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Star Wars coming to Blu Ray (UPDATE: August 30 2011, No! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!) — Page 238


adywan said:

And i found another small change in ESB. They have added reflections to the window in Cloud City.
Did they fix the fact that the Cloud Car's engines aren't on until after it rounds the building in the SE shot before that one? Probably not. How can look at the originals and cringe, but not fix any of what I cringe about?

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


Tobar wrote: Could someone please explain to me what happened in this thread? I'm so confused.

I would stop replying to that person.  They are not being conversational.



ISOs are rolling out, so remember this quote from Kayleen Walters, Senior Director of Marketing:


Each of those are 3 discs, we put one movie per disc to really optimize the picture and sound quality. And then there are 2 audio commentaries on each of the movies---one of them is actually an all-new commentary that has been constructed from archived material and there is a lot of never-before heard commentary that is a part of that, including a lot of the talent.

Details from MF.com

Star Wars: Episode IV  = 38.30 GB
Star Wars: Episode V = 40.15 GB
Star Wars: Episode VI  = 37.84 GB

A BD50 can hold up to 46.62gb: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BD50

If each movie is not being restricted by disc size it is being restricted by the original scan.  Who knows about scanning at this size and what this info might inform us?  Seems odd that RotJ which is the longest is also the smallest disc.  Question for those who have authored a BR disc, are the compression settings not that sensitive, so maybe if they did jump a video compression level the GB would jump 6+ gb and thus be over the BD50 size?

More details:

ANH: MPEG-4 AVC Video 33502 kbps - Total bitrate: 41,92 Mbps
TESB: MPEG-4 AVC Video 32330 kbps - Total bitrate: 42.86 Mbps
ROTJ: MPEG-4 AVC Video 30589 kbps - Total bitrate: 39.27 Mbps



theprequelsrule said:Buying the blu-ray used to make your own versions is acceptable, so I implore guys like Adawyn, Harmy, and others to go this route.

Yeah, this is so true. I'm not gonna tell them what to do with their money, but there no rush... I'm sure the fan edit community will forgive you guys if you wait a week and pick up the blu rays used =P


Commentary from constructed archive material?  Star Wars Begins rip off, anyone?


Adium said:

theprequelsrule said:Buying the blu-ray used to make your own versions is acceptable, so I implore guys like Adawyn, Harmy, and others to go this route.

Yeah, this is so true. I'm not gonna tell them what to do with their money, but there no rush... I'm sure the fan edit community will forgive you guys if you wait a week and pick up the blu rays used =P

Thanks man. Some of these other guys don't seem to get it. This is not 2004 or 2006. George has escalated the conflict and we must reply in kind or else appear weak to the Russians!

“It is only through interaction, through decision and choice, through confrontation, physical or mental, that the Force can grow within you.”
-Kreia, Jedi Master and Sith Lord


theprequelsrule said:

Some of these other guys don't seem to get it. This is not 2004 or 2006. George has escalated the conflict and we must reply in kind or else appear weak to the Russians!


I think you've convinced me. I don't have a preorder so I'm going to wait for a used copy. I will have my week old cake and eat it too.


rpvee said:

Commentary from constructed archive material?  Star Wars Begins rip off, anyone?

Well, the laserdiscs had interview-commentaries as well, so it wasn't a new idea when JD did it ;)


theprequelsrule said:

Adium said:

theprequelsrule said:Buying the blu-ray used to make your own versions is acceptable, so I implore guys like Adawyn, Harmy, and others to go this route.

Yeah, this is so true. I'm not gonna tell them what to do with their money, but there no rush... I'm sure the fan edit community will forgive you guys if you wait a week and pick up the blu rays used =P

Thanks man. Some of these other guys don't seem to get it. This is not 2004 or 2006. George has escalated the conflict and we must reply in kind or else appear weak to the Russians!

 In before Sluggo says:


In mother Russia, the movies fan-edit YOU!


"[George Lucas] rebooted the franchise in 1997 without telling anyone." -skyjedi2005

"Yeah, well, George says a lot of things..." a young 1997 xhonzi on RASSM

"They're my movies." -George Lucas. 19 people won oscars for their work on Star Wars (1977) and George Lucas wasn't one of them.

