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Star Wars coming to Blu Ray (UPDATE: August 30 2011, No! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!) — Page 320


Which Im sure will happen, because people will still see Jar-Jar in 3d, because it is SW; it's no longer a movie, it's a drug. If history repeats itself, we may get another release of the GOUT on Blu-ray if there are pirated versions that interfere with sales. 


"Why fight them when you can do it yourself. 

Why do you want the preservation of this movie to come from George Lucas?"


Because Lucasfilm has the money, employees, equipment, and most importantly, the original negatives and film elements, all of which means that Lucas has the capability of providing us a fantastic quality release of the OT. He has chosen once again not to do that. Take a look at the Blu-ray release of Blade Runner - all 4 versions of the film, all remastered, with the film scanned at 4k resolution, and the effects shots scanned at 8k resolution off a pristine 65mm negative. Do you honestly think any Blade Runner fan could do that? Look at the Blu-ray release of Wizard of Oz - simply stunning. I thought "It's a Wonderful Life" looked remarkable. Look at the work that went into the incredible blu-ray Alien set.


Do you honestly think that fans could produce that kind of quality? I don't mean that in any way to sound negative to all the incredible fan editors out there - on the contrary, I have seen some truly amazing work done by fan editors. And some really amazing extras packages put together also (Editdroid comes to mind). And some really original stuff too, like the amazing "Story of Star Wars" by MoveAlong.


But lets be honest here. Lucasfilm has access to high-end equipment and most importantly the original film prints. There is only so much fans can do with what is available to them for sources. Lucasfilm has the ability to release a set just as good as others I mentioned above. That is all we are asking for, and I don't think it's too much to ask. Neither do most of us here. Obviously Lucas feels differently.




I agree Oldfan. There are some AMAZING fan preservations out there that have been mentioned 1,000 times in this thread, but they are all admittedly compromises in one form or another. Lucasfilm has the means to deliver a beautiful, clean transfer of the OT with the original 70mm soundtrack. Then they can do whatever the heck they want with the special editions and never hear another peep of complaint out of anyone.


If Lucas were smart, he'd include the theatrical cut of TPM with next year's blu-ray 3D release, do the same for AOTC when that hits. It would be a sign of goodwill toward the fans. Then he could finally include the theatrical cut of ANH in 2015 and charge a hefty price tag for it. Then he could do that with Empire the next year and finally with Jedi the year after that.

Mark my words, people. Lucas is crazy but he ain't dumb. Eventually he'll see the $$$$$ and give us what we want.


generalfrevious wrote: You are not fighting for Civil Rights, this is just getting LFL to release the originals again.

That's all this might be to you, but not to me.  There is a larger debate about what people can and cannot do with technology as it enhances the ability to communicate. I take the stance that more freedoms to communicate in new ways is something we should strive for.  I see copyright as it is written and practiced as too restrictive.  While technology has given me the ability to do things which I could not have done 20-30 years ago, copyright legislation invoked in the 70s make what I have recently done and would like to continue doing, illegal.  That same 1970s copyright change, took away the ability of generations of people from interacting with the culture they grew up with.  This is has never happened before, 100 years ago if you grew up with a children's book, by the time you were an older adult, the work would enter the public domain. No works of any kind, anytime soon will enter the public domain.  That prohibits freelance preservationists from doing what they would like to do.  Meaning that future generations will suffer from the destruction of information and ideals.   Another aspect of this debate is the technological medium.  Film in this case is degrading.  If we as a society value these old creations, the law makers would set up an exemption to make sure all films are given the chance to be preserved before it's too late.  All the professionals out there do not have enough time to accomplish this task, the public is required to get involved.  As there is no exemption, people don't share my sentiment.

What you don't realize is that corporations run our society now

I've been telling you to get off your ass and change that.


LFL just needs to do what everyone else is doing.

They have been.  Most films never see a second release, let alone a preservation effort.


Oldfan wrote: Do you honestly think that fans could produce that kind of quality?

Yes.  People who respect works will spend their time to make the preservation the best it can be.  That amount of attention is what will make that preservation better then any official effort.


