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The Clone Wars (2008 animated tv series) - a general discussion thread — Page 16


fmalover said:

Stardust1138 said:

I’ve been thinking and find it to be very unfortunate that we never saw a confrontation between Anakin and Darth Maul. It would have been so emotional due to their interwoven destinies and so intriguing to see Anakin angry at him about killing Qui-Gon. Plus there’s even Darth Maul tapping into the void that Obi-Wan couldn’t fully fulfill of being a father figure. There’s honestly so much potential beyond even just these two points. I really wonder if George had held onto Star Wars awhile longer whether or not we would’ve seen a fight between them since the series was supposed to go longer than what we got. I’d like to hope so. Especially with Darth Maul being the big bad of his Sequels as it would’ve created an extra connective tissue history with the Skywalker family.

When Maul was reintroduced in Star Wars Rebels I expected his story to be this: he becomes an ally of the Rebellion who’s not trustworthy because he’s still very much a committed practitioner of the Dark Side and is only driven by his hatred of the Empire and revenge against the Emperor in particular, and he would frequently make snarky comments on the Rebellion’s lack of ruthlessness, and would naturally take a liking to Saw Gerrera, and would obviously encourage Ezra to give in to his darker tendencies, however his deals with the rebels start to rub on him and he becomes fond of them even if he refuses to acknowledge it. I would have then concluded his arc with him facing Darth Vader in a lightsaber duel, where he expresses a desire to have the duel with both of them in their prime, and Maul ultimately dies in his confrontation with Vader, realizing how futile his quest for vengeance against the Emperor was.

Instead what we got was Maul still looking to pick a fight with Obi-Wan. Seriously, what a waste.

Fun idea! I really like it too. I really wonder how he would’ve been portrayed as the main baddie in George’s Sequels. I can’t help but think he would be calculating with a bit of an unraveling insanity to contrast the more seductive and flirtatious Darth Talon. I think that would’ve been very new and fresh. It would’ve created a very interesting dynamic when the Solowalker son falls.

“Heroes come in all sizes, and you don’t have to be a giant hero. You can be a very small hero. It’s just as important to understand that accepting self-responsibility for the things you do, having good manners, caring about other people - these are heroic acts. Everybody has the choice of being a hero or not being a hero every day of their lives.” - George Lucas


I’ve been chipping away at this series for almost 10 years now and I’m finally done!

I appreciate Ahsoka as a character much more after Season 7. The last few episodes of Season 5, with Ahsoka leaving the Jedi Order, was probably my favourite part of the whole series, but all of the last season was really enjoyable and well done.

I’m disappointed that The Bad Batch is the continuation of this, but oh well.

On to Rebels and then The Bad Batch.


fmalover said:

Instead what we got was Maul still looking to pick a fight with Obi-Wan. Seriously, what a waste.

Maul’s story always had to end with Obi-wan. Since TPM his fate has been tied to revenge on Obi-wan and he’s had tunnel vision for that. In The Clone Wars, he vows “we shall start with revenge” and first takes aim at Obi. First him, then Palpatine. But he never even manages to kill Obi-wan, so it communicates the same, that Maul’s quest for vengeance against the Emperor was futile. It also provides a very interesting scenario where we know if Maul had won, he would have taken Luke as an apprentice, just like he would have done with Anakin in TPM.

Maul dying in a Vader vs Maul duel would have been pure fanservice and not relevant to his arc in the slightest.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


I didn’t like the idea of bringing Maul back when they did it, but how they used the character was worth it. He’s in some of the best episodes of The Clone Wars and Rebels.


jedi_bendu said:

fmalover said:

Instead what we got was Maul still looking to pick a fight with Obi-Wan. Seriously, what a waste.

Maul’s story always had to end with Obi-wan. Since TPM his fate has been tied to revenge on Obi-wan and he’s had tunnel vision for that. In The Clone Wars, he vows “we shall start with revenge” and first takes aim at Obi. First him, then Palpatine. But he never even manages to kill Obi-wan, so it communicates the same, that Maul’s quest for vengeance against the Emperor was futile. It also provides a very interesting scenario where we know if Maul had won, he would have taken Luke as an apprentice, just like he would have done with Anakin in TPM.