Rewrite the Prequels!



rpvee said:

Commentary from constructed archive material?  Deleted Magic rip off, anyone?


And dag-nabbit xhonzi!!!  In Soviet Russia, you ruin George Lucas's childhood.


The tide maybe turning......

One of my friends who was buying the set, and has never been bothered by the changes Lucas made to the OT movies.  I just played him a clip of the ROTJ change with Vader saying, "NOOO!" and he stood there in dead silence and then said, "Are you fucking kidding me?"   I asked him if he was still buying the set, and he said, "I'm definitely reconsidering."



Lucas would release the OUT if enough people demanded it. He swore no one would ever see it again, but then thanks to all the bootlegs and this very website and its close-to-100,000 petition, he did put them on DVD. Regardless of the quality, that was a total dismantling about his "don't exist to me" stuff. And just this year he even said that maybe years down the road they would be restored, maybe. Which is a total 180 from 1997 when he said no one will ever remember the originals existed in 100 years. So it's possible, and it's happening. In that sense, the people that buy this thing in spite of not even caring that much for the SE are indeed part of the problem. But that's unfair, because there are ten million other people who like the SE, don't care or don't really even know how extensively the films are changed. In that sense, it's pretty much a moot point to try to guilt-trip someone for trying to make the most of a bad situation. What we really have to be doing is simply the same thing we have always done, which is to keep complaining and letting them know that we want the originals too, that there is also a significant number of fans that are disenfranchised. Because even in 2006 I would say that there was no fewer people who liked the SE, Lucas didn't have to acknowledge the OOT at all, but he did.

As to these changes, personally I have a hard time believing some of them could be real, just like in 2004, because I give Lucas too much credit. And just like 2004, my respect for him will die a little when the horrible truth is confirmed. Darth Vader ruining the climax of ROTJ with "Noooo!"? How is that really improbable. This is coming from the same man who not only thought that adding a creepy Hayden in the crescendo of the saga was a good idea but whom also already put that same "Nooooo" in one of the emotional climaxes of the prequels. I guess now the deal is sealed, I will never watch the SE of ROTJ ever again, unless I want a laugh.

Some of the changes I'm okay with. The Ewok eyes I would say are an improvement, if inconsistent. The Jabba door is a cool looking shot, although like any redone shot in the films it doesn't look like it belongs. The R2-in-the-rocks is dumb and inexplicable, and lazily done since the rocks disappear shots later, although the effect is at least convincing looking. And of course stuff like the fixed saber shots are a welcome change. This is much like in 2004, where they had a few additions that ruined the films but also a couple ones that were tasteful to one degree or another. Not one of them are necessary, but the damage is minimal in a lot of them.

But its completely bewildering, as was mentioned. Why on earth would you add a reflection on a window to the ESB matte painting--a trivial, invisible fix that no one would notice and no one complained about--but not fix the problems the 2004 version introduced in the first place?? They spend all this time adding small, useless things while ignoring the biggest, most glaring problems. Why fix one lightsaber shot when the shot that preceeds and follows it is also messed up? It just boggles my mind. It also boggles my mind how a professional sound designer could mix and add the effects that are in this. Obi Wan's howl was a joke when it came in the Sounds of Star Wars book but now we can't say it's a mistake or a test version. That's a final product. As bewildering as it is that Lucas could say, "yup, sounds good, much better than the old one"--it boggles my mind that a sound designer could create and present that in the first place. What the heck is going on at Lucasfilm these days?

Anyway, in a way I'm glad these Blu Rays are the most embarrassing version of the films yet. Maybe now people will actually start missing the original versions of the films. Its pretty hard to top the 2004 version, but lo and behold they seem to have done it. It's actually a bit sad that I am missing the 2004 version with its less intrusive changes. I would like to enjoy the films in high definition and I was actually starting to get a bit hopeful about this release. I am glad though that the films have become so butchered because I feel like Lucas may have finally crossed a line and pissed off the moderates. The extremists who buy anything will defend anything Lucas throws in there, no matter how bad, all those douchbags on bluray.com and TFN who have no life at all, but its the middle of the road people who can be honest and a bit critical, not really minding the SE but still having certain standards--that's where I think most fans of the series stand. They like the films, so of course they like the idea of a more high-tech version of them, and can forgive two or three bad changes. But seeing the reaction, it seems like even those guys are starting to facepalm themselves over the leaked changes. Maybe the tide will finally turn.


