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Star Wars coming to Blu Ray (UPDATE: August 30 2011, No! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!) — Page 294


AntonioGK said:

I didn't know where to ask but I'm looking forward for  the Latin Spanish audios of the 6 movies on Blu-rays to make some high quality edits for some fandubs, do someone know where I can find those?

Can some good guy could rip them? =P

This isn't really the place to ask for such things. Especially for rips of a brand new retail release.

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Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Darth Lars said:

All PAL releases have been sped up from 24 fps to 25 fps because PAL is 25 fps. Maybe that is what the chart is referring to... I dunno.


That 25fps problem is one reason I would like to see Star Wars on Blu Ray - the sound is also sped up so all the music is off key, as well as the voices being slightly higher.  I actually watched SW:R in NTSC for this very reason (but quickly went back to the PAL version when my eyes started to bleed).


They told me they’d fixed it!


I know that Bill Hunt's (TheDigitalBits) take on the blu-rays has been linked to already here, but I've been kinda curious what Chris Gould from DVDActive would post about them eventually.

He did the first set of in-depth comparison shots of the SE changes I ever came across (see their home page), and has now gone into some detail on the audio/visual aspects of the TPM and AOTC blu-rays so far -

Overview - http://www.dvdactive.com/reviews/dvd/star-wars-the-complete-saga.html 

TPM blu-ray review - http://www.dvdactive.com/reviews/dvd/star-wars-episode-i-the-phantom-menace3.html

AOTC blu-ray review - http://www.dvdactive.com/reviews/dvd/star-wars-episode-ii-attack-of-the-clones2.html


R2D2 said:

The OT deleted scenes are muted from time to time without any technical reason. Sound is suddenly off completely in the middle of a shot and on after a few seconds again in the same shot. Technically the sound is either on the master tapes they used or not.

The only explanation I have is Lucasfilm is doing this on purpose to avoid fan films based on those scenes.

It's a shame that fans who are paying to watch those scenes are paying 100% but don't get 100% of their content.

Films at the time were edited on machines in which you had the picture on film on one reel and on another, a magnetic tape shaped like film for the sound. You had to first sync up the picture and sound, mark a big X on the sound strip and film to indicate when the clapboard hit, cut up the shot and hang it on a hook by the sprocket holes in a bin nearby.

Some shots don't even have any on set sound recorded! These are usually 2nd unit shots: cutaways, establishing shots, etc.

So when you're editing, you only have the on set sound. If there is no sound available, you just throw in empty slug to maintain sync.

Lucasfilm isn't cheating you out of anything. I am actually surprised the 2 reel workprint materials still even exist!

What’s the internal temperature of a TaunTaun? Luke warm.


zombie84 said:

So, I'm noticing that most of the OT deleted scenes are on Youtube, in HD to boot. Some of them are really interesting, some of them are not, but they are all cool to see. I actually wish the Luke-Leia Hoth scene had been left in the film, it's a really good performance. One thing that is really interesting about the ESB scenes is that you can see the quality of the performances and the way Kershner shoots his scenes, holding on shots for a long time and moving the camera. It's too bad some of the scenes are in black and white though, I guess they couldn't find the original colour negatives.

Glad I don't have to spend ten bucks to rent this thing right away.


It's all subjective --- but IMHO that deleted Han - Leia scene on Hoth has a similar tonality and campy akwardness as the bespin deleted scene that surfaced on empire of dreams("you look nice in girl clothes")----I think it even has a prequelesque wooden quality to it---- I for one am glad that Paul Hirsch and Lucas  binned it back in the day.

And you really need to see these scenes in 1080/24p---not on youtube.



I saw Star Wars in 1977. Many, many, many times. For 3 years it was just Star Wars...period. I saw it in good theaters, cheap theaters and drive-ins with those clunky metal speakers you hang on your window. The screen and sound quality never subtracted from the excitement. I can watch the original cut right now, over 30 years later, on some beat up VHS tape and enjoy it. It's the story that makes this movie. Nothing? else.

kurtb8474 1 week ago



Yeah, I'm glad that they knew back then how to properly edit a scene, and that they were able to recognize weak dialogue. The extended scenes with Han and Leia seem like something out of the prequels; the "final cut" of their relationship plays a lot more mature and realistic than...whatever it was that was there before (and was mercifully cut).

