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Star Wars coming to Blu Ray (UPDATE: August 30 2011, No! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!) — Page 283


That new Fett shot is interesting. The haphazard way things are changed/not changed in this set feels like different projects at LFL bleeding into each other. (cataloging/digitizing old material, looking for stuff to be used for books and stuff, or maybe moved from the ranch to the new digs in the city, the blu-ray, the 3D tests). 


doubleofive said:


timdiggerm said:

What does the use of an alternate take imply about transfers, scanning, cleanup, etc?
It does bring about a good point. Someone decided that this shot which was chosen by the editor 28 years ago wasn't good enough, so they went back to the original takes and chose an alternate one. Why? How?


It probably goes like this:

-George is screening the films with Rick McCallum, fishing for changes, when he sees the Fett scene

-George: You know, it's hard to see Han hit him there, it's a bit tight. Do you think we have a wider angle somewhere?

-Rick: I'll have someone check it out. *makes note to himself*

-That day, Rick asks some archive librarian to retrieve all the takes for that scene. They are given to an editor who is told to find a wider Fett shot. After going through the footage he finds one or two that would be suitable.

-The next day the alternate angles and takes are shown to George. He decides one shot and take in particular could be useful. Sometime later it gets scanned and an editor cuts it into the DI of ROTJ and George says he likes it. The shot gets passed to ILM to do dirt removal as required and colour correction.

And bingo. New shot in the film. It wouldn't be very hard.


So, like all the changes, something that he should have hit on and would have been easier 28 years ago, or 14 years ago, or 7 years ago...

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Well to be fair, he didn't edit ROTJ. Oh shit, am I defending Lucas? Someone please shoot me.

Dunno if this has been posted yet or not, but I thought it was pretty funny...


Young Anakin and Obi-Wan 

Sebastian Shaw as Anakin Skywalker, Alec Guinness as Obi-Wan Kenobi

If you want the OT deleted scenes, PM me and I'll send them to you! DON'T BUY THE BLU-RAY DISCS!!!


Promus said:

Well to be fair, he didn't edit ROTJ.

 But he paid for it, so hypothetically he had final cut.


^ True. Thank you. For a minute there I was afraid I might have to count myself among the pro-Lucas fanwankers. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to brace myself for the inevitable backlash to this post.

Young Anakin and Obi-Wan 

Sebastian Shaw as Anakin Skywalker, Alec Guinness as Obi-Wan Kenobi

If you want the OT deleted scenes, PM me and I'll send them to you! DON'T BUY THE BLU-RAY DISCS!!!


Technically he never edited any of them, but he always had some involvement. Editing was the area he enjoyed the most, one reason he didn't direct Jedi was because he would rather have someone else go "get the material" and bring it to him in the editing room.


doubleofive said:

I'll never understand why George seems to think he needs to hold the audience's hand now. "I can't have Han shoot first, people will think he's a bad guy!" "I have to show how Vader got back to his ship, people don't know what 'Bring my shuttle' means." "People need to know without a doubt what Vader is thinking, so let's have him express his emotions."

George. Mr Lucas. We've had these movies for almost 30 years, we've never had a problem understanding what was going on. We never thought for the first 20 years that Han was a bad guy. We didn't care how Vader got to his ship. And we knew that Vader was actually experiencing the conflict Luke has mentioned to him after he was captured. I'm pretty sure the next generation can figure it out as well.

Absolutely spot on. It is becoming more and more apparent that this is the motivation behind every single alteration he makes - the complete dumbing down of everything.

For the next release, each copy will actually come with a free Ric Olie, who will stand next to you in your living room explaining what is happening in every single shot...


Bothan's Pies said:

For the next release, each copy will actually come with a free Ric Olie, who will stand next to you in your living room explaining what is happening in every single shot...

Send me your address, a plane ticket, and $49.99 and I will make this happen tomorrow.


The Bobba Fett scene change is horrible!!! What the fuck is happening to the mind of Lucas, he's destroying his films on purpose!!!

He’s no good to me dead


some of this stuff (such as the fett shot change) almost feels like they're just changing random stuff intentionally to make it harder for people like Harmy to make theatrical restorations...

I doubt that's really the motivation behind it, but at the same time I could see it happening.


Hostmaster said:

The Bobba Fett scene change is horrible!!! What the fuck is happening to the mind of Lucas, he's destroying his films on purpose!!!



The thing I'm most pissed off about when it comes to Boba Fett (besides the shitty backstory they made for him in AOTC, which I refuse to accept as canon when the short story "The Last One Standing" was so much better), is the voice change. I HATE the new voiceover by Temura Morrison - he sounds bored and monotonous. Jason Wingreen's voiceover was by far more badass. Fett only had four lines, but they sounded so f*cking cool because of Jason Wingreen.

F*ck Temura Morrison, and f*ck George Lucas!

Young Anakin and Obi-Wan 

Sebastian Shaw as Anakin Skywalker, Alec Guinness as Obi-Wan Kenobi

If you want the OT deleted scenes, PM me and I'll send them to you! DON'T BUY THE BLU-RAY DISCS!!!


