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PLEASE NOTE: This is a WIP for my fanedit of “The Batman”. While some scenes will be released, the full fanedit will not be released until I can get my hands on the 4k Bluray.
The Batman: Vengeance
This is a comprehensive fanedit of that attempts to restructure, re-edit and rescore areas that felt unearned, bloated, or that otherwise took me out of the film.
The Cutlist (WIP):
- Added Piano intro to Title Cards
- Extended “The Batman” Title Card by a few seconds.
- Moved Riddler introduction after Gotham/Batman introduction.
- Cut goon’s line “You see this guy?”. The goons not taking Batman seriously undercuts the opening monologue.
Chapter I: No More Lies
- Added Chapter title card.*¹
- Cut Batman’s answer to the riddle and Gordon/Commissioner’s dialogue about it.
- Cut “Happy fuckin’ Halloween”. Felt too “This ain’t your grandpappy’s Batman” to me.
Chapter II: Mitchell
- Added Chapter title card.
- Trimmed Bruce watching Selina undressing.
- Trimmed Batman being on top of Catwoman in the Mayor’s mansion.
Chapter III: Savage
- Added Chapter title card.
- So far, this section of the film is left in tact, though I will most likely make trims throughout.
Chapter IV: Renewal is a Lie
- Added Chapter title card.
- Cut Gordon telling Batman to take his key after punching him in the face. There’s no way that anyone, even Batman, could unlock that door that fast.
- Trimmed Penguin’s crash to be less extreme.
- Rotated Batman’s upside-down shot walking towards Penguin’s car. (Open to reverting the rotation after feedback)
- Cut Batman leaning his head down into Penguin’s car.
Chapter V: Sins of My Father
- Added Chapter title card.
- Cut Batman being confused about The Wayne’s involvement to Catwoman.
- Cut the BM/CW kiss on the rooftop. Wanted to give the relationship more room to breathe. Their relationship has always worked best in a flirtatious context rather than a full romance.
Chapter VI: Rata Alada
- Added Chapter title card.
- More will be trimmed here. The chapter ends after Riddler’s arrest.
Chapter VII: My Confession
- More will be trimmed here. The chapter ends after he beginning of the flood.
Chapter VIII: Vengeance
- Cut Catwoman kissing Batman’s unconscious body.
- Moved final scene with CW and BM before the final monologue. This scene is rescored.
- Cut the Joker scene. Falls flat for too many people.
- Added 2 repurposed Riddler shots, from the cut Joker scene, during final monologue. (Similar to Penguin’s)
- Rescored the final scene with a mixture of the original final scene’s music and The Batman’s main theme.
- The film now ends with Batman looking into the sky as a symbol of hope. This reflects the new opening scene with Batman looking into the sky at his symbol of fear.
*¹ - Title Cards have been added throughout. The reasoning is because of the more unconventional way Matt Reeves has decided to structure his story. While the film still has a normal 3-Act structure, he also decided to break up different arcs throughout (IE. Thomas Wayne’s criminal connections, Gil Coulson, Riddler’s capture, ETC.). I believe Reeves was attempting to tell a story similar to how a comic book storyline is handled; several issues making up one larger story. Chapter Cards are, in my opinion, also an excellent (albeit trendy) way to handle a longer film. The title cards all pay off during the scene where Bruce spray paints the ground of his home with the names of each Chapter.
I also recognize there may be too many chapters. I need to work out a way to condense them, but also have this payoff:
The new ending scene can be previewed here:
Link: https://vimeo.com/704937959
Password: vengeance
The reworked scene of Batman walking towards Penguin’s crashed car can be previewed here:
Link: https://vimeo.com/704956208
Password: batchase
If you have any feedback or ideas, please let me know!