Maul dying in a Vader vs Maul duel would have been pure fanservice and not relevant to his arc in the slightest.

Yeah, I challenge anyone to watch this…


…and still claim that it makes more sense to end Maul’s story with a random fight against Vader. It had to end with him against Obi Wan. After losing everything else, vengeance against Obi Wan was the only thing he had left to cling to. It’s the throughline connecting his story from beginning to end.


I’ve watched that and it is a FANTASTIC edit. Love it to bits!

Something I forgot to mention to explain my reasoning for why dying at Vader’s hand wouldn’t have been relevant to Maul’s story - Vader and Maul share little to no past history together, so it wouldn’t be meaningful. Maul and Obi-wan on the other hand…

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


I felt the shared history between Maul and Obi-Wan was wrapped up when Maul killed Satine in front of Obi-Wan. For me there was no more to it. When introduced in Rebels, all Maul has left is his hatred for Darth Sidious. He says as much to Ezra.

So while everyone was hyped up about the rematch in Rebels, I was annoyed.


fmalover said:

I felt the shared history between Maul and Obi-Wan was wrapped up when Maul killed Satine in front of Obi-Wan. For me there was no more to it. When introduced in Rebels, all Maul has left is his hatred for Darth Sidious. He says as much to Ezra.

So while everyone was hyped up about the rematch in Rebels, I was annoyed.

Well, Maul did kind of go mad on his own (after his criminal empire crumbled) and learned of Obi-Wan’s survival not long after, so his priorities changed to some level.

Ultimately, his story had to end with Obi-Wan. That episode, “Twin Suns,” is probably the only part of Rebels I truly like.


fmalover said:

I felt the shared history between Maul and Obi-Wan was wrapped up when Maul killed Satine in front of Obi-Wan. For me there was no more to it. When introduced in Rebels, all Maul has left is his hatred for Darth Sidious. He says as much to Ezra.

I did consider that Maul’s revenge on Obi-wan was murdering Satine, but he always intended Obi-wan to eventually die in a prison cell, so him still being alive after order 66 was unfinished business as far as Maul was concerned.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


The other night I watched Jedi Crash and Defenders of Peace. I loved the episodes. They were so lovely and beautiful. The atmosphere, music, and characters all worked. Aayla Secura has truly become my favourite minor Jedi. Is it just me or does Tee Watt Kaa remind anyone else of Mr. Miyagi from Karate Kid? At least I find they are in look. Most of all I loved that the arc was devoted to pacifism. It’s honestly been just what I needed to feel that special Star Wars feeling I had as a kid and it’s helped me see that my story ideas for what I’m writing are possible too.

“Heroes come in all sizes, and you don’t have to be a giant hero. You can be a very small hero. It’s just as important to understand that accepting self-responsibility for the things you do, having good manners, caring about other people - these are heroic acts. Everybody has the choice of being a hero or not being a hero every day of their lives.” - George Lucas


Juno Eclipse said:

I_AmNoJedi on reddit made a Clone Wars Mandoverse Watch List: Abridged watch list focusing on story arcs that build to the finale & provide background for Mandoverse shows:

I love fan made stuff like this, and is so helpful for finding certain story arcs and episodes. The similar info-images posted for the “Mandoverse” and for Ahsoka too.

The Imperial need for control is so desperate because it is so unnatural. Tyranny requires constant effort. It breaks, it leaks. Authority is brittle. Oppression is the mask of fear.


Pretty neat watch list there . While perhaps not essential to the Mandoverse , I would add the Landing at point rain episodes as well as the Pong Krell arc . I haven’t rewatched the series in many years now , but when I think back to the series ,those two stories are the ones that really stuck with me as they dealt with important themes and had much drama and action . I would probably add in most of season 6 " the lost missions " as they are also important to the overall lore of the saga as a whole ,explaining the mystery of Sifo Diyas , Yoda’s first visit to Dagobah , communing with Qui Gon etc . Those are episodes I wouldn’t want to miss .



