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Tales of the New Republic - fan film — Page 2

this looks like a fanfilm because the animation stills look pretty amateur, but so don't the stills shown so far by lfl for the new clone wars LOL!

say what you will about Genndy Tartakovsky's 2 clone wars seasons, but they were very professionally done.

i don't really did not like his style all that much at first, but it grew on me. I still prefer traditional illustration, in fact the style i'd go with if it was me would be as realistic as possible animated but like live action.

speaking of Genndy Tartakovsky, i am looking forward to his big screen version of astro boy, i hope it lives up to the hype.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.

If you thinks that looks amateurish I would love to see what professional would be by your standards!
More new shots and a new line with "Almost there"
Well whatever it is you have to give it to them for dramatic flair........lol

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Original Star Wars Props and Production Material

i've seen 3-D design by ILM, and Square Enix that blows this crap out of the water thats what i meant by amateurish.

i still prefer hand drawn cel animation. most 3-d is gimmicky and crappy by comparison.

things i do like about this fan series set in new republic era so they can use zahn characters like one of my favorites mara jade. also it has my favorite characters from the original trilogy, hopefully they won't add in anything from the prequels like the eu has done resently because that will ruin it.

people hate the work of kevin j anderson, i don't i actually like his star wars stuff. it's not the best but it is better than the prequels. i liked the eu stuff from the early 90's up til before the prequels, the bantam stuff put a want in my mind for the sequel trilogy which was rumored to be in production back in the early 90's and nothing was much asid about the prequels except that one might feature mark hamill as anakin befiore he put on the mask.

that all came from the rumours i read in the dark horse comics mag published in the uk that by some strange chance my newstand had copies of.

there are many more bakstories and motifs etc george had in his protype scripts he did not use in the prequels like he should have, like the whills elaboration that was in the revenge of the sith novelization and the script but not in the movie because they could not get liam to reprise his role.

i know i just went way off in a tangent, but i do like the maquettes of princess leia and padme that gentle giant made, if they can achieve that anime esque design simililar to the star wars manga, or clone ware cartoon that aired on cartoon network id be an avid watcher, as long as they use stories other authors already wrote and just animated them. i do not want to see some fanboys fanfictions animated because that would be totally lame, but i see no way then can get permission to use the dark horse, bantam, or del rey materials.

i also do not see why lucasfilm could not have had a live action show now, with at least mark hamill reprising his role as luke skywalker. They could adapt the new jedi order or something and have some dark stuff along the lines of the new battlestar galactica.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.

The 3D models look awesome to me. Not quite as good as something professional, but still very close. The site itself looks very amateurish and nothing like I'd expect from LFL. The trailer isn't playing from the link, but you can get it by directly ftping into the site and downloading it.

The reason most, if not all, fan films aren't shutdown is that unless they try to charge money for the end product, which most don't, LFL doesn't bother going after them. It's really only when you start trying to charge people to see your movie that you run into trouble.
F Scale score - 3.3333333333333335

You are disciplined but tolerant; a true American.

Pissing off Rob since August 2007.
I have yet to see the whole trailer, but judging from some of the screenshots it seems to be of a parody nature.
...and I stand corrected; it almost looks like they're trying to animate the EU, eh?

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em

It's a hi-res video, it just takes a long time to load.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em

Well i've just finished watching the vid and its not bad. No sound FX or dialogue, just music. Whether we're ever going to get to see a full version of this is another thing. I noticed right at the end when it says "coming soon" a big question mark suddenly appears so this could only ever be a trailer for something that never will be. oh well.



Well, good for them. I hope they don't get sued back to the stone age. Out side of the boards here, this is one of the most ambitious projects Ive seen.
As I suspected, this is very similar to the Clone Wars teaser that received a C&D a few years ago....awesome animation with no sound..only music.

For those of you who never saw that trailer, here's a link. Once again...this clone wars trailer was FAN MADE. Not by me...I just kept a d/l of it.

It's a slow server for the Tales of the New Republic trailer...here's another link:

Does anyone here also got that ? in the quicktime logo?
Thanx heaps Sunday256.

Any chance of upping the Clone Wars teaser again? That'd be greatly appreciated.
Newtek is the company making Lightwave 3D, that was used to create the movie!

Tales of the New Republic is even featured on the product page.
I sure hope this thing actually gets to see the light of day. If Lucasfilm was smart...they would have done this as their animated series. The hope of seeing an animated series like this gets me giddy. I hope it can go ahead.
  • Todd

STAR WARS: Symphony for a Saga

This has been added to the site: "Disclaimer: This is not an offical Lucasfilm Production" and:

"We can 100% assure you that this is NOT an official Lucasfilm production and is in no way connected to them."

The question now is: How long before Lucasfilm shuts it down?
hate to say it but I would be more excited about this then the official Clone Wars series.
Originally posted by: bomma
hate to say it but I would be more excited about this then the official Clone Wars series.

Why though? Because its not a Lucasfilm product? Frankly neither animation style has done anything to impress me and I hate to say it, fan films always seem to have that "cheese" factor about them that can't compare to material written and produced by professionals.
Originally posted by: Dantha Fodder
Originally posted by: bomma
hate to say it but I would be more excited about this then the official Clone Wars series.

Why though? Because its not a Lucasfilm product? Frankly neither animation style has done anything to impress me and I hate to say it, fan films always seem to have that "cheese" factor about them that can't compare to material written and produced by professionals.

No, because aside from the new Clone Wars series that's coming, it seems to be the best thing coming out.

