the green R5)?

I have no problem if you want to put links to the covers in the torrents. Actually, I would be honored. But I'd prefer if I could get a chance to make a few of your requested tweaks before you do it, assuming that's convenient for you.

And yes. That is your original disc label artwork peeking through on the back cover.

You know of the rebellion against the Empire?

I did spot the DE logo Removing NTSC is the only thing I'd ask you to change. None of those shots have been updated, although I have repainted all the other sabre shots on the Falcon, so if you wanted to use a close-up of Luke, I'll post one somewhere.
