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Star Wars coming to Blu Ray (UPDATE: August 30 2011, No! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!) — Page 288


I was reading Bill Hunts review on the Star Wars BD Set and this caught my attention.

A number of fans have complained about the fact that the original theatrical versions of the classic films are not included in this Blu-ray set. While it's true and is certainly a legitimate complaint, no fan in their right mind could seriously have expected them to be included, given Lucas' attitude in the past. Still, I have a sneaking suspicion that Lucas is going to have to release the original versions of the films at some point in the future. The reason I've started to believe that is because of the deleted scenes that WERE included on these Blu-rays. This is material that Lucas has been reluctant to make available in the past, but they were needed for this Blu-ray set simply to give fans a compelling reason to buy the films again. After this Blu-ray release, I just don't see ANYONE buying these films again for any reason (certainly not for 3D!) unless those original versions are part of the package. Regardless, even if there's never an authorized release, rest assured that so many prints of those original films exist in the hands of film archives (and even private collectors) around the world that, sooner or later, someone is going to throw them up on an HD scanner, make high-quality HD masters and release them as bootlegs - either for free online, or on BD-R or other digital media sold at conventions. How do I know that? Well, I've actually had bootleg HD copies of the "special edition" Star Wars films for a couple years now, mastered from European HD satellite broadcasts, made available online and burned to BD-R media. Trust me, the original versions WILL be available eventually in HD, legally or not. Frankly, the sooner Lucas realizes this and takes proactive steps to release them himself the better. 


Yes, for being a guy who has insiders with LFL, he certainly seems a lot like us. Heck, he was one of us, I think!

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


Yeah, wasn't it the fear of piracy (or actual piracy) that got the SW movies on VHS in the first place? So, that may be what will get us the originals on HD.

It's gotta be some way......

Furthest from the bright center of the universe


Krycek87 said:

I was reading Bill Hunts review on the Star Wars BD Set and this caught my attention.

A number of fans have complained about the fact that the original theatrical versions of the classic films are not included in this Blu-ray set. While it's true and is certainly a legitimate complaint, no fan in their right mind could seriously have expected them to be included, given Lucas' attitude in the past. Still, I have a sneaking suspicion that Lucas is going to have to release the original versions of the films at some point in the future. The reason I've started to believe that is because of the deleted scenes that WERE included on these Blu-rays. This is material that Lucas has been reluctant to make available in the past, but they were needed for this Blu-ray set simply to give fans a compelling reason to buy the films again. After this Blu-ray release, I just don't see ANYONE buying these films again for any reason (certainly not for 3D!) unless those original versions are part of the package. Regardless, even if there's never an authorized release, rest assured that so many prints of those original films exist in the hands of film archives (and even private collectors) around the world that, sooner or later, someone is going to throw them up on an HD scanner, make high-quality HD masters and release them as bootlegs - either for free online, or on BD-R or other digital media sold at conventions. How do I know that? Well, I've actually had bootleg HD copies of the "special edition" Star Wars films for a couple years now, mastered from European HD satellite broadcasts, made available online and burned to BD-R media. Trust me, the original versions WILL be available eventually in HD, legally or not. Frankly, the sooner Lucas realizes this and takes proactive steps to release them himself the better. 

Thanks for reposting this less than 2 hours later!


TV's Frink said:

Krycek87 said:
I was reading Bill Hunts review on the Star Wars BD Set and this caught my attention.

A number of fans have complained about the fact that the original theatrical versions of the classic films are not included in this Blu-ray set. While it's true and is certainly a legitimate complaint, no fan in their right mind could seriously have expected them to be included, given Lucas' attitude in the past. Still, I have a sneaking suspicion that Lucas is going to have to release the original versions of the films at some point in the future. The reason I've started to believe that is because of the deleted scenes that WERE included on these Blu-rays. This is material that Lucas has been reluctant to make available in the past, but they were needed for this Blu-ray set simply to give fans a compelling reason to buy the films again. After this Blu-ray release, I just don't see ANYONE buying these films again for any reason (certainly not for 3D!) unless those original versions are part of the package. Regardless, even if there's never an authorized release, rest assured that so many prints of those original films exist in the hands of film archives (and even private collectors) around the world that, sooner or later, someone is going to throw them up on an HD scanner, make high-quality HD masters and release them as bootlegs - either for free online, or on BD-R or other digital media sold at conventions. How do I know that? Well, I've actually had bootleg HD copies of the "special edition" Star Wars films for a couple years now, mastered from European HD satellite broadcasts, made available online and burned to BD-R media. Trust me, the original versions WILL be available eventually in HD, legally or not. Frankly, the sooner Lucas realizes this and takes proactive steps to release them himself the better.
Thanks for reposting this less than 2 hours later!
It's hard to tell, but he bolded the section about Hunt having bootlegs of the 97SE.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


doubleofive said:


TV's Frink said:

Krycek87 said:
I was reading Bill Hunts review on the Star Wars BD Set and this caught my attention.

A number of fans have complained about the fact that the original theatrical versions of the classic films are not included in this Blu-ray set. While it's true and is certainly a legitimate complaint, no fan in their right mind could seriously have expected them to be included, given Lucas' attitude in the past. Still, I have a sneaking suspicion that Lucas is going to have to release the original versions of the films at some point in the future. The reason I've started to believe that is because of the deleted scenes that WERE included on these Blu-rays. This is material that Lucas has been reluctant to make available in the past, but they were needed for this Blu-ray set simply to give fans a compelling reason to buy the films again. After this Blu-ray release, I just don't see ANYONE buying these films again for any reason (certainly not for 3D!) unless those original versions are part of the package. Regardless, even if there's never an authorized release, rest assured that so many prints of those original films exist in the hands of film archives (and even private collectors) around the world that, sooner or later, someone is going to throw them up on an HD scanner, make high-quality HD masters and release them as bootlegs - either for free online, or on BD-R or other digital media sold at conventions. How do I know that? Well, I've actually had bootleg HD copies of the "special edition" Star Wars films for a couple years now, mastered from European HD satellite broadcasts, made available online and burned to BD-R media. Trust me, the original versions WILL be available eventually in HD, legally or not. Frankly, the sooner Lucas realizes this and takes proactive steps to release them himself the better.
Thanks for reposting this less than 2 hours later!
It's hard to tell, but he bolded the section about Hunt having bootlegs of the 97SE.


Don't try to take away my rage by confusing the issue with facts!


I think Bill Hunt gave a fair review. He reviewed the set according to the quality of its contents, which is all a reviewer can do. His video/audio ratings seem reasonable for the most part, but Episodes I and II probably should have been a little lower. He pointed out all the major flaws of the set.

He seems to understand our feelings, respect them, and even share them. I wouldn't be surprised if he's got Harmy's versions.

You know of the rebellion against the Empire?


Lestrade said:

Disappointing that Bill Hunt gave the movie a big shrug and a, "Well, it's Star Wars on Blu-Ray" like everyone else. From everything we've seen, read and heard, this release sounds objectively off-putting (SE changes or no). I can't imagine anything other than Star Wars being given such a lazy pass, considering all the quality inconsistencies and missing bits this set seems to have.

That phrase is as tired as the complaints about how tired it is. ;)

It's funny how people buying the set become defensive when others mention boycotting or just not buying it. It's like they're conflicted and have to rationalize the purchase to themselves by attacking other people. Shit, this place is starting to feel like blu-ray.com or TF.N.

Lucas really has the SW fans by the nuts. They will always cave in. Nobody who buys this blu-ray has a right to complain about anything Lucas does in the future (or has done in the past).

“Grow up. These are my Disney's movies, not yours.”


georgec said:

Shit, this place is starting to feel like blu-ray.com or TF.N.

Not even close.


LOL, now that is some of the dumbest shit I have ever read, some of the newbies here need to get a grip or at least GTFO!


Here come the attacks and cussing again. And saying people should get in line or GTFO - sounds familiar....

I'll just get a grip, then.

Dark Jedi, did you use the blu-rays yet? How are they?

“Grow up. These are my Disney's movies, not yours.”


georgec said:

Here come the attacks and cussing again. And saying people should get in line or GTFO - sounds familiar....

