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Can you send a link please? Thanks!
Can you send a link please? Thanks!
As little-endian said, I also personally would highly welcome a 1080p open matte version with only color adjustment applied but nothing else. No upscale, no AI processing.
Congratulations for your great work and many thanks !
I saw the film and really appreciated the quality of the work
I think the 1080p Open Matte version is the best way to enjoy this movie. Having it in 4K would be so awesome. Good job !
Good morning, send me the link please
congratulations on the work friend, you are incredible
Would love to see the all the versions of this film it is looking really nice love the color changes.
Can i have a link?
Thank you so much!
This looks amazing, could I get a link? Thanks!
Hey MJBenito, can i have link for this amazing project (and the other ones xD)? Thanks in advance!
Wow, good job!
Can i have a link?
Thank you so much!
Amazing job, would love to get the link - thanks
Very interested in a link! The color grading is a BIG improvement! I cannot stand the weird green tint color grading that’s prominent in modern releases. Absolutely flabbergasts me.
PM sent
Your work is amazing, I’ve never seen such beautiful color grading in this film. Could you share the download link?
Couple of years ago I tried to do a color regrade but this looks incredible.
I’ve also been using AI to remove some of the butchered score and replace it with the intended cues. I’ve done a few passes at it but the AI has only improved over time so I keep returning to it. The hardest part is when it confuses percussion embedded in the film’s audio with just noise, like objects hitting the floor, etc.
Once it’s all finished (and I’m satisfied with it) I’ll share more than a few videos I’ve put up on Vimeo (since YouTube doesn’t really go for that sort of thing due to copyright flags)
All that to say, I’d LOVE to pair my work in progress with this source, which looks like it’ll be a fantastic experience on my new projector. Could I have a link to it?
Very interested in a link! The color grading is a BIG improvement! I cannot stand the weird green tint color grading that’s prominent in modern releases. Absolutely flabbergasts me.
PM sent
Where can I get the link?
Would be very interested in a link as well! It looks like a tremendous effort to preserve detail while keping a natural cinematic look.
Would love a link! Great work!
Can i have a link?
Thank you so much!
Just for fun, here’s a comparison with the 70mm film frame. Don’t focus (no pun) on the sharpness, it’s slightly out of focus, but focus on the color, it’s pretty much how it looks to the natural eye.
All this work you put in looks amazing! Could I get a link please? Thank you!
I just created an account for THIS. Please how do this blog works? Any movie here is sent through PM only? If so, PLEASE help me out with that plsssss I can’t believe someone actually made and shares this movie in 4K!
This looks amazing. If you still have the link, I’d love to see it.
Likewise, would love to get a link.
I will love to see this movie on my collection, its brilliant work
Awesome project! I saw a 3D screening in IMAX the other day and was quite disappointed, not just because the 3D was annoying, but I was watching on this huge IMAX screen and yet the film was in 2:35:1, meaning more than half the screen was going to waste! If they played an open matte version like this I would have loved it.