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***The "Darth Editous" Episode IV DVD Info and Feedback Thread*** - a partially "de-specialed" DVD — Page 26

For your consideration:


There's an extra frame of this single laser blast now, which makes it look a little slower, but also more deliberate. Han's an extra 33% mean!

Simply Perfect

"The Empire can't stop us now..now its our turn" -Luke-

DE: you didn't by any chance use the '97 sound mix for this version, did you? I seem to recall you allowing for the possibility earlier . . . If not maybe too late now, but it seems it would so much more watchable if you used that version instead of the botched '04 sound. Pretty please? Just a thought.
Looks good to me, but I can't help but wonder what it would look like if you shaved three frames off immediately after cutting to Han preparing to fire, and an additional three immediately after the frame where the laser blast disappears from the screen (into Greedo). As it stands, there seems to be too much delay between Han saying, "I'll bet you have," and firing his gun. And again between the laser blast disappearing and the subsequent explosion. Cutting those six frames may speed it up just enough, however, I don't know if it would affect the sound mix (skip or jump).

Just something I'd like to see although it may not even work.

I still can't wait to have this edit/fix, which I'll consider the "ultimate" version of Star Wars, that is, until you do the same re-edit of the eventual hi-def release, right?


O.T. or No T., baby!

ANH:R Cover Art

ESB:R Cover Art

DE: you didn't by any chance use the '97 sound mix for this version, did you?

Nope, sorry. It has its problems but I prefer the new mix. I haven't corrected the swapped music, because I can't tell the difference, but I have put back in the fanfare as the X-Wings dive on the Death Star, re-equalised lots of dialogue and other stuff. I have kept the new Krait Dragon call - the original sounds more like a Dewback and less like the kind of noise a human could make.

Cutting those six frames may speed it up just enough, however, I don't know if it would affect the sound mix (skip or jump).

I think that would make the shot too short.

I think that would make the shot too short.

Yep, you're right. I did a quick edit of those frames myself and it is way too quick of a shot.

O.T. or No T., baby!

ANH:R Cover Art

ESB:R Cover Art

Thanks for your continued diligence, DE!

I just watched the Han & Greedo clip and the smoothness of it was nice to see. Just one more thing that makes me think "why can Darth Editous make these fixes look so good, but the company that made it in the first place seems not to care about so many of the problems?" I guess time, effort, and no deadlines to deal with makes a big difference, too.

Looking forward to seeing your "final" version. (I put final in brackets because, well, will it really be? )

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Looking forward to seeing your "final" version. (I put final in brackets because, well, will it really be? )

I'm looking forward to this as well.

Don't confuse DE with GL.
Originally posted by: SluggoDon't confuse DE with GL.

Certainly not! He has already gone back to it before, though. Nothing wrong with a bit of procrastination, of course, especially when the end result is an actual improvement. For that, we can all be very thankful. Plus, had Lucas actually done a truly great, possibly perfect restoration, these fun fan projects might not be out there to the extent they are.

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More changes:

• Replaced the washed out green Falcon that disappears into hyperspace
• Straightened the opening crawl
• Repaint of lasers (opening shot only)

Is this version still going to be ready to download by the weekend?

"The Empire can't stop us now..now its our turn" -Luke-

Is this version still going to be ready to download by the weekend?

I expect to have the Xvid version available, at least. Right now I'm just umming and ahhing about applying a global gamma correction of 1.5 to bring it all up to a decent brightness (it really helps bring the stars out too).

Right now I'm just umming and ahhing about applying a global gamma correction of 1.5 to bring it all up to a decent brightness (it really helps bring the stars out too)

To quote a certain evil dictator, "Do it."

As long as it makes it look better, that is...

O.T. or No T., baby!

ANH:R Cover Art

ESB:R Cover Art

Originally posted by: Savage
As long as it makes it look better, that is...

Yeah, it sounds like one of those things that could work very well in some scenes, but maybe not so much in others. But what do I know? At any rate, another interesting development, to be sure.

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Hmm... on the one hand the original DVD is way too dark, but on the other hand, adjusting the levels is going to bring up noise, cause posterisation, etc, so there's a good case to be made for leaving it as is and leaving it to people to adjust their sets. I suspect keeping the original levels will make encoding more efficient, too...

Edit: never mind, I figured out what was wrong with my levels boosting - it looks a lot nicer now so I'm going ahead with it. Spotted something else to correct though...

Another delay - there's something going wrong with my Xvid encode. I suspect it's AVISynth's Lanczos resize falling over on a particular frame, so I'll have to use the VDub filter instead.

Good luck with the Xvid encode! Any word on the DVD releases?

Take care,
Good luck with the Xvid encode! Any word on the DVD releases?

They take a little longer - overnight encodes, like Xvid, but then there's chapters to mark and stuff. And I've just been pressed into producing another TV ad for work which I'll need to spend some time on. Xvid should definitely be done next weekend if not before, DVDs perhaps the one after that.

Im looking forward to this new version of ANH with these new changes especially after how much I enjoyed the original version and do hope it is released before Xmas.
i like what's been done, to me these versions are the watchable "special editions"...BUT...

out of all the fan edits, all the good work put forth in making them...

NONE OF THEM HAVE LAK SIVRAK AKA WOLFMAN IN IT. i don't know how that doesn't annoy more people, specially the fan-editors who will mess with the most miniscule things. i HATE the cg alien replacements, they look terrible and so out of place. the most annoying and bothersome changes/sequences out of ALL movies, for me, is definitely the 20-30 minutes between the cantina scenes up to the end of the jabba scene.

(wolfman replaced, greedo shooting first/han and greedo shooting each other, bad cg jabba, jabba repeating greedo).

i cannot be the only one so bothered by it.
To be fair, the new aliens in the cantina aren't CG, they are masks. Though I do agree about Lak Sivrak, since this character did have a developed backstory in the EU that was actually pretty cool.

I used to be very active on this forum. I’m not really anymore. Sometimes, people still want to get in touch with me about something, and that is great! If that describes you, please email me at [my username]ATgmailDOTcom.

Hi everybody. You’re all awesome. Keep up the good work.

I would kinda like to see the wolfman in it, too, to keep it as original as possible. But as was said, not too many seem too worried about it. It would bring up a quality issue too, no? (i.e. laserdisc vs. DVD)

DE, are you going to compile a list of extra fixes made in the V2 and V3 versions somewhere? Maybe add them below the list in your original post? That would be great!

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Sorry guys, no wolfman in this edit...

DE, are you going to compile a list of extra fixes made in the V2 and V3 versions somewhere? Maybe add them below the list in your original post? That would be great!

I'll try, but I'm not sure I've kept a very accurate list. I can always compare it to insert files, although that wouldn't help for audio edits.

The second pass of the Xvid encode is at 90% as I type