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***The ADigitalMan non-Star Wars DVD Info and Feedback Thread*** — Page 11

But it's sad that these are the only cut snippets that are featured on the DVD... I still don't understand why they don't shoot the Potter movies with an "Extended Edition" for the DVD-release in mind, with more stuff added compared to the theatrical versions. I guess they're still regarded as childrens' movies... which is a shame. There aren't even any decent Potter artbooks (for the movies) out there... which I would love!
Well, yeah, it would be nice if there were Extended Editions available. ADM's edits are about as close as we're ever going to get - and that's awesome because they rock.

Now, I understand why they shoot them the way they do. Not only is there a lot of ground to cover, they have a tight schedule and have to get these things out by a certain time. If only it were aperfect world, the kids wouldn't age more than a year between shoots and we'd get a Potter every Fall.

BTW ADM, I have some wicked GOF pictures if you ever do an edit of it, hint hint hint.
Well, I think they DO have extended editions in mind. Supposedly one of the actors spoke 'out of school' and said there are extended versions planned; with the deleted scenes we've seen and possibly more.

I think they are wisely waiting until they finish all films, so the extended double dips don't effect future releases. (If they released extended HP1, 2, & 3 now, who would buy the theatrical DVD of Goblet of Fire? Anyone with have a brain would wait after being burned 3 times.) It's smart of them (uncharacteristicly so), but it blows for us.

If you've seen the ABC Specials of the HPs, you can see some transitional elements between the deleted scenes not on the DVD's (or ADM's edits for that matter). Nothing serious, just stuff that smooth out the cuts. Someout door beauty shots and such. It basically suggests that they are all ready to go with extended cuts.

Most importantly, I would NOT expect a DVD release. It might be an added value they try to push into WB's first HD-DVD releases...

Which brings me to:

Dr. M


Chamber of Secrets comments:

I have been enjoying working my way through these edits, but HP2 had some issues I wanted to bring up.
Most important is that nearly every deleted scene has it’s volume noticably lower than the rest of the film. I found myself grabbing the remote everytime an added scene came in. I don’t know what kind of effort would have been required to fix that though, since I’ve never edited 5.1 content myself.

Also what I found most jarring was one scene out of order.
Shortly after the dueling club incident, there is a deleted scene where Harry overhears people gossiping about him being the Heir of Slytherin. ADM then edit’s to Harry finding Nearly Headless Nick and the kid (can’t remember his name) petrified.

In the ABC version after Harry hears the conversation and leaves the library, he bumps into Hagrid who is holding a dead chicken and explains about needing a charm for either a fox or a blood-sucking bugbear. This explains later why when he bursts into Dumbledore’s office (to say Harry is innocent), he is hold a dead chicken.

In ADM’s edit, the dead chicken conversation takes place much later in the film, which starts you wondering why Hagrid keeps walking around the castle with dead chickens all the time. He isn’t, it was only once…

Besides that, I still love these discs.

Dr. M

Interesting thought. I moved the Hagrid scene where I did as it looked more like Harry was nervous around Hagrid, thinking he was the one who'd opened the Chamber after the vision from Riddle's diary. Didn't Hagrid say "It's the second one killed this term" or something to that effect?
That would explain why he was seen twice with dead chickens. Being to lazy to pick up my copy and scan through it, I could be making that up in my mind though. ;-)

As far as the audio issue, unfortunately the deleted scenes are only presented in 2.0. I've had to assign them to the two channels in the surround mix, leaving the other channels empty. Now that I'm learning how to upmix, I hope I can fix that for GOF.
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
Or maybe, just maybe... that Hagrid just loves him some chicken!!!! Mmmmmm mmmmmm good!!!
Originally posted by: TheCassidy
Hey ADM - sounds like this is legit for the HP4 DVD out at the beginning of March.

Deleted scenes from 'Goblet' DVD
Pablo of HarryLatino has heard from someone who worked on the Goblet of Fire that the following deleted scenes are to be featured on the movie's DVD:

* SCENE 1: Dumbledore asks his pupils to welcome Durmstrang and Beauxbatons students. All the Hogwarts students then start to sing the school song.