First things first, I want to start with some positivity. I think that the characters are likeable and relatable, and I think that the stories are very entertaining. I’m able to enjoy every single episode, even the more childish episodes from the first season. Everything about this show is just so likeable, and I absolutely love watching it. It makes me smile every time. The show will always have a special place in my heart, because it was the first Star Wars show I have watched after watching the main films. It will always bring back very good memories. However, even though I like the show very much, and even though I think that the show is good in itself, I don’t think it fits very well with the Star Wars universe as a whole, and I really can’t manage to see it as part of the actual Star Wars universe. Let me explain why.

First of all, I don’t think that Anakin’s portrayal in the show can be reconciled with his portrayal in the Prequel Trilogy. It’s not that I don’t like the character per se, it’s just that he is not Anakin Skywalker. I can’t reconcile his portrayal in the Prequels with his portrayal in TCW, they feel like very different characters to me. In order to stay more in line with what’s depicted in the films, TCW’s portrayal of Anakin should have been a mixture between Anakin from Attack of the Clones and Anakin from Revenge of the Sith. Then, they should have made him mature and become more and more like Anakin from the beginning of Revenge of the Sith as the series progressed. Instead, they just portrayed him as Anakin from Revenge of the Sith from the very beginning. And this, in my opinion, is not very believable.

Sure, I know that Anakin was not always likable in the Prequel Trilogy. But, showing how he went from the unlikable guy we see in Attack of the Clones to the likable guy we see at the beginning of Revenge of the Sith would have been more impactful. Instead, they just showed him as a likable guy from the beginning. Which, again, is not a bad thing per se, but is not consistent with what is shown in the Prequel Trilogy. Just like Luke Skywalker from the Sequel Trilogy can be described as Jake Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker from TCW can be described as Aniken Skywoka. Not to mention, Mat Lanter’s voice doesn’t resemble Hayden Christensen’s voice at all, and this makes the character feel even more like a totally different character than the one we see in the Prequel Trilogy.

I personally think that Tartakovsky’s Clone Wars series did a better job with Anakin. In the first episodes of Tartakovsky’s Clone Wars, Anakin is portrayed more similarly to how he was portrayed in Attack of the Clones. But, after receiving the rank of Jedi Knight, he becomes more confident and more heroic, and in the last episodes he is depicted more similarly to how he was depicted at the beginning of Revenge of the Sith, he is more calm, more heroic and less whiny. Anakin’s evolution in the original Clone Wars series was more linear and more in line with what is shown in the Prequel Trilogy, and it worked way better, in my opinion. Again, I’m not saying that Anakin’s portrayal in TCW is bad per se, I’m just saying that he doesn’t seem like the same character that we see in the Prequels, and that we needed proper context, and a progressive character evolution.

Other than Anakin’s portrayal, another thing I don’t really like about the show is the very fact that Anakin has a padawan. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that Ahsoka is a bad character, I have nothing against the character in itself. All I’m saying is, she should not have been Anakin’s padawan, because the idea of Anakin having a padawan does not fit very well with the Prequel Trilogy, in my opinion. In fact, when you watch the Prequel Trilogy, you never, ever get the impression that Anakin could have had a padawan between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. Never. In Revenge of the Sith, the notion that Anakin had a padawan is not even alluded to, by anyone. And it wouldn’t make any sense not to mention it, because having an apprentice is a pretty important thing. After all, we are talking about Anakin Skywalker, The Hero With No Fear, the Chosen One of the Jedi Order, and the literal protagonist of the Prequel Trilogy itself. The fact that he had a padawan should be an important element story-wise, and you would expect it to be mentioned. So, talking from an in-universe perspective, you can reasonably assume that, by the time of Revenge of the Sith, no one had any clue of the fact that Anakin had a padawan during the Clone Wars, not even Anakin himself. Therefore, I think that trying to retroactively insert Ahsoka as Anakin’s padawan feels pretty stretched. It doesn’t work very well, in my opinion. It would have made far more sense if Ahsoka was Plo Koon’s padawan, and only appeared in the episodes where Plo Koon was involved.