Do all fan films have a "cheese" factor in your eyes? Or just 90% of them? I know most are utter crap, but once in a while some real gems come along. Troops, Pink 5 (the whole series), Revelations (acting wasn't great, but it was pretty good nonetheless) to name a few of the more well known ones.

We've seen what comes from "professionals". It's not that great in itself. In fact, I'd say we've seen better projects come out of the fan community than we've seen come from all the professionals in the last few years. Aside from the level of FX, the professionals don't seem to be doing to well recently.
F Scale score - 3.3333333333333335

You are disciplined but tolerant; a true American.

Pissing off Rob since August 2007.
Found this over at the TFN fan film forum, reposting the message from the author...


Hey Everyone,

WHAT A WEEK!!! I've just returned from C4 (arrived this morning but I'm only now functional)
Now that I have easy access to the net I'd like to clear the air and the rumors about Tales of the New Republic.

Firstly and you know this one, it's nothing to do with Lucasfilm, it's not official, it's 100% a fan project. I can't call it a fan film because there is no film, or series, or whatever. It was purely meant to be a 'what if' and in no way meant to confuse people regarding the new Clone Wars series. I was very surprised at that part of the confusion as I thought it was very clear and very well promoted by Lucasfilm that they were doing a CGI Clone Wars series and a Live action show set between Ep3-4. For that very reason we stayed away from that era.

It was quiet amazing to watch the reactions, and yes we did hold back on saying exactly what the project was, just because we were interested in peoples comments.

So what was the point/reason for doing it...
Simply put, because we could and we wanted to. I've been wanting to make a CGI short based in the Star Wars universe for about 7-8 years (When I was working on the Roughnecks series), I even contacted several people at LFL, but they were “not interested in TV and were too busy with the movies” So I just figured one day I'd do my own short. And while I'm a big fan of Genndy Tartokovsky's series (I was at the Emmy's the year he won both animation category's) I was always more interested in the 'what happened after' of the Expended Universe.
Fast forward to this year, the 30th anniversary fast approaching and Gentle Giants Animated statues. When I saw these and especially the Leia and R2, I decided that something HAD to be done with them. The design and look took all the great ideas from Genndy's 2D series, made them 3D and then applied that to the original trilogy characters. The problem was that time was short. So instead I thought, lets make a short teaser trailer and see if people like this idea.

And that's what we did. Will we go further, I'm not 100% sure, but it's possible, a lot of people liked the direction we were going.

So how was it done. All of the modeling, animation, lighting and rendering was in Newtek's Lightwave 3D www.newtek.com The compositing was mostly Adobe After Effects with a little Digital Fusion.

Now to the DAVE School (www.DAVESchool.com) bit. I work at the school but this wasn't a class project, most of the work was done by both current and graduate students however. I invited a small group of graduates to help me a few months back. We made some good progress but May25th was coming at us fast. So I started asking more and more students to help. Some put in a few hours here and there, some put in weeks of work. The problem with making a 'preview/trailer' is that it needed to look like it's from a large vast production and you're just showing a few bits from here and there. With about 10 days to go, I think we had 3 or 4 of the 40 shots finished. Most of those were the simpler ships shots. Luckily for me one of the classes needed a filler project for 3 days and I was able to recruit them. Then for the final week it was mostly down to a small team of 5 to complete all the shots. We basically moved into the school and hardly left until it was done. Without the support of the School, the students and the equipment there, we wouldn't have been done in time. Sure the animation isn't groundbreaking, and many of the shots DO need more work, but for the short time we had, it's not bad. Anyone who has worked on a project like this will better understand what goes into it.

During this final week I started uploading a few teaser images onto the website in the hopes of getting people to return on the Friday (25th) and watch the video. We emailed a couple and I mean just a couple of people a link to the site and off it went. Over the next 2 days it spread, I forget the exact numbers but I think 20,000 people or so had visited the site before the video was uploaded.

My goal was always to have it done for the 30th anniversary on May 25th. At 11:59 EST the video was uploaded, a short time later a smaller version for YouTube was uploaded and then it was off. The next morning I headed to C4 with some DVD's to hand out in the hope of getting some fans to watch. By the time I landed in LA things had gone mad! Sites like www.Aintitcoolnews.com had picked it up and the website, along with the YouTube video we're being downloaded by the truckload. The problem was a lot of people thought it was a real production, unfortunately it's not. I emailed Harry at AintItCool, even put a disclaimer on the website, but that didn't slow the downloads and the rumors. We were the #1 Animation video on YouTube last weekend and the website had now way passed 100,000 visitors, with over 2 Million hits.

It's a real shame Lucasfilm had it removed from YouTube, we had over 170,000 views in 3 days and was going well. I've no idea what the problem was as they didn't say, never emailed, never contacted. I was under the impression that LF supported Fan projects, allowing use of Logos, music etc. I see them all over YouTube, Atom, TheForce.Net etc.. Of course no profit was ever intended or expected. It's also odd as there are currently no less than 10 clones of the original video still on you tube, so this seems like a targeted response, again no idea why. Maybe someone will enlighten me. I did state clearly on the video text that this was a "'what if' teaser in the style of a cartoony animated Star Wars show"

For the moment (until I hear otherwise) our website for the project is still up at www.TalesOfTheNewRepublic.com I do plan to add more stills and a complete description of each model and shot, plus FAQ and other bits to help everyone know what we are up to. I'll also include more about the people that work on this (once they are ok with that).

Many Many Thanks for all the sites that linked to us, spread the word and ALL the comments, both good and bad! :-)

and May the Schwartz be with you....

All the best,
Lee Stringer
Yay, it seems like it won't die.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em