* SCENE 2: A Durmstrang student asks a girl to go with him to the Yule Ball. She says yes, and two of their friends make gestures in the background.

* SCENE 3: Harry tries to speak with Cho Chang, but as she is constantly surrounded by friends, he doesn't get the opportunity.

* SCENE 4: Flitwick introduces the Weird Sisters at the Yule Ball. The lead singer speaks with the audience and then starts the first song.

* SCENE 5: Karkaroff tells Snape about the mark of his arm. Snape ignores him and removes house points from Fawcet and Stebbins, who briefly appear in the scene. Snape doesn't care about what Karkaroff has to say.

* SCENE 6: Mr. Crouch and Harry are speaking. Mad-Eye appears and Barty quickly leaves.

* SCENE 7: The trio speak about the death of Mr. Crouch. Ron thinks that Fudge will prevent the story from leaking out to the public. Hermione believes his death, Harry's scar burning, and the Dark Mark at the Quidditch World Cup are related. She recommends Harry goes to visit Dumbledore.

* SCENE 8: The trio speak about what Karkaroff was showing Snape on his arm. Hermione asks Harry which potion ingredients Snape accused him of stealing and realizes they are the ingredients needed for the Polyjuice Potion.

Cool. huh?


The Mangler Bros. Psycho Dayv Armchaireviews Notes on Suicide

And to further complain... (I really do like these, I'm just a born nit-picker)

Prisoner of Azkaban
Extended bird sequence is in the wrong place. It goes at the end where we actually see a piece of the end when the Whomping Williow gets the bird. Now it get's two bird at different times. What is it with double birding?

The scene that was originally suppose to follow Sirius breaking into the dorm is ok where it's been moved, but Harry comments that Sirius was close enough that he could have killed Black. This makes no sense since as yet, Harry does not know Black is responsible for his parent's death and has no reason to go after him. I wish this line were trimmed too (or the whole scene left intact in it's original place, even if there is no lead in to it).

The audio for the deleted scenes is spot on and indistinguishable from the rest of the scenes. Really nice.

Anyone ever check out the dual audio (.mkv) Xvid extended HP's floating on Emule? It's Italian/English (dubs and subs), with mp4 5.1 audio, I've never grabbed it myself but I've tripped across it a few times. Only problem is I think it's from a 25 fps source.

Dr. M

Originally posted by: Doctor M
And to further complain... (I really do like these, I'm just a born nit-picker)

Prisoner of Azkaban
Extended bird sequence is in the wrong place. It goes at the end where we actually see a piece of the end when the Whomping Williow gets the bird. Now it get's two bird at different times. What is it with double birding?

Actually, the original has both birds getting womped. If memory serves correctly, all I did was slip in the Hagrid shots into the rest of the original scene. The really nice part of the full scene is getting the full flute solo from John Williams score. It was truncated about 8 bars in the theatrical version right in the middle.

But it's in the right place, I'm sure.
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
I'm just backing up ADM on this, the birdie scene is in the right place, but Doctor M has a good point about where you placed the commonroom scene, harry doesn't yet have the motivation to kil him, the only thing he has heard is Snape's "what about Potter? should he be warned?" which isn't motivation enough.

I haven't actually seen your potter edits yet ADM, but I followed this thread closely when you were making them, I'm now working on and extended Azkaban which puts the scenes back in the intended script order, I would love to see your edits though.
I tried to cut together a nightmarish wake-up sequence to precede the full scene in its intended place, but it just wasn't working. A series of intercuts between Lupins eye, Sirus' growling, and Ron waking up from his spider dream. It almost worked, but not quite.