For example, in the last year these forums have become fascinated with color correction.  Many of the major projects have done global correction always with the caveat that individual shot correction is just too time consuming.  We'll what if a system was created where correction settings were done publicly and over a year or so the group figured out how to revise things per shot.  Spread the work over many people.  Have FAQ's how to get involved.  And in year we could have those setting ready to go.  Then tackle the next problem.  What if these forums started sharing not just the final product but all the support files, from editing files to color correction to masks and other SFX items.  A lot could be accomplished.  But all this work can't defeat the notion that only LFL can do a proper preservation.


In my mind the greatest thing George Lucas has done is he began to bring the technological tools of the professionals and shift them into a different method so more people could get access to those tools.  Star Wars is fine, but the idea that I could edit and create my own form of news reporting, using the tools he help build, is so much better. 

The problem is that along with the tools to create new things also came the tools to stop new things.


SOPA is around because they forsee the video capabilities of HTML5 which will make video ubiquitous.  No need to rely on youtube, as browsers and websites will be able to work together.  Video might be able to massively expand, enabling all forms of new communications.  The next 5 years are that proving ground of whether people want freer expanded communications.


none said:

What you don't realize is that corporations run our society now

I've been telling you to get off your ass and change that.


If I protest against the corporations, none, they will kill me when it's convenient for them. All they care about are profits. You don't realize that seemingly mild-mannered companies in the states are committing unthinkable atrocities in south america and africa (just look up nestle if you don't believe me) 


LFL just needs to do what everyone else is doing.

They have been.  Most films never see a second release, let alone a preservation effort.

Other studios still release the theatrical versions on Blu-ray, and not some direct-to-video clone like the 2011 release. 



generalfrevious said:

none said:

What you don't realize is that corporations run our society now

I've been telling you to get off your ass and change that.


If I protest against the corporations, none, they will kill me when it's convenient for them.



TV's Frink said:

generalfrevious said:

none said:

What you don't realize is that corporations run our society now

I've been telling you to get off your ass and change that.


If I protest against the corporations, none, they will kill me when it's convenient for them.


I'm sure Churchill was laughed at back in 1938 when he warned people about the Germans (sorry, but I'm bringing up Godwin's law), but he was proven right years later.


alright, you just made my neuroses worse Frink. :)

Anyways, the corporations are becoming a major problem nowadays, especially with this Protect IP act I keep hearing about. That will be doomsday for the internet, all because of Hollywood's desperate attempt to make profits for shitty movies.


If I protest against the corporations, none, they will kill me when it's convenient for them.

If this is the case, why are you making it easy for them to track you by posting online.

One step to limiting corporations control is to eliminate 'Corporate Personhood': http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporate_personhood http://movetoamend.org/

For everyone else looking to protest against any insurmountable odds, people are joining forces here: http://yeslab.org/index.php  (if you need this in movie form: http://vodo.net/theyesmen)


generalfrevious said:

TV's Frink said:

generalfrevious said:

If I protest against the corporations, none, they will kill me when it's convenient for them.


I'm sure Churchill was laughed at back in 1938 when he warned people about the Germans

I'm hard-pressed to imagine a more disproportionate use of hyperbole.

"Close the blast doors!"
Puggo’s website | Rescuing Star Wars


Puggo wrote: I'm hard-pressed to imagine a more disproportionate use of hyperbole.

You wouldn't feel the same way if you knew that generalfrevious' was human centipede raped by Hitler's childhood who lent it to George Lucas and that became Willow.  True Story.


generalfrevious said:

TV's Frink said:

generalfrevious said:

none said:

What you don't realize is that corporations run our society now

I've been telling you to get off your ass and change that.


If I protest against the corporations, none, they will kill me when it's convenient for them.


I'm sure Churchill was laughed at back in 1938 when he warned people about the Germans (sorry, but I'm bringing up Godwin's law), but he was proven right years later.

Well, then thanks for telling us, I am sure you will be burried beside kings one day too.


Can we please get back to talking about Star Wars on Blu Ray?

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


silverwheel said:

generalfrevious said:

And, the purpose of this site is to petition GL to create a proper restoration for the originals, not force others to make their own due to his personal hubris.

If we beat him at his own game, then perhaps he'll be compelled to do something about it.  

Even assuming we actually had the technological ability to do that, which is questionable, I doubt Lucas would care about our little niche. Most Star Wars stuff is sold to kids who don't give a damn about anything except action figures. Once we, the last generation who saw the OOT on video, die, it'll die with us.

Ziggy Stardust said:

Anyway, back on topic.

