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The Clone Wars: Refocused [COMPLETE] + Subtitles for season one! — Page 97


These last couple of comments about the Mortis episode illustrate the problem with that episode nicely- it’s very divisive. Some people love the force deep dive, and some find it kills the mystery. I’m still broadly satisfied with the solution being to keep the magic whilst making it more inexplicit, as it treads the middle path. And the episode is necessary, due to Morai and further revelations in the Ahsoka show. I will though, as promised, release an extended version sometime!

The Clone Wars: Refocused | Andor: Movie Omnibus


EddieDean said:

These last couple of comments about the Mortis episode illustrate the problem with that episode nicely- it’s very divisive. Some people love the force deep dive, and some find it kills the mystery. I’m still broadly satisfied with the solution being to keep the magic whilst making it more inexplicit, as it treads the middle path. And the episode is necessary, due to Morai and further revelations in the Ahsoka show. I will though, as promised, release an extended version sometime!

I think you did balance it out nicely. The original was a bit too specific in places and having Anakin see his future only to remove his memory afterwards felt a bit cheap.
The one scene I missed was the one with Anakin taming the siblings, just because it is a beautiful shot. But structurally, I do not know where it could still fit.

EddieDean said:

That’s still in the potentially pile, but I’ve got a feeling there wouldn’t be sufficient value.

An episodic version of Episode 3 (preferably based on Hal9000) would be very cool though.
Going back and forth between Anakins and Ahsokas story would add to the story.


Yeah, the siblings shot was a good looking one, but just far too explicit for me, even as a metaphor. And to address the prior comment about moving some of the Mortis content to other places - it’s a nice idea, and throughout the show I did look for places where I could shift good content from avoidable episodes to necessary ones, but ultimately there weren’t many opportunities where totally-removed episodes produced content that actively added value to a kept episode. I think the best example of that actually working was where I took the shots of baby Ahsoka meeting Plo Koon and put them in the Malevolence episode at the point where they’re reaching out to each other using the force. I think that ended up really beautiful.

Anyway, I suppose I should give a little update! I’d promised activity here and haven’t really delivered recently, though in principle this is still very much active. I’m struggling to find time to finish off that last bit of Andor, but once that’s done, I’m back to a bit more targeted polish here and there on this project, and especially the extended episodes.

The Clone Wars: Refocused | Andor: Movie Omnibus


If you are going back to the Mortis Arc: Maybe the Life and Death Episode from TotJ could be integrated here via visions when Ahsoka gets posessed?

Thematically, it seems like it is worth a shot with Ahsoka getting into a bad situation, closing in on death and then making it out alive through the force…
Also, it would be a nice callback to Ahsokas visions in the bonus Episode.

As it stands, the TotJ Episode is cute and all, but does not have much of a purpose or impact. Integrated here it might actually hit harder.


That’s not a bad idea at all, especially since her force bond with the creature in TotJ barely has any analogue to her present day story - EXCEPT that there could be an implicit link to Morai. I’m not sure if it might pull focus from the core plot of the main episode though, and dilute both. What does everyone think?

The Clone Wars: Refocused | Andor: Movie Omnibus


EddieDean said:

That’s not a bad idea at all, especially since her force bond with the creature in TotJ barely has any analogue to her present day story - EXCEPT that there could be an implicit link to Morai. I’m not sure if it might pull focus from the core plot of the main episode though, and dilute both. What does everyone think?

Structurally, it should integrate well.

Ahsoka and Obi Wan getting grabbed by the siblings -> Baby Ahsoka getting grabbed by the “bear”

Ahsoka getting killed -> Baby Ahsoka being threatened by the “bear”

Anakin touching Ahsoka and the sister -> Baby Ahsoka touching the bear

Baby Ahsoka riding out of the woods on the bear -> Ahsoka waking up

The TotJ Episode would be cut down quite a bit, but I think this could work very well. (Maybe there is a place where a short vision of Ahsoka with her family in peace can be added somewhere as well, maybe when she is sleeping in the cave?)

Another idea, since Anakin gets a bit less focus with this change.

Maybe some scenes from Zillo beast can be reused to contextualize Anakin via visions a bit more? I mean, a monster rampaging in Coruscant and at some point smashing a big screen with Palpatine on it? If you contextualize it as a vision of Anakin, there can be little doubt what that means…

This would also create a nice symmetry.

Anakin sees his past in the form of his mother and Qui Gon manifesting on Mortis, his future in the form of a vision.