Other than Ahsoka being Anakin’s apprentice, I also don’t like the way they portrayed General Grievous. I’m perfectly aware that George Lucas wanted the character to be more cartoonish, and I’m perfectly aware that it would be unrealistic to expect Grievous to be portrayed in the same way he was portrayed in the original Clone Wars cartoon. But, I’m of the opinion that there is always a limit, and there is always a middle ground. A character can have cartoonish trades, and still feel intimidating. Instead, the writers just portrayed Grievous as totally incompetent and coward, without any badass quality whatsoever. In my opinion, an ideal portrayal of the character should have been a mixture between Grievous from the 2003 series and Grievous from Revenge of the Sith. This way, he could have been portrayed as competent and efficient, but also as a cartoonish villain who runs away when his plans fail.

Another thing that felt unnecessary was Darth Maul’s return. But, I don’t want you to get me wrong. Actually, I have nothing against the idea of Darth Maul coming back from the dead. What doesn’t work, in my opinion, is making him to be active during the Clone Wars era. No one mentions him in Revenge of the Sith. No one mentions the fact that he is still alive and is now ruling over Mandalore, although it should be an important thing. So, talking from an in-universe perspective, you can reasonably assume that no one had any clue of the fact that he was still alive by the time of Revenge of the Sith. Therefore, if you want to bring him back so badly, you should do that after Revenge of the Sith itself, not before.

The old Expanded Universe writers understood this, and when they brought Maul back from the dead in the Old Wounds comic, they made the comic itself to happen after Revenge of the Sith. In that comic, it is explained that Darth Maul wanted to get revenge, so he searched for Obi-Wan the entire time, but without managing to approach him (given that he was always on the move, especially during the Clone Wars). Then, he found Obi-Wan on Tatooine, had a duel with him, and was killed by Owen. That story is a self-contained story, that has no impact on anything that came before and after it, and it’s the best way they could have broth Darth Maul back from the dead. And, even though it was technically never considered Canon to begin with, it can perfectly fit with the Prequel Trilogy.

So, I’m not against the idea of bringing Darth Maul back, but they shouldn’t have made him to be active during the Clone Wars, because it feels pretty stretched, especially because no one mentions him in Revenge of the Sith, although he should be mentioned. If they wanted to have a powerful Dark Side user who controlled a criminal syndicate and took control of an entire planet, then it would have been better to use Savage Opress instead of Maul. They should have just given to Savage the role that Maul fulfilled in the show. Sure, I know that it was George Lucas who wanted Maul to be active during the Clone Wars, but this doesn’t matter. The idea of him being active during the Clone Wars era still feels stretched, and still doesn’t work with the Prequel Trilogy, in my opinion

Finally (and I know that this is a pretty hot take), I don’t like the way they portrayed the Clones. In Attack of the Clones, it is established that the Clones are genetically engineered soldiers, who obey any order without question. The Clones are not portrayed as individual, emotional creatures in the films, and in my opinion the writers of the show should have stayed faithful to the way the Clones were portrayed in the films. This way, there wouldn’t have been any need to introduce the inhibitor chips, and the majority of the Clones would have obeyed Order 66 just because they were ordered to do so by the Supreme Chancellor. It would have been more faithful to what’s depicted in the films, and in my opinion it would have been way more impactful. In fact, it would have added even more complexity to the Clones. If the Clones are portrayed as genetically engineered soldiers who obey any order, this could have allowed the audience to see how evil the Sith were, given that they were the ones who ordered the creation of the Clone Army in the first place. Moreover, it would have allowed the audience to see how much corrupt the Republic was, given that absolutely no one in the Senate was against the idea of using a slave army of biological, emotionless robots. It would have added a lot more depth to the Prequel era as a whole. Of course, I’m not saying that I hate the way they portrayed the Clones in TCW, I’m just saying that I would have preferred if they stayed fateful to what’s depicted in the films.

All in all, I think that the show is fine in itself. As I said at the beginning, I think it is very entertaining and enjoyable. But I tend to view it more as a “what if” universe that is disconnected from the main universe, because I don’t feel it fits very well with the universe that is established in the films.

«No one is guilty of being born a slave. But the slave to whom not only aspirations for freedom are alien, but who justifies and paints his slavery in rosy colors, such a slave is a lackey and a brute who arouses a legitimate sense of indignation, disgust and repugnance.»

— Vladimir Lenin