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Star Wars extended Cut



ich bin ein begeisterter star wars fan und hab schon viele faneditions zur alten trilogie gesehn.

die besten kommen,finde ich,von adywan und jambe davdar,die der orginal trilogie das geben was george verpasst oder versaut hat.

adywan,der sich die mühe gemacht hat mit "a new hope : revisited" bild- und logische fehler zu beheben.

näheres findet ihr hier :


jambe davdar,der viele behind the scenes und deletet scenes in die original trilogie eingebaut hat.

sehr informativ das ganze.

die videos können hier angeschaut werden :


ich bin beeindruckt von ihrer arbeit und wollte selbst so etwas versuchen.

ich dachte mir,man könnte doch alle gelöschten szenen in den film einbauen und eine long version machen.

bildmaterial hab ich genug,nicht nur von der bluray...

da ich aber gar keine ahnung von der bearbeitung eines films habe,hoffe ich hier jemanden zu finden der mir dabei hilft,dieses projekt zu beenden.

es müßen : farb korrekturen

                  bild fehler (störende elemente)


                  ntsc in pal umwandeln

                  ton bearbeitung (special effects,stimmen,geräusche,etc...)

                  untertitel einfügen

                  schwarz weiß farbig machen

                  und was weiß ich noch....

gemacht werden.

ich bin schon seit letztem jahr damit beschäftig und hab unzählige dokus und making of´s über star wars,auf der suche nach bildmaterial,angeschaut.

um es mal auf den punkt zu bringen,hab ich bis jetzt für :

ep IV ca 18 min

ep V ca 15 min

ep VI ca 22 min


diese szenen sind aber unbearbeitet,nicht richtig geschnitten oder zum teil doppelt (aus qualitäts gründen).

wenn alles bearbeitet ist könnten die filme zwischen 12 und 18 minuten länger werden als die special edition.

es gibt auch aus der original trilogie (nicht special edition) noch szenen die in der special edition nicht oder verkürzt vorkommen.

wer wissen möchte welche das sind,der sollte sich von wookie groomer anh,esb,rotj splitscreen besorgen.da laufen beide versionen gleichzeitig ab.


Also,sollte jemand ahnung haben (und ich weiß das es hier leute mit ahnung gibt...:-)) und mich bei diesem projekt unterstützen möchte,wäre ich sehr dankbar dafür.

möge die macht mit uns sein.


Sprechen Sie Deutsch, Baby?


"[George Lucas] rebooted the franchise in 1997 without telling anyone." -skyjedi2005

"Yeah, well, George says a lot of things..." a young 1997 xhonzi on RASSM

"They're my movies." -George Lucas. 19 people won oscars for their work on Star Wars (1977) and George Lucas wasn't one of them.

Rewrite the Prequels!



google translation:

I am an avid fan and have been to many star wars trilogy faneditions to the old saw.

the best there is, I think of davdar adywan jambe and that has the original trilogy give what george missed or messed up.

adywan who made the effort "a new hope: revisited" to solve visual and logical errors.

further details can be found here:

Jambe Davdar has re-built many scenes from behind the scenes clips and deleted scenes from the original trilogy

very informative throughout.

The videos can be viewed here:


I am impressed by their work and wanted to even try such a thing.

I thought to myself that you could fit all the deleted scenes in the film and make an extended version

I've had enough visual material, not only for the bluray ...

but as I have absolutely no idea of ??the editing of a film, I hope to find someone here who can help me here to finish this project.

It must: color corrections

visual errors (distracting elements)

blue screen

convert into ntsc/pal

sound processing (special effects agree, sounds, etc. ..)

Insert caption

and what I remember ....

be made.

I've been since last year and did so employing countless doco's and making of's about Star Wars, in search of visual material viewed.

to put it to bring to the point, I'm up now for:

ep IV approximately 18 min

V ep about 15 min

ep VI about 22 min

visual material.

these scenes are but raw, cut right or not (set up in quality) to participate twice.

if everything is handled the films could be 12 to 18 minutes longer than the special editions are.