When do you guys think the next chance for the OOT to be released? Do you think it could happen if there was an individual release of the films?

There isn't one. We're done. Lucas has won. The 3-D releases making record-breaking money will be the final nail in the coffin that he needs to bury the OOT forever. We fought hard, first we got the GOUT, then we got...well, then we got nothing. That's it, we're done. I don't mean to be Debbie Downer Asshole, but the only light at the end of this tunnel is a train. Lucas doesn't want to do it, he won't. He owns it. There's a cash flow from the TV shows and 3-D releases, so even if he did want more money, it's covered so he wouldn't need the OOT.

“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one.”

Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death


Fang Zei said:

Mark my words, people. Lucas is crazy but he ain't dumb. Eventually he'll see the $$$$$ and give us what we want.

Unfortunately, he hasn't taken a serious financial hit because of his recent business practices.  As long as the $ keeps coming in when he says so, the inflated ego can continue.   

That’s impossible, even for a computer.


Mike O wrote: Even assuming we actually had the technological ability to do that, which is questionable, I doubt Lucas would care about our little niche.


Lucas has won.

Your first statement makes the second incorrect.  According to you, Lucas won't do anything to stop a fan preservation, so the only thing holding a a fan preservation back is technological ability.  Which is something this community can learn in time.  If we can learn in time then that makes it possible for the fans to make a worthy preservation and since Lucas won't do anything about it.  C'est la vie.

I don't mean to be Debbie Downer Asshole

You do.  You're above contradiction proves it.  Embrace your Dark Side.  You generalfrevious and kenkraly200whatever should do a pod cast together.  Light Side, Dark Side, StarWarscide.  That would be great podcast/radio.


Mike O said:

Most Star Wars stuff is sold to kids who don't give a damn about anything except action figures. Once we, the last generation who saw the OOT on video, die, it'll die with us.

I have much more faith in youth.  Every generation has scorned the artistic sensibilities of its successor, and yet there remains a steady stream of people who appreciate great art.  Many members of this forum are practically young enough to be my grandchildren.

"Close the blast doors!"
Puggo’s website | Rescuing Star Wars


And Frink's great-great-great grandchildren!

Every 27th customer will get a ball-peen hammer, free!


none said:

Mike O wrote: Even assuming we actually had the technological ability to do that, which is questionable, I doubt Lucas would care about our little niche.


Lucas has won.

Your first statement makes the second incorrect.  According to you, Lucas won't do anything to stop a fan preservation, so the only thing holding a a fan preservation back is technological ability.  Which is something this community can learn in time.  If we can learn in time then that makes it possible for the fans to make a worthy preservation and since Lucas won't do anything about it.  C'est la vie.

I don't mean to be Debbie Downer Asshole

You do.  You're above contradiction proves it.  Embrace your Dark Side.  You generalfrevious and kenkraly200whatever should do a pod cast together.  Light Side, Dark Side, StarWarscide.  That would be great podcast/radio.

We can learn some of it in time, but as noted, there's just no way that we'll be able to create something on the level that a professional company would be able to do. Any fan preservations may preserve the films among the fans, but they'll hardly last and keep those version in the public consciousness for most people. Look at Amazon's bestsellers, the BR boxed set has skyrocketed back into the top ten for Christmas. Most people do no give a damn about the OOT, they'll just buy anything that say Star Wars on the label. I thought there'd come an oversaturation point, but obviously there won't. I've just finally decided to live in reality and accept the situation. RIP Star Wars. There's not just no evidence to the contrary.

“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one.”

Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death


Mike O wrote: just no way that we'll be able to create something on the level that a professional company would be able to do.

What got your X-Wing stuck in the mud again?

Luke: We'll never get it out now!
Yoda: So certain are you. Always with you it cannot be done. Hear you nothing that I say?


After seeing what guys like Harmy, Ady, and Dark have been able to do, I don't doubt the skills around here. One thing about this site, everybody is willing to help. Nobody is in competition here. We are all trying to make the best preservation of Star Wars possible. Everybody is combining their skills. It's a just a matter of time before we have an even better preservation. People want the original Star Wars, and people will do anything to get it.

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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Unfortunately the best preservations currently in the making are not collaborative efforts of members here, for obvious reasons - they have the potential to be so good that the copyright hammer might fall on them if they were made too public.