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Starwars.com closes its forums — Page 10


The Reader's Digest version is someone once deeply involved with the TFN website claimed to have a lot of insider plot spoiler info. They claimed Yoda acts "crazy" kind of like he does when we first saw him in Empire to escape capture. Part of this deception involves breaking wind.

Needless to say, the lie got bigger and imploded. I tried looking for the thread on their forum couple years back.


There is a huge four month gap in posts on page 138 around the time this all went down. Make of that what you will.

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Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


You guys missed the greatest one:

DavidBrennan said:

... I received one short e-mail saying little more than, "We think you were flaming"... 

I would've replied, "No, Filoni is flaming!"




After two meals of sprouts in one week I guess I'm ready for my deleted scene.


DavidBrennan said:
I literally called Dave Filoni "effeminate".  That was all.  They SWARMED on me.  I absolutely refuse to believe that any honest sampling of grown-ups are that hysterically politically correct to be so outraged.  One guy there was apparently being too sincere about it, he was talking about how he is "transgendered" (don't know or want to know what that even means) and so calling somebody "effeminate" was "offensive"......

There has recently been an influx of....well....girly shills at TFN who literally come across as LFL employees masquerading as fans.....

It was insane. You can go to 1,000 other message boards and never again see apparently grown men behaving with such girlish hysteria. Ever.......

Finally, I have been banned there (for calling Filoni "effeminate". And, okay, when they swarmed on me I did double-down and observe that, in videos, Filoni also has a lisp and a womanly gait.

But they're a bunch of girly, ignorant (you would be amazed at the rank stupidity in the average post mixed in with all the, "Ahsoka is the best Star Wars character ev-ah!!!" quotes from 30 year old dudes), catty, stooges........

Some may have interpreted your characterization as gay-bashing, which might explain why they decided to ban you, (regardless of their explanation). That's a big PC no-no, especially if he really is gay or transgendered.

Personally, I can't stand TFN or the attitude of most there, so as a female, I wouldn't refer to the behavior by those at TFN as "girly" (especially when the word is used as a pejorative) mainly because I'm fairly sure most of the posters there are male, and DO act like adolescent and pre-adolescent boys tend to act on occasion.

Besides, you're giving them a lot of credit, assuming that there's a whole lot of "grown men" there! ;-)


zombie84 wrote: This may sound like typical non-PT-fan cynicsm, but I do honestly believe they shut down the forums because they essentially took over TF.N.  That site did lots of business with the official site and had lots of cross-talk and business dealings.

Care to explain this idea of business dealings?

From the information i've been privy to, the only connection between tf.n and LFL is a handshake and personel access.  While attempting to preserve a public record of forums.starwars.com I was chatting with the boards.theforce.net folks and that place was having difficulties creating their own backup, in case of a catastrophic mishap.  They've been gifted housing and some server stuff for several years past their initial agreement.  It seems as if they are finally getting into migrating to a new system or provider.  But I haven't heard if LFL was part of helping out that deal.

The continual shut down of starwars.com is partly out a businesses desire to cut staffing and supposedly antiquated systems.  What they fail to realize is they are also destroying their fans participation.  The blogs are the latest piece to 'insert cliche here'


Mielr said:


Some may have interpreted your characterization as gay-bashing, which might explain why they decided to ban you, (regardless of their explanation). That's a big PC no-no, especially if he really is gay or transgendered.

Personally, I can't stand TFN or the attitude of most there, so as a female, I wouldn't refer to the behavior by those at TFN as "girly" (especially when the word is used as a pejorative) mainly because I'm fairly sure most of the posters there are male, and DO act like adolescent and pre-adolescent boys tend to act on occasion.

Besides, you're giving them a lot of credit, assuming that there's a whole lot of "grown men" there! ;-)


I think that "gay bashing" was what they were, like, coyly hoping I was going to do so that they could wag their little fingers and act even more indignant and self-righteous. 

My basic worldview is that you're allowed to make observations; that observing things, stating observations, and being curious in general is a good thing.  So, like, I don't know why everybody is supposed to silent about the fact that, ya know, Dave Filoni is effeminate.  I mean, everybody has eyes and ears and so they've observed it, too.  We observe that George Lucas has gotten fat and kind of Jabba-ish in the past decade and nobody has issues making digs about that.  I guess that people are supposed to lie about dudes being effeminate.  I don't know.

Thanks for exuding at least a bit of sympathy, though.  It was kind of weird to tell the story here and just read still more, "Oh no he di'int!" fake outrage from people.  I guess Western men don't have any real emotion anymore, so faking feeling is the only way to project humanity to others.