There are also from the original trilogy (not special edition) or scenes that appear in the special edition or not shortened.

who wants to know what they are, who should by wookie groomer anh esb, rotj splitscreen besorgen.da both versions run simultaneously.

So, would anyone have unknowing (and I know there are people here with foreboding ... :-)) and would like to support me in this project, I would be very grateful.

may be that makes us.


"[George Lucas] rebooted the franchise in 1997 without telling anyone." -skyjedi2005

"Yeah, well, George says a lot of things..." a young 1997 xhonzi on RASSM

"They're my movies." -George Lucas. 19 people won oscars for their work on Star Wars (1977) and George Lucas wasn't one of them.

Rewrite the Prequels!



xhonzi said:

Sprechen Sie Deutsch, Baby?



benduwan said:

xhonzi said:

Sprechen Sie Deutsch, Baby?





<span style=“font-weight: bold;”>The Most Handsomest Guy on OT.com</span>


xhonzi said:

google translation:

I am an avid fan and have been to many star wars trilogy faneditions to the old saw.

the best there is, I think of davdar adywan jambe and that has the original trilogy give what george missed or messed up.

adywan who made the effort "a new hope: revisited" to solve visual and logical errors.

further details can be found here:

Jambe Davdar has re-built many scenes from behind the scenes clips and deleted scenes from the original trilogy

very informative throughout.

The videos can be viewed here:


I am impressed by their work and wanted to even try such a thing.

I thought to myself that you could fit all the deleted scenes in the film and make an extended version

I've had enough visual material, not only for the bluray ...

but as I have absolutely no idea of ??the editing of a film, I hope to find someone here who can help me here to finish this project.

It must: color corrections

visual errors (distracting elements)

blue screen

convert into ntsc/pal

sound processing (special effects agree, sounds, etc. ..)

Insert caption

and what I remember ....

be made.

I've been since last year and did so employing countless doco's and making of's about Star Wars, in search of visual material viewed.

to put it to bring to the point, I'm up now for:

ep IV approximately 18 min

V ep about 15 min

ep VI about 22 min

visual material.

these scenes are but raw, cut right or not (set up in quality) to participate twice.

if everything is handled the films could be 12 to 18 minutes longer than the special editions are.

There are also from the original trilogy (not special edition) or scenes that appear in the special edition or not shortened.

who wants to know what they are, who should by wookie groomer anh esb, rotj splitscreen besorgen.da both versions run simultaneously.

So, would anyone have unknowing (and I know there are people here with foreboding ... :-)) and would like to support me in this project, I would be very grateful.

may be that makes us.

Backstroke of the Forum?


In einem englischsprachigen Forum solltest du wirkllich nicht auf Deutsch posten und vor allem keinen Thread starten! Da die User hier aus aller Welt kommen, ist die "Amtsprache" natürlich Englisch... bei den paar deutschsprachigen Leuten hier kannst du nämlich nicht davon ausgehen, dass man dir so irgendwie helfen kann ;-)

(And before anyone uses Google to translate that, I just wrote that the decided language on the forum is English, as people on here are from all over the world. So it's pointless to start a thread in German, as the handful of German-speaking folks on here give only a minimal chance to be of help.)


Laserschwert said:

In einem englischsprachigen Forum solltest du wirkllich nicht auf Deutsch posten und vor allem keinen Thread starten! Da die User hier aus aller Welt kommen, ist die "Amtsprache" natürlich Englisch... bei den paar deutschsprachigen Leuten hier kannst du nämlich nicht davon ausgehen, dass man dir so irgendwie helfen kann ;-)

(And before anyone uses Google to translate that, I just wrote that the decided language on the forum is English, as people on here are from all over the world. So it's pointless to start a thread in German, as the handful of German-speaking folks on here give only a minimal chance to be of help.)

danke für die antwort.schade das hier so wenig deutsch geschrieben wird.wüßte nicht wo ich sonst noch schreiben könnte um hilfe zu bekommen.