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And in the Marvel comic book but the model Mark is playing with in the garage was meant to be used in the film as a practical model of the physical craft parked behind him.
The later inclusion of the Pod Race in Episode One makes me think it was something Lucas planned to do as a foreshadowing of the Death Star run but didn't have the time and money.
A 1978ish Special Edition would have the money in much the same way that Paramount chucked the money at Spielberg to do shots he wanted to do for CE3K as long as he added shots inside the mothership, I could see Lucas throwing in the Biggs subplot but extending it with the Skyhopper race as a new action sequence.
1997 Lucas was too much of a tight wad and too precious to dramatically restructure his earlier film in any meaningful way and he probably already had an eye on using the race idea in Episode One.