(As far as the age of the dudes at TFN goes, they're usually listed at the people's profiles there.  I definitely haven't done a full survey or anything, but the average does seem to be a male well past 20, for sure.)


Man, you really are the tragic, misunderstood hero of this piece, aren't you?

BTW, I've heard mockery is often misinterpreted as outrage, here and elsewhere.

Frankly I don't know what's more precious: that you might think your mastery of words can dig you out of this hole, or that you might not think you're in a hole at all.  Either way it's adorable as all get out.  Please keep it up.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


DavidBrennan said:

Mielr said:


Some may have interpreted your characterization as gay-bashing, which might explain why they decided to ban you, (regardless of their explanation). That's a big PC no-no, especially if he really is gay or transgendered.

Personally, I can't stand TFN or the attitude of most there, so as a female, I wouldn't refer to the behavior by those at TFN as "girly" (especially when the word is used as a pejorative) mainly because I'm fairly sure most of the posters there are male, and DO act like adolescent and pre-adolescent boys tend to act on occasion.

Besides, you're giving them a lot of credit, assuming that there's a whole lot of "grown men" there! ;-)


I think that "gay bashing" was what they were, like, coyly hoping I was going to do so that they could wag their little fingers and act even more indignant and self-righteous. 

My basic worldview is that you're allowed to make observations; that observing things, stating observations, and being curious in general is a good thing.  So, like, I don't know why everybody is supposed to silent about the fact that, ya know, Dave Filoni is effeminate.  I mean, everybody has eyes and ears and so they've observed it, too.  We observe that George Lucas has gotten fat and kind of Jabba-ish in the past decade and nobody has issues making digs about that.  I guess that people are supposed to lie about dudes being effeminate.  I don't know.

Thanks for exuding at least a bit of sympathy, though.  It was kind of weird to tell the story here and just read still more, "Oh no he di'int!" fake outrage from people.  I guess Western men don't have any real emotion anymore, so faking feeling is the only way to project humanity to others.

(As far as the age of the dudes at TFN goes, they're usually listed at the people's profiles there.  I definitely haven't done a full survey or anything, but the average does seem to be a male well past 20, for sure.)

You have some serious issues with masculinity. Note, this is not outrage, just an observation made with my eyes.


CatBus said:

Man, you really are the tragic, misunderstood hero of this piece, aren't you?

BTW, I've heard mockery is often misinterpreted as outrage, here and elsewhere.

Frankly I don't know what's more precious: that you might think your mastery of words can dig you out of this hole, or that you might not think you're in a hole at all.  Either way it's adorable as all get out.  Please keep it up.

Ummm, okay. So I observed that Dave Filoni is feminine, and now you're offended and outraged (or so outraged that you mock people or whatever you were trying to imply there).

And if you think that somebody being insulted as politically incorrect by some "transgendered" people is "in a hole" or whatever, then I guess you've had an easy life.  To me, this is just entertainment, food-for-thought, and sad but funny illustrations of still more fake emotion from modern Western men.  So if you have a point to make, please just make it instead of writing veiled insults and dumb babble.


asterisk8 said:

You have some serious issues with masculinity. Note, this is not outrage, just an observation made with my eyes.

Are you a stalker?  How could you see me?

Anyway, considering that this incident is about observing that Dave Filoni is, ya know, he likes other dudes (that's his business and there's nothing wrong with that) and that he's effeminate (ditto), I think that masculinity is, like, the crux of the matter.

So you're indignant that somebody is identified as effeminate....which kinda would mean that you have issues with masculinity?


I admit it!  We're all just trying to trick you into saying something that sounds homophobic!  Thank goodness you haven't taken the bait, right?

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


Guys not to backseat mod or anything, but I'm not sure this is worth the trouble.  I don't think Filoni happens to be a transgender, and Brennan's remark about one happened to deal with someone on TFN getting upset because they were transvestite and the word effeminate was offensive to them.  Which is a little silly, really.

I can't compare the real context but I think you guys are on a witch hunt.  Conversely, David, your over-justification really isn't helping.

Gotta get this backseat mod bug outta me...

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


bkev, transvestite and transgender are not the same thing.

Anyway, I think this getting a bit off topic now.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


bkev said:

Guys not to backseat mod or anything, but I'm not sure this is worth the trouble.  I don't think Filoni happens to be a transgender, and Brennan's remakr about one happened to deal with someone on TFN getting upset because they were transvestite and the word effeminate was offensive to them.  Which is a little silly, really.