I wouldn't have minded seeing the Jerjerrod scenes in the final cut of ROTJ, though...

danny_boy said:

And you really need to see these scenes in 1080/24p---not on youtube.

Don't suggest that people watch them on the blu-ray discs. It's distasteful. Plus, I've been ripping the videos off of YouTube (so I'll still have them even when Lucasfilm takes them down) and I've been downloading them at 1080p. So watching them on YouTube IS watching them at 1080p.


Young Anakin and Obi-Wan 

Sebastian Shaw as Anakin Skywalker, Alec Guinness as Obi-Wan Kenobi

If you want the OT deleted scenes, PM me and I'll send them to you! DON'T BUY THE BLU-RAY DISCS!!!


Promus said:

Don't suggest that people watch them on the blu-ray discs. It's distasteful.

There's nothing wrong with buying the Blu-ray discs.  It's a personal choice.


Darth Lars said:

All PAL releases have been sped up from 24 fps to 25 fps because PAL is 25 fps. Maybe that is what the chart is referring to... I dunno.

It's not - PAL laserdiscs can store longer movies anyway (the SEs all fit on a single disc). They really did "time compress" NTSC ones, but I've never been able to figure out whether they dropped frames here and there, or just upped the framerate a bit, but still within tolerance of an NTSC TV.



I was just watching the raid on the bunker and thought it was odd that Han had two different kinds of guns.  In the hallway scenes, it's more like it was in the first Star Wars film, when he gets to the control room, it's back to the way it was in Empire!


TV's Frink said:

Promus said:

Don't suggest that people watch them on the blu-ray discs. It's distasteful.

There's nothing wrong with buying the Blu-ray discs.  It's a personal choice.

Okay...you've either been under a rock, or are intentionally ignorant of the controversy surrounding the blu-ray releases (and the subsequent boycott) or you're just a troll. In which case I fell for your trap by replying to your idiotic post...


Young Anakin and Obi-Wan 

Sebastian Shaw as Anakin Skywalker, Alec Guinness as Obi-Wan Kenobi

If you want the OT deleted scenes, PM me and I'll send them to you! DON'T BUY THE BLU-RAY DISCS!!!


Hey, you can't speak like that to Frink! :)





Surprisingly, some folks disagree with you and your sentiments. Why do you goad people for sharing their feeling on this subject? You are making coming to this website quite the displeasure.


Promus said:

TV's Frink said:

Promus said:

Don't suggest that people watch them on the blu-ray discs. It's distasteful.

There's nothing wrong with buying the Blu-ray discs.  It's a personal choice.

Okay...you've either been under a rock, or are intentionally ignorant of the controversy surrounding the blu-ray releases (and the subsequent boycott) or you're just a troll. In which case I fell for your trap by replying to your idiotic post...


I agree with Frink on this, and it is showing more and more that you are a troll, why can't you just accept you do not want them and leave it alone? others may want them for whatever reason, but it is their reason, not yours.

Moth3rs term "nutjob" is very fitting around here lately for some.

So myself, Adywan, and others here are ignorant huh? another newbie to the forum here spewing shit to all of us that have been here for years, friggin unbelievable.


Promus, just a quick tip....just click 'view profile' of the person who you are gonna accuse of being a troll



Oh god, does Frink have the most posts in originaltrilogy.com?

By the way, yeah...Promus, Frink isn't a troll.


Promus said:

TV's Frink said:

Promus said:

Don't suggest that people watch them on the blu-ray discs. It's distasteful.

There's nothing wrong with buying the Blu-ray discs.  It's a personal choice.

Okay...you've either been under a rock, or are intentionally ignorant of the controversy surrounding the blu-ray releases (and the subsequent boycott) or you're just a troll. In which case I fell for your trap by replying to your idiotic post...


What?! You mean someone has the unmitigated gall to actually disagree with you?!! Un-friggin'-believable! Close up the forum, it's now contaminated beyond repair! Everyone leave, Promus has spoken!

(Yes, that's sarcasm, in case you couldn't recognize it. Not everyone is as closed-minded as you are, Promus, and it's people like you that give OT.com an increasingly bad reputation, so grow the hell up.)

There are 10 types of people in this world: those who understand binary, and those who do not.

