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So I really wanted to do an edit of this seeing how after No Way Home, Andrew Garfield was getting a lot of love. So I re-watched the movies to see what was it that made these movies seem not as loved back when they were fresh? I felt that Garfield was really quite good in several moments, but the movie as a whole felt too dark for Spider-Man and had several out of character moments in the film. It suffers from wanting to be a Christopher Nolen Batman movie. The whole breakup makeup breakup makeup with Gwen in these movies doesn’t help either.
I’m a HUGE Spider-Man fan for many many years, and I had an idea that I’m really excited to be working on for all of you! I have three and a half long boxes of comics, I have watched the cartoons and live action appearances of the character over the years. I know Spider-Man…
There have been a few good edits that have done some different things with these movies. There have been edits that took both movies and made it into one. There are great edits for people who wanted the whole parental backstory completed. But I want to go for something different here. I’m taking both movies and treating them as one long movie told in two parts.
I’m cutting out of character moments and rescoring others to give the movie a different feel in those moments. I’m only using deleted and alt material that I felt added something to the movie. No adding for the sake of adding.