I can't compare the real context but I think you guys are on a witch hunt.  Conversely, David, your over-justification really isn't helping.

Gotta get this backseat mod bug outta me...

Thanks, dude.  The "witch hunt" and the "a little silly" comments were exactly what I was hoping for (and expecting here). 

It was as much surreal as anything else, I guess.  It really is crazy that (a) any grown-ups claim to be "offended" at harmless comments and expect others to believe them, and (b) that this is obviously being used as pretext to silence people who don't conform to other molds (in this case, ban somebody who pointed out that TPM 3D was a flop at the unofficial LFL message boards).

I guess this is just more "over-justification", though.


SilverWook said:

bkev, transvestite and transgender are not the same thing.

Anyway, I think this getting a bit off topic now.

Well... I know that.  I'm young, not naive.  I thought we were talking about that.  Isn't that the case?  Anyway if I made a mistake I apologize and anything more I say would be adding fuel to the fire so I'mma cut out.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


The person Dave said was upset about the remark claimed to be transgendered, not a transvestite. But don't worry about it.

In any event, this site is like Casablanca. We don't pry into where you came from, or what you did before you fled here. Just pay your bar tab once in a while, and never ask the piano guy to play a certain song when Rick's around. ;)

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


The point I was trying to make was that I definitely think that, whatever the precise agreement and mechanisms in place are, TFN is now, for all practical intents and purposes, just a branch of LFL and you'll be treated there like any large corporation would treat somebody who's either critical of the company or politically incorrect.  This should be noted and, I guess in a best-case scenario, we'd find out exactly what any agreements between them are.

I was seeking sympathy for my specific incident(s) because it was hurtful to me and I assumed nobody outside of TFN would be outraged, so I had zero expectation that I'd get similar responses here.  But apparently fake indignation and acute political correctness is common across all Star Wars message boards.  Mercifully, though, the word "effeminate" can safely be used at my MMA, paleo diet, and other forums without triggering howls of fake emotion.


SilverWook said:

In any event, this site is like Casablanca. We don't pry into where you came from, or what you did before you fled here. Just pay your bar tab once in a while, and never ask the piano guy to play a certain song when Rick's around. ;)

That's the way it should always be.  Who wouldn't want to hang out at Casablanca, after all?  Better than this place, which is the way people apparently want it.


DavidBrennan said:

Mercifully, though, the word "effeminate" can safely be used at my MMA, paleo diet, and other forums without triggering howls of fake emotion.

You forgot to mention stormfront.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


CatBus said:

DavidBrennan said:

Mercifully, though, the word "effeminate" can safely be used at my MMA, paleo diet, and other forums without triggering howls of fake emotion.

You forgot to mention stormfront.

Just looked up stormfront and that appears to be a whites only site? You hang out at some unorthodox places.

Anyway, it's actually funny because, after noting Dave Filonis is effeminate, one of the people there at TFN said I was "anti-semitic" and a "conspiracy loon".  He then linked to a couple of crazy sites with URLs that I didn't even click on because I was scared of where they'd take me. Needless to say, TFN didn't punish this person for calling me those names - nor any of the other people who called me names.  This is obvious because I checked the boards and they were still posting right after I was banned.

So calling total strangers "anti-semitic" and "loons" for no reason is cool at TFN.  Observing that a dude is effeminate, meanwhile, gets you banned.

But apparently people full of fake emotion are obsessed with projecting white supremacy on others?  I don't know.  My emotions are honest, and so I can't empathize with phonies all that well.



Nobody is getting the torches and pitchforks out. Relax.

TFN isn't exactly held in high regard outside TFN.  (MF.com members consider them a joke.) We have a lot of TFN refugees here. I don't think I was even on there more than a few weeks before getting frustrated with the mindset there in regards to the original versions of the the OT.



Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


It's weird how random unrelated people all over the world can all get the exact same totally off-base ideas about you.  The odds of having that happening without the slightest hint of bigotry from you...

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


CatBus said:

It's weird how random unrelated people all over the world can all get the exact same totally off-base ideas about you.  The odds of having that happening without the slightest hint of bigotry from you...

And it's weird that the one person who stood up for me here had to apologize and retreat soon after doing so.  It's the same reason that you believe that you have everybody on your side: because you people bully good people into silence because they're afraid that you'll then call THEM "bigots" or "loons" or "anti-semitic".

You're a bully and you're a phony and most people know this, but they won't say anything because they know that you'll call them names and possibly damage their reputation or even their job status. 

All because you have no real emotions and so you have to fake outrage.