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Would love a link, thank you for the hard work.
Would love a link, thank you for the hard work.
I noticed macro blocking in under water shots and some of the blurred backgrounds. I’m curious if that’s in the 3D Blu-ray source or happened during the processing?
I noticed macro blocking in under water shots and some of the blurred backgrounds. I’m curious if that’s in the 3D Blu-ray source or happened during the processing?
It’s unfortunately part of the 2012 master which was used as the source for the offical 4k image. Many videos are showing differences between both masters over YouTube.
@MJBenito: if you find the time, it would be great if you could answer the questions I raised about the source and the sharpening differences, thanks.
@MJBenito: if you find the time, it would be great if you could answer the questions I raised about the source and the sharpening differences, thanks.
As mentioned in the original post, the 3D bluray is the source used for this 4K Filmized remaster. I used my own Topaz Video AI settings after many tests to get the most natural look. That means that compression has been fixed and details may have a been recovered during the process. I made sure that no sharpening was added in the process because it was the main goal of the project : get rid of the oversharpened look of the official 4K remaster.
Unfortunately, I won’t have time for a v3 version. It is what it is now and I’m 100% satisfied with the 4K Filmized Remaster than with the official 4K master.
I’m curious about the 3D left eye version. I have heard that both the 3D left eye and right eye are “different” to the regular 2D version because they had to make adjustments (alter the image) to create the 3D version. Since this Filmized is sourced from the 3D left eye, does that mean it’s slightly different to the 2D version?
I’ve never seen the 3D version so I can’t compare.
Came here hoping someone had fixed the awful official 4K issue, and this looks like just what I’m looking for. Would love a PM.
“Goodnight, but not Goodbye!”
I’m curious about the 3D left eye version. I have heard that both the 3D left eye and right eye are “different” to the regular 2D version because they had to make adjustments (alter the image) to create the 3D version. Since this Filmized is sourced from the 3D left eye, does that mean it’s slightly different to the 2D version?
I’ve never seen the 3D version so I can’t compare.
it’s not as bad when you play the actual 3D disc in 2D, vs this file.
Thanks for your reply, MJBenito.
MJBenito said: As mentioned in the original post, the 3D bluray is the source used for this 4K Filmized remaster.
Yes, that was my understanding, however thorough comparison of that original and your version raised doubts about that so thanks for the confirmation.
MJBenito said: I used my own Topaz Video AI settings after many tests to get the most natural look. That means that compression has been fixed and details may have a been recovered during the process. I made sure that no sharpening was added in the process because it was the main goal of the project : get rid of the oversharpened look of the official 4K remaster.
While entirely appreciating your great project and also approach when it comes to the color grading, from a critical point of view, one has to state that by trying to recover details, some are also lost (minor, but still). Also, as my screenshots show, in fact there is artificial sharpening in your release which isn’t present in the original, a fact that actually led to doubting which source you had used again.
Thus, if your time allows it, I personally would highly welcome a version with only color adjustment applied but nothing else. No upscale, no AI processing. Same goes with “The Mask” where I intend to comment on separately in the respective thread.
I am interested in this project, would love to see a copy, if possible, via PM! I was wondering if this is the theatrical or extended version, I noticed there was a 1080p project of the latter, with the end file with more or less 60 GB.
May I have the link for this? Thank you in advance!
I got a 2D open matte version of the movie that hasn’t been converted from 3D. I would like to share it, but my messages are having trouble sending.
I got a 2D open matte version of the movie that hasn’t been converted from 3D. I would like to share it, but my messages are having trouble sending.
Be great if you could
I got a 2D open matte version of the movie that hasn’t been converted from 3D. I would like to share it, but my messages are having trouble sending.
Possible to know the source? I thought all open matte are sourced from the “left eye” of the 3D video?
good evening, could I have access to a link for this project please, it would complete my collection with the 35mm ^^
Hey, would appreciate if you could pm me a link to this TITANIC 4K Open Matte file. It’ll be the first time I see this film and would be so cool to see the open matte with the work you’ve done on this project.
PMs sent. If anyone else hasn’t gotten it yet, let me know.
A little late to this thread, but I am excited by the quality I’m seeing here! I would love if someone could share the links with me. Thanks much in advance!
I got a 2D open matte version of the movie that hasn’t been converted from 3D. I would like to share it, but my messages are having trouble sending.
I would absolutely love it if you could send a link my way!
Wow this looks incredible. Please send a link my way!
Please send me a link. This looks amazing!
It’s a very good job!
This looks great! I would love a link if possible. Thanks
A link would be much appreciated
I would appreciate a link, thank you!