Ahsoka sees her past in form of a vision, her future in form of her older self manifesting on Mortis.



It could be worth contacting this fan animations creator to see if you could incorporate parts of it in your edit!

The opening scene I know you’ve tried to implement a few times in this edit.

And the other footage could be interesting in the finale.

At bare minimum, it’s definitely worth a watch!


g00b said:


It could be worth contacting this fan animations creator to see if you could incorporate parts of it in your edit!

The opening scene I know you’ve tried to implement a few times in this edit.

And the other footage could be interesting in the finale.

At bare minimum, it’s definitely worth a watch!

I literally came to the thread to post this and you beat me to it. Unfortunately the opening is a heavily cut down version of the scene so I’m not sure how useful it would be. Watching the video makes me wish for an all animated Revenge of the Sith supercut though!


Came here to suggest the very same, Hello There’s fan animation is INCREDIBLE and fully deserves a spot in this order even if it’s just a yt link on the sheet as bonus material like TOTJ eps are.


That is incredible work. I’d happily watch the entirety of RotS as Clone Wars episodes instead of live action after watching that.


Daiyus said:

That is incredible work. I’d happily watch the entirety of RotS as Clone Wars episodes instead of live action after watching that.

On YouTube they animated the Vader surgery already

I’m just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe.

Star Wars has 3 eras: The eras are 1977-1983(pre Expanded Universe), (1983-2014) expanded universe, or (2014- now) Disney-bought version. Each are valid.

Important voice tool:


Hi, thanks for your hard work with this edit! I have one question - are you by any chance considering adding the english subtitles in the near future? It would be a great help for people who aren’t native speakers (like me and my girlfriend) and those with hearing impairment.


It would be great for many, I know, but it’s a massive piece of work I just don’t have time for right now, sorry. I’d love to, and I’d certainly add them if anyone else were able to produce them, but I don’t have the capacity for it at the moment.

The Clone Wars: Refocused | Andor: Movie Omnibus


If I get some spare time in-between working on my own project (likely while I wait for things to render) I’ll happily start subbing episodes 😃 (It gives me a great excuse for another watch through hahaha)


g00b said:

If I get some spare time in-between working on my own project (likely while I wait for things to render) I’ll happily start subbing episodes 😃 (It gives me a great excuse for another watch through hahaha)

That’s great to hear! I’ve just messaged Eddie that I tried making my own subtitles to help. I can give you an advice that using some AI software (like whisper) to generate subtitles can yield pretty good results


explay said:

g00b said:

If I get some spare time in-between working on my own project (likely while I wait for things to render) I’ll happily start subbing episodes 😃 (It gives me a great excuse for another watch through hahaha)

That’s great to hear! I’ve just messaged Eddie that I tried making my own subtitles to help. I can give you an advice that using some AI software (like whisper) to generate subtitles can yield pretty good results

Thanks for the offer! I use Whisper already to generate the subtitles then use Subtitle Edit to go in and adjust times and fix things up 😃. Such an awesome and powerful tool!


EddieDean said:

Do you guys want to start a private chat so we can coordinate? I have the time to oversee, just not so much to directly do!

Sounds good to me Eddie! 😃


Well folks, thanks to g00b’s efforts and explay’s support, I’m so happy to say that this show’s going to have subtitles soon. First few episodes have been excellent so far.

By g00b’s suggestion we’re going to put the name of each speaker in the subtitles, which REALLY helps with identifying the clones, especially early on. I can’t wait!

The Clone Wars: Refocused | Andor: Movie Omnibus


Having watched the Clone wars this is really good haven’t been getting bored and have been engaged with every episode and no cringe dialogue. I have a suggestion if i may to improve the edit, how about using AI software to copy Temuera Morrison voice to read the intro dialogue at the beginning of every episode similar to the original star wars battlefront 2 game with the 501st journal.


Tusken Slater said:

Having watched the Clone wars this is really good haven’t been getting bored and have been engaged with every episode and no cringe dialogue. I have a suggestion if i may to improve the edit, how about using AI software to copy Temuera Morrison voice to read the intro dialogue at the beginning of every episode similar to the original star wars battlefront 2 game with the 501st journal.

I have tried multiple times to get an AI Temuera voice but I just can’t get it to resemble him at all. His voice is so unique, I’m not sure there is currently publicly available technology to replicate it well enough. If someone has found a way to do so, let me know though!

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