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The Abyss (1989) - UHD (Released)


According to this post
it would be real… still, who knows (now) if it will get the same fate of T2 UHD?

So, I thought to give it a try…

UHD WEB version Vs mine:

UHD test clip 1, regraded - 1m 438MB HEVC 8bit SDR 61.2mbps no audio:

https://fex.net/s/c55vpv3 - will expire in a week, so hurry up!

final version would be 10bit, though, I would like to be UHD-BD compliant (a dream, maybe, let’s see)

Now, would be nice if someone with an UHD TV/display could download it and give an opinion.

Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash… 😦 | [Fundamental Collection] thread | blog.spoRv.com | fan preservation forum: fanres.com


It looks nice on my 4K TV.

However, since it’s been years since I saw the film, and then it was the non-anamorphic DVD release, I don’t really have any basis for comparison.

“Before the Dark Times. Before the Prequels.”


The Terminator 2 UHD DNR fiasco was due to Lionsgate using the 3D master for the UHD, which was DNR’d for the 3D conversion. I don’t think The Abyss would have that problem. Though I wonder how the color would end up looking, considering how Aliens looks on blu-ray.


Oldfan said:

The Terminator 2 UHD DNR fiasco was due to Lionsgate using the 3D master for the UHD, which was DNR’d for the 3D conversion. I don’t think The Abyss would have that problem. Though I wonder how the color would end up looking, considering how Aliens looks on blu-ray.

LG used nothing. Studio Canal did the encoding. All LG did was release it.


I love that fans refuse to let this film die. A true underappreciated masterpiece.

Is this theatrical or SE? Also what source did you base the colour grading on?

I fear we might not ever get an offical release of this again with Disney owning the rights, or if we do it might be streaming only on Hulu or something.

“Goodnight, but not Goodbye!”


The 2000 SE isn’t horrible for what it is, but leaves much to be desired on a 4K display. Hopefully Disney’ll surprise us one day, but I’m not betting on a release anytime soon.

“Star Wars has, and will always be a restaurant.”


The 2000 SE I’ve got was nice for the time on a 4:3 display but it lied when the cover claimed to be enhanced for widescreen TVs. I didn’t realize just how old it was until I went searching for a copyright date and finally found one on the special features disc.

There hasn’t been another release, has there?

“Before the Dark Times. Before the Prequels.”