Alas, you're right about the brooding being somewhat misplaced. Oh well. Maybe Harry is just playing into his purported hero complex.
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
As I said, I followed this thread closely at the time and I saw the wake-up sequence clip you posted, it was actually that clip that inspired me to try an extended cut of his film as I was convinced there should be a way to put the complete scene in, I've got a couple of ideas and there working out well, I should be able to include all the scenes (except the nightbus one) in their intended places, the video is almost done then I've got to work out the audio but your tutorial is being a big help, I'm not saying any more now, but you'll be the first to get a copy.
Looking forward to it.
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
Ok, I stand corrected. That's one nasty tree.

Dr. M

For all interested, here's Darth Enzo's full set of covers archived in .rar format.


Kinda takes you back!
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
Currently Uploading/Seeding:

Posted on 1-8-2006

ADM - Pearl Harbor: "Strength And Honor" Edit (DAMN fine edit!!!!!)

“My skill are no longer as Mad as the once were” RiK


I finally watched your Strength and Honour edit of Pearl Harbor.

Congratulations. You did very well and definetly made this a much better movie than it was before. This is exactly what fan edits should be, an improvement over the original, a new view, a pleasure to watch. i was very well entertained and could almost forget about my watching experience of Pearl Harbor, when it was in the cinemas. The story unfolds well and nothing is missing to badly, especially not the love story. Still the movie is not th ebest war movie ever shot, IMHO there is way to much about praising heroes, especialy when slow motion is added. Those scenes are hard to bear. A little language excursion here: the word pathetic and the German pathetisch (both with he same greek roots of pathos which in greek means emotion, feeling) are very different. The English one means pitiful, poor and the German one means way to much emotion. The German meaning is one of my still existin problems with Pearl Harbor, even in your edition... The Cuba Gooding Junior scenses as well as most Alec Baldwin scenes are kind of overweighted with hero emotion. Beside that this has become a great movie. As for the editing I hardly ever realized you edited anything at all, which is jsut great. Picture quality and sound are fantastic, ther is no flaw or break there (that I realized). Still some scenes seemed a bit strange: how did Ben Affleck get to Hawaii and how long did that take (because it all seems to happen within a day or two)? Why did Kate Beckinsale and Josh Hartnett leave the newsshow in the theatre? And why do Ben Affleck and Josh Hartnett look so strange at the nurse, when they are giving blood? And finally jsut a few more things I thought being worth improved: a nicer menu would have been great, especially no pink markings. The DVD cedits are too small. I was not able to read them clearly (which is not a matter of screen size but of sharpness). Subtitles would have been great (but I have already realized that no one likes to type them at all).

Anyway, keep up the great work, I really enjoyed this and I am hopeful to watching some more of your talent soon. Thank you.

Nothing about fanediting is easy.

Boon, thanks for the feedback. I especially value good feedback from fellow editors. Helps us keep each other sharp. I do wish I could change the highlight color on my menus, but I don't think DVD-Lab Pro allows that change. I've tried to figure it out quite unsuccessfully.

This edit sure has created a fury over at the spleen. But I consider that far more people have been complimentary than negative (and constructive criticism is always welcome). Even more annoying is that the haters haven't bothered to watch the edit. I expect some will see it and still hate it, but hopefully most people find it to be a valuable edit, transforming a crap film into a rather good one.

Edit: Please check out the questions I asked back on this page if you've now had a chance to see the film. I'm very curious about the different perceptions from those who've seen the official cut first vs those who've seen this first.
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
I just watched your Pearl Harbor edit last night and I have to agree with everything Boon23 said. You did an amazing job removing the awful love story. The pacing of the first half of the movie is so much better and much more enjoyable. The only problem I think was when Ben Affleck suddenly appears in Hawaii. At first he is thought dead, then a letter is received saying he is not, and then suddenly he is in Hawaii. It didn't flow well, but I imagine it was necessary to remove the love story. Actually, removing the love story improved the film in a way you probably hadn't anticipated, and that is, there is so much less of Ben Affleck. The guy can't act, and with less of him, the movie is easier to watch. The second half of the movie (though not at all your fault) is where things get really bogged down. It seemed like the attack on Pearl Harbor was over and then the breakneck pacing slowed to a crawl. Here we are immersed in hokey Alec Baldwin speeches, an overly long training montage, and unrealistic cheese like, "Any man who wants to go, please step forward" and of course they all do. These problems are Michael Bay's and not your own. As I watched the movie I continuously thought, "Wow, ADM has done an amazing job." The edits are perfect, you don't see them at all, and the choices for what to remove were well planned. You have improved this movie 300%. Still, I have to gripe and say that it is not a good war movie. Michael Bay just didn't do the story of Pearl Harbor justice. He should have spent two hours on the attack and direct aftermath. Instead he wasted time focused on Ben Affleck's character as he goes to England (where, I think, the Eagle Squadron didn't even exist), then Hawaii, and then the Doolittle Raid. The movie was about Affleck's one-dimensional character and not about Pearl Harbor at all. That is what irks me the most. Anyway, ADM, I just want to say you have done an outstanding job in turning a movie that deserves an F into one that should get a B. Kudos and keep up the fantastic work.

