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Star Wars on Blu-ray? — Page 3

Puggo - Jar Jar's Yoda said:
negative1 said:

didn't you support the Xo project? or the 8mm transfers? or any of the other ones?

Depending on what you mean by "support", since you mention X0, 8mm, and support all in the same sentence, I am compelled to make sure that things are clear:  Unlike the X0, the 8mm Puggo project did not solicit or receive any financial or material support of any kind - (unless you count Boba loaning me the films).


right, of course..


i came here after all these things were done, so im not aware of what was

involved with those projects..

i guess its up to the project leaders to decide if they need funds or not..


that's always a tricky issue.... which is why i am trying to avoid it..





[no GOUT in CED?-> GOUT CED]