Come on, folks, let's keep this on topic. :-)

Those DVD Active reviews are interesting, and nicely detailed. My god, they make me want to watch Attack of the Clones again, which I thought I hated.

In those reviews Chris Gould, I think, is spot-on, and treats the text from the point of view of a reviewer, not necessarily a hardcore Star Wars fan. I find this refreshing, since when his complaints and comments on the films (content, technically, or otherwise) agreewith general opinion, it's nice to know those of us who aren't crazy about the prequels haven't just blinded by years of hatred. :-) 

That said, I'm really interested in what he said about the "teal shift" in Attack of the Clones. I know it's been mentioned before, but for those who bought the Blus, have you noticed it, and does it "tone down the cartoon look" as he says? One of the few positive points of the Phantom Menace for me was that at least it was shot on film, and didn't have quite the pumped-up digital look of Episodes II and III. It felt more "Star Wars" to me because of that.

(Then you watch something like The Social Network and realize, hey, digital movies can look every bit as warm and enticing as film, in the right hands. Then you cry.)


Ha-ha, I love when someone new comes in and acts like they know everything that goes on here...especially in a 294 page thread in which I made the second post.

Boycott the release if you want.  I support that decision.  But buy it if you want, I support that decision too.  Buy or not buy - in my opinion it will have no bearing on the eventual availability of the OOT.


If you have a reason for serious disagreement with someone on here, bringing up not being around for long isn't helpful.

A 'nutjob' is a 'nutjob' if they have been around for years or just a few hours.

The site needs new people on here so playing the newbie card will only serve to stop this site, which is generally helpful and creative from growing.


I have absolutely no problem with new members here....I'm glad that people are finding this place now, especially with the negative attention the blu-rays are attracting......its just new members with attitudes i'm not keen on



TV's Frink said:

Ha-ha, I love when someone new comes in and acts like they know everything that goes on here...especially in a 294 page thread in which I made the second post.

Boycott the release if you want.  I support that decision.  But buy it if you want, I support that decision too.  Buy or not buy - in my opinion it will have no bearing on the eventual availability of the OOT.

How can you support both positions? Do you mean you support a persons right to make their own decision on whether or not to buy? I certainly don't support the decision to buy these new, and thus contribute to the problem.

Ah hell, maybe you are right - as long as Lucas is alive, financial concerns will play no bearing on the release of the OOT since George hates those films. So we are probably looking at no OOT until at least 2030 at the earliest. If I still care at that point please kill me.

“It is only through interaction, through decision and choice, through confrontation, physical or mental, that the Force can grow within you.”
-Kreia, Jedi Master and Sith Lord


Jaitea said:

its just new members with attitudes i'm not keen on.

Members with certain attitudes aren't necessarily good for the cause regardless of their vintage.

I just think people should be picked up on what they say and do rather than how long they have been here.


Bingowings said:

Jaitea said:

its just new members with attitudes i'm not keen on.

Members with certain attitudes aren't necessarily good for the cause regardless of their vintage.

I just think people should be picked up on what they say and do rather than how long they have been here.

I'm not exactly sure what you are getting at.  Who attacked someone based on how long they had been here?  All I'm saying is if you are new, you might want to check your facts before you go off on someone else.


TV's Frink said:

Buy or not buy - in my opinion it will have no bearing on the eventual availability of the OOT.

 Lets just say for the sake of argument, the sales for this Bluray set are terrible.  You don't think that Lucasfilm is going to continue to suppress the OOT?  The reason Lucas can keep holding back the OOT is because he knows he has the diehards who will buy anything, and most of the fans on the fence who will waver but end up buying in the end. 

The 2004 DVD's were the #1 seller of 2004, so there is no reason for Lucas to worry about the OOT fanbase because he is still making loads of money.  His theory is for every OOT fan who boycotts, there is a new (younger fan) who is watching the movies for the first time who will not care.  Remember Lucas is still a businessman and as long as the Bluray set sells well, that tells him there is a demand and no matter what fans think of the changes, they will still buy it. 

The only way this shit will stop is if all the fans on the fence would boycott this release!  I bought the 2004 DVD's, so I was guilty of keeping the Lucasfilm train going, but I boycotted it this time because I realized nothing will change until their sales are affected.