Mahoromatic Revival Project – http://mahoromaticrevival.com/index2.html
Follow the Evangelion Instrumental Project! – http://sandcamel.blogspot.com
Cowboy Bebop Returns! – http://bebopreturns.blogspot.com

Thanks for a bit more good feedback. I should clarify that with the exception of a couple visions of Kate, the "resurrection and return" of Rafe's character is presented the way Bay did it. In the official version, he's dead and gone for three months or more, then suddenly there's the letter and him showing up on the doorstep at the same time.

Ham and cheese, the dish Bay most loves to serve.
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
dvd lab pro highlight colour change:
1. activate the menu, where you wish to change the link colour (they all look the same, but every menu has properties of its own)
2. view -> menu properties (select the red to green button with the switch-to-arrow above, and then choose between 3 selections for buttons or change to which colour you like for normal, selceted or activated, also choose the amount of transparancy you wish).


Nothing about fanediting is easy.

1) If you've only seen this version, is it a genuinely good and inspiring movie?

I am so sory, but I watched Pearl Harbor before this one. I wish I hadn't.

2) If you've seen this and either of the official versions, how do they compare?

Yours is by far beter than the original. The most interesting thing is, even though I watched the original before, I was thrilled by the action and the pacing of your edit. And one more thing: ther is definetly no need for us to edit this movie, since you did a terriffic job (but what the hell do I do now with that stupid original DVD I bought).

3) Is this re-edit an improvement of a bad film, or a genuinely good film on its own?

Well, on IMDB I would rate it as 7, which means it is good now. I don't want to see it in comparison to the original but fo itself and I think it is very entertaining, a bit to much hero stuff and it looses pace towards the ending. Still a good movie and one I will definetly give to my friends to watch. it is the best fanedit I watched so far.

4) If you've seen both and you saw the re-edit first, how did it affect you emotionally when you saw the official version?


5) And vice-versa -- if you saw the official version first and THEN saw this re-edit, what did you think and how did you feel?

Just great. Because this is an example of what fanedits can be and why this nice branch of subculture is so valuable. You gave me something I don't want to miss. Also I feel relieved for having finally seen Pearl Harbor in a version that is not just bearable but entertaining.

6) What lessons can this give Hollywood?

To have other people decide what is actually good and what works. Sometimes people get so involved in their projects, they miss the storytelling, the action, the thrill, the entertainment. It is all there, but buried under rubbish and compromises between the parties all having a say. Less involved and but still gifted people could be of great help there. I am thinking of a new job, like movie-quality-manager. Directors and producers will hate these guys. Actors will try to kill these guys but the audience will benefit from them and soon there will be a new academy award for best quality management.

Nothing about fanediting is easy.


The Mangler Bros. Psycho Dayv Armchaireviews Notes on Suicide

Originally posted by: Hal 9000
Back to the Future Trilogy?

Can't really insert deleted scenes since they're so grainy... but maybe something to the effect of joining them into one movie? But that'd look like crap on a single layer disc.

Ah, forget it. Can't really do anything to improve on the source material.

I actually did this on VHS. I would like to try this on DVD sometime. And it would be in widescreen this time! Yeah!