No one is saying "get in line" but some of the crap that spews from your fingers & others is pretty damn dumb to say the least.

and no I have not used them yet, I just now took the seal off, going to rip the audio from SW and ROTJ so I can correct some audio issues, why? does it bother you? but I am about to put on TPM for my Little Boy now since he is home sick.


dark_jedi said:

georgec said:

Here come the attacks and cussing again. And saying people should get in line or GTFO - sounds familiar....

No one is saying "get in line" but some of the crap that spews from your fingers & others is pretty damn dumb to say the least.

Please elaborate what crap I've spewed. Honestly, I don't understand your hate for my posting. You're basing that off my joke about "SW on blu ray" (because I'm the only person who's said that) and my joke about this place being like blu-ray.com or TF.N.

No, your "use" of the blu-rays doesn't bother me. I asked in order to change the subject in a polite way. Nice assumption and effort to cause argument, though!

“Grow up. These are my Disney's movies, not yours.”


georgec said:

dark_jedi said:

georgec said:

Here come the attacks and cussing again. And saying people should get in line or GTFO - sounds familiar....

No one is saying "get in line" but some of the crap that spews from your fingers & others is pretty damn dumb to say the least.

Please elaborate what crap I've spewed. Honestly, I don't understand your hate for my posting, there are far more extreme opinions on this site.

No, your "use" of the blu-rays doesn't bother me. I asked in order to change the subject in a polite way. Nice assumption, though!

I know there are some more radical(or I actually prefer "nutjobs" LOL) posters here besides you, but LOL every time I happened to check this thread(which I still do not know why I do) it always happens to be you posting, so maybe I should change my timing, at least you don't throw around the whole "death" thing like a few others here, now those new members are definitely "nutjobs", and I don't care how politely they think they are talking about it, because it is just not cool at all.


Oldees and newbies alike, fisticuffs are off topic and are much more amusing over there.

Disagree by all means but if you can't be fun about it please take your aggression to another place.


Lucas really has the SW fans by the nuts. They will always cave in. Nobody who buys this blu-ray new has a right to complain about anything Lucas does in the future (or has done in the past).


“It is only through interaction, through decision and choice, through confrontation, physical or mental, that the Force can grow within you.”
-Kreia, Jedi Master and Sith Lord


georgec said:

and my joke about this place being like blu-ray.com or TF.N.

Honestly it didn't sound like a joke.  No winky or anything else to indicate as such.


It's funny how some people say you can't complain unless you've seen the discs.

Then others say you can't complain if you buy the discs.

Me? I just remember the words of Katie Lucas: "haters gonna hate. And then haters are going to buy the bluray set and keep complaining"

(and I hope this thread calms down before that big pulsing vein in DJ's head explodes)

You know of the rebellion against the Empire?


Will anyone complain if I say I'm still undecided? Or will everyone complain?



Erikstormtrooper said:

It's funny how some people say you can't complain unless you've seen the discs.

Then others say you can't complain if you buy the discs.

Me? I just remember the words of Katie Lucas: "haters gonna hate. And then haters are going to buy the bluray set and keep complaining"

(and I hope this thread calms down before that big pulsing vein in DJ's head explodes)

Was Katie Lucas the one doing Mixed Martial Arts? Do you think she would enter a tournament with stormtroopers in her entourage? How much do I have to pay to make this happen?!

“It is only through interaction, through decision and choice, through confrontation, physical or mental, that the Force can grow within you.”
-Kreia, Jedi Master and Sith Lord


Wrong Lucas daughter. You're thinking of Amanda Lucas.

Frink, I don't hold your undecidedness against you. There are things on this set I'd love to see, but it's not worth $80 to me - more like $40.

You know of the rebellion against the Empire?


Erikstormtrooper said:

There are things on this set I'd love to see, but it's not worth $80 to me - more like $40.

I agree with that.  My likely solution will be to put it on my wish list and let someone else who doesn't know better pay $80 ;-)


Lestrade said:

Disappointing that Bill Hunt gave the movie a big shrug and a, "Well, it's Star Wars on Blu-Ray" like everyone else.

To be perfectly honest, I'm starting to respect Hunt's opinions less and less these days. The fact that he (and The Digita Bits by extension) is a Blu-ray whore is a big part of the reason, and his "it's Star Wars on Blu-ray!" pandering (while only giving lip service to fans' objections) only serves to reaffirm my beliefs.

There are 10 types of people in this world: those who understand binary, and those who do not.