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THE PHANTOM MENACE - THEATRICAL HD Topper's Version (Released) — Page 3


JK1974 said:


I have found a HD 1080i50 recording from digital TV (no capture!) back from 2006, English (Stereo, 448 kBit/s) and German (5.1, 448 kBit/s) AC3 tracks. Overall bitrate is at around 18 MBit/s, filesize by coincidence also around 18 GByte/s.
But the quality, like mentioned, is really awful: There is a lot of noise in bright areas, and the overall sharpness is bad.
Anyone still interested in? 😉
I have also recordings of all other SW movies, but I think that those are all SEs and thus not really useful anymore. If they still are, please also leave me a note.

Hi JK1974,

I’m currently working on a reconstruction of the theatrical version of TPM based on several TV broadcasts and LaserDisc rips, but all are in SD.
So I’m DEEPLY interested in your HD1080i50 recording!

Thank you so much!


Very exciting news. I’ve sent you a private message, JK1974. (The little speech/thought bubbles in the top right hand corner)

Preferred Saga:
1,2: Numeraljoker extended
3: L8wrtr
4,6-9: Hal9000
5: Adywan


I’m also interested. Since there are only 2 sections that are missing from the HD DVD broadcast version, it might be easy to clean up just those.


Unfortunately, this also seems to be the HD DVD version, sorry…


“Hello There!”,

I was wondering if anyone knew what platform (DVD, Blu-Ray, VHS, Laser Disc etc) has the original theatrical version of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace (unaltered, not special edition). Because I have the standard DVD re-release from 2001 and it’s not what I saw in Theater. If Anyone who knows what platform the original was off or has made their own copy of it please let me know, as I’m a massive Star Wars collector.

“The force will be with, always…”


May 25, 1977

The day that changed the world


OK. Thank You very much.

May 25, 1977

The day that changed the world


Is there a difference between the Laser Disc and VHS? Or are they the same?

May 25, 1977

The day that changed the world



The official theatrical version was available on VHS (widescreen or pan&scan, NTSC or PAL), VCD (pan&scan) and Laserdisc (widescreen).
It was also broadcasted several times on european channels (such as C+ Scandinavia and ORF1) : captures are available on torrent sites.
All those releases are issued from the same master.


Cheers ZigZig

May 25, 1977

The day that changed the world


Also another question, what is the best possible version on laserDisc for the Original Trilogy? I was thinking of buying the 1993 Definitive Collectors edition or the 1986 Japanese Special Collection. What do you recommend I get? What’s the best copy you know of?

May 25, 1977

The day that changed the world



Also another question, what is the best possible version on laserDisc for the Original Trilogy? I was thinking of buying the 1993 Definitive Collectors edition or the 1986 Japanese Special Collection. What do you recommend I get? What’s the best copy you know of?

Japanese Special Collection.


Greetings, sorry for the constant messages. I’m just suddenly so into LaserDisc and VHS and I’m also conducting a project to make the best possible version of The Phantom Menace from the original theatrical version without using Blu-ray (because it isn’t the original theatrical version). Anyway, Star Wars: Episode 1: The Phantom Menace was released in 4 MAIN formats. DVD, Blu-ray, LaserDisc and VHS. The original theatrical version (unaltered) was released only on LaserDisc and VHS. Now, (from what I was told) the LaserDisc version has the best picture, and the VHS has the best audio. Is that correct. Also, was the Laser Disc format for the Phantom Menace only released Japan meaning there was only a Japanese copy? And, would it matter if I buy a PAL or NTSC version of the VHS format? Would there be a difference in quality.


May 25, 1977

The day that changed the world


No, the LaserDisc audio would be better. It has digital PCM (uncompressed) stereo and AC3 5.1 audio. And yes, it’s Japan only.

For VHS, PAL would have higher resolution picture-wise, but it would have PAL speedup issues (24 > 25 fps), meaning it would run 4% faster and the audio pitch would be higher than the original 24fps.


OK. So what has better picture then. VHS, or LaserDisc as well?

May 25, 1977

The day that changed the world


Or is the picture the same quality? I wouldn’t suspect it would be though.

May 25, 1977

The day that changed the world


Greetings once again,

I was wondering what the best Star Wars LP is

May 25, 1977

The day that changed the world


Hello, I was just wondering, if you guys know where to buy the original Star Wars LP’S from? Because I’m trying to find them but I can’t. Well I can, but not the White Label Promo ones. PLEASE HELP ME!

May 25, 1977

The day that changed the world



Hello, I was just wondering, if you guys know where to buy the original Star Wars LP’S from? Because I’m trying to find them but I can’t. Well I can, but not the White Label Promo ones. PLEASE HELP ME!

Are you asking about vinyl records? Check discogs.com.

If I had some gum, I’d chew a hole into the sun…


Yes, LP, Vinyl, Record. Thank you so much

May 25, 1977

The day that changed the world


Guys, could anyone help me find the Japanese laserdisc theatrical cut version of TPM? Seems to have vanished from the internet now.

“The ability to speak does not make you intelligent.”


Hi all, it’s been some time. I finished the project back than but didn’t have time to get it out there.
So i just looked through all my Hard Drive and found the finished version.

It is the PHANTOM MENACE Theatrical Edition in 720p, sourced from the HD Broadcasts, with inserts of SD Parts for shots that were only in the Theatrical Cut, color corrected, so it doesn’t have the pink tint and with Theatrical Audio AC3 5.1 Sound.
I have a ProRes Version now, about 69 GB, and can render it to something smaller.

But, I have no experience in how to get it out there to the community. So maybe, if someone is interested, they can write me a pm?

Just let me know, what to do with it 😉