Didn't see this posted yet - EW review:



Sure, I suspect some diehards will wince and grouse about Darth Vader's newly added ''Nooo!'' at the climax of Return of the Jedi in this set (Lucas just couldn't help himself, could he?), but there's no denying that every film looks better on Blu-ray than it ever has before. Whether it's the crisper white tundras on the ice planet Hoth or the inkier fog-shrouded swamps of Dagobah, Lucas has for the most part done right by his fans this time...as much as it pains this geek to admit it


Correct me if I'm wrong, but haven't most people confirmed the blue tint in ESB is still there? That is, white snow is actually bluish? I doubt this guy even looked at the discs for more than 5 minutes, but I thought we might as well get the "SW on blu OMG!" train moving.

“Grow up. These are my Disney's movies, not yours.”


georgec said:

Didn't see this posted yet - EW review:



Sure, I suspect some diehards will wince and grouse about Darth Vader's newly added ''Nooo!'' at the climax of Return of the Jedi in this set (Lucas just couldn't help himself, could he?), but there's no denying that every film looks better on Blu-ray than it ever has before. Whether it's the crisper white tundras on the ice planet Hoth or the inkier fog-shrouded swamps of Dagobah, Lucas has for the most part done right by his fans this time...as much as it pains this geek to admit it


Correct me if I'm wrong, but haven't most people confirmed the blue tint in ESB is still there? That is, white snow is actually bluish? I doubt this guy even looked at the discs for more than 5 minutes, but I thought we might as well get the "SW on blu OMG!" train moving.

I like how in the opening of the review, they say fan geeks fear change. But does it make sense that a movie should be significantly changes constantly and destroy the older copy? No, it doesn't; we are told to accept the change when most of the time directors don't add CGI to their decades-old movies and alter the plot of the film.


^ Break out of these walls, go post your thought in their comment section.  Ask if the writer of the article can name any other film with this many tweaks.


davros72 said:

Sounds like Lucas completely misunderstood Japanese Noh Theatre.



"Well here's a big bag of rock salt" - Patton Oswalt


Just convinced a friend to cancel their Blu-Ray order and get the 2006 Best Buy tin instead (they liked that it was a limited edition rare thing, and they have NEVER seen the originals.  No Shaw, no eyebrows, no Yub Nub, no good sabers).


rpvee said:

Just convinced a friend to cancel their Blu-Ray order and get the 2006 Best Buy tin instead (they liked that it was a limited edition rare thing, and they have NEVER seen the originals.  No Shaw, no eyebrows, no Yub Nub, no good sabers).

No Lapti Nek! :P


Anyone read the bluray.com review?




rpvee said:

Just convinced a friend to cancel their Blu-Ray order and get the 2006 Best Buy tin instead (they liked that it was a limited edition rare thing, and they have NEVER seen the originals.  No Shaw, no eyebrows, no Yub Nub, no good sabers).

You have done a great service, good sir!! I can't imagine what it would be like to never have seen the actual Star Wars movies. The horror!!!

Young Anakin and Obi-Wan 

Sebastian Shaw as Anakin Skywalker, Alec Guinness as Obi-Wan Kenobi

If you want the OT deleted scenes, PM me and I'll send them to you! DON'T BUY THE BLU-RAY DISCS!!!


Marty.McFly said:

rpvee said:

Just convinced a friend to cancel their Blu-Ray order and get the 2006 Best Buy tin instead (they liked that it was a limited edition rare thing, and they have NEVER seen the originals.  No Shaw, no eyebrows, no Yub Nub, no good sabers).

No Lapti Nek! :P

Yeah! :O

Promus said:

rpvee said:

Just convinced a friend to cancel their Blu-Ray order and get the 2006 Best Buy tin instead (they liked that it was a limited edition rare thing, and they have NEVER seen the originals.  No Shaw, no eyebrows, no Yub Nub, no good sabers).

You have done a great service, good sir!! I can't imagine what it would be like to never have seen the actual Star Wars movies. The horror!!!

I know.  I remember growing up with the full screen versions with commercial breaks my parents recorded off of one of the cable stations yearssssssss ago (like early-mid 90's when I was introduced, and I'm about to turn 19).  I grew up with the original versions just like everyone else here, if just not in a theatrical way.  I can't imagine having NEVER seen the originals as they were.


Adium said:

Anyone read the bluray.com review?



That review has some nice, insightful discussion about the films and the changes, and the reviewer even notes that ROTJ looks fuzzy in areas, but in the end he gives it 5/5 because of the "SW on BD!" rationale.

“Grow up. These are my Disney's movies, not yours.”


georgec said:

but in the end he gives it 5/5 because of the "SW on BD!" rationale.

I am so sick of this happening...

Young Anakin and Obi-Wan 

Sebastian Shaw as Anakin Skywalker, Alec Guinness as Obi-Wan Kenobi

If you want the OT deleted scenes, PM me and I'll send them to you! DON'T BUY THE BLU-RAY DISCS!!!


Yeah, if you read his individual ratings, it's actually more like 4/5 and 3.5/5, and that's with a lot of overlooking the flaws. Then at the end he just ignores everything he has said and his audio/video/supplement ratings and just gives the set a perfect score. Ugh! This is typical star wars fanboy behaviour where at the end you just overlook everything and go "OMG SW ON BLURAY BUY IT!". It's great that people get so much enjoyment from the series but I have to question their conclusion based on the individual components of the review.

I remember seeing the same thing when the prequels came out. "The story isn't so interesting...the acting is a bit questionable...I'll admit, there's too much CG...lots of kid humour unfortauntely...but who cares! It's new Star Wars! Just pretend you are a kid again and get past all the flaws and enjoy it!" Then five years later all the excitement is gone and they say "Yeah, the prequels were pretty bad weren't they."