I'm still weeping on the kitchen floor (if anyone is interested?)

I am a kite dancing in a hurricane …


SpenceEdit said:

I think you've convinced me. I don't have a preorder so I'm going to wait for a used copy. I will have my week old cake and eat it too.

This has been my plan.  I can definitely wait to own this one, so someday when a cheap copy pops up in the goodwill bin I may buy it then.  That's what I did with the DVD versions.

"Close the blast doors!"
Puggo’s website | Rescuing Star Wars


Something that bothers me is that every article about the recent revelations credits Devin Faraci for breaking the story. Umm...no. I recall one article (io9) crediting a couple forums, but other than that Faraci gets the nods. I know they can't mention forum posters or anything like that, but adywan and people on MillenniumFalcon.com are the ones who really blew this thing open.

I understand they can't mention illegal rips and whatnot in the articles, but I just wish they mentioned the forums where the stories broke rather than giving all credit to someone who probably received emails from the users in the forums then wrote his own story (after a couple other outlets already published stories).

Rabble rabble.

“Grow up. These are my Disney's movies, not yours.”


Sluggo said:

rpvee said:

Commentary from constructed archive material?  Deleted Magic rip off, anyone?


Does Deleted Magic have commentaries from archives?  I've never seen it in full.

Laserschwert said:

rpvee said:

Commentary from constructed archive material?  Star Wars Begins rip off, anyone?

Well, the laserdiscs had interview-commentaries as well, so it wasn't a new idea when JD did it ;)

Really?  Interesting. :D


rpvee said:

Commentary from constructed archive material?  Star Wars Begins rip off, anyone?

Actually, the 2004 commentaries are obviously culled from interviews, with the possible exception of Kershner. The Lucas bits are especially bad.

Why they can't just sit some people down in front of a TV with a mic? Those are always the best. I have zero interest in these new pieced-together tracks.

You know of the rebellion against the Empire?


Did they fix the changing windows in Cloud City? As much as I hate the new windows, it drove me nuts that they'd revert back in following shots, exemplifying the laziness of the SE. I'd been told awhile back that George and crew were aware of them, and would be doing something about it.

Made for IE Forum's Episode III theme month - May 2005.


Klingon_Jedi said:

Did they fix the changing windows in Cloud City? As much as I hate the new windows, it drove me nuts that they'd revert back in following shots, exemplifying the laziness of the SE. I'd been told awhile back that George and crew were aware of them, and would be doing something about it.
I think Ady would have noticed, since that's what he's been working on recently for his own edit. I'd be looking to have the work done for me! ;-)

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


Here's the review I posted on Amazon:

In 1978, Star Wars was nominated for 10 academy awards (including best picture, best screenplay, best supporting actor, etc.) ultimately winning 7 including awards for editing, sound mixing, and special effects. The AFI lists "Star Wars" as #15 on its list of all time greatest films. Make no mistake, this isn't just a fun romp, it is a very significant and important film.

Understand that the version in this box set is NOT that version, but a version that has been largely painted over with 21st century computer graphics, does NOT include the academy-award-winning sound mix, and with many different and more recent editing decisions. On this version, the effects and edits you see may be from 1977, or they might be from 1997, or maybe 2004, or maybe 2011... they might be the original academy-award-winning animatronics of Stears Dykstra, Edlund, and McCune that have never been equaled, or they might have been replaced by dated-looking 1990s computer-graphics, or they might be new things that were thrown in a couple of months ago. The choice of scenes and editing of those scenes might be the academy-awarding winning ones made by Paul Hirsch and Marcia Lucas, or they might be newer ones made by people who are preparing the movie for future 3D-a-rama. The glorious academy-award-winning sound mix by MacDougall, West, Minkler and Ballhas remains unavailable and has been replaced here by a completely different, over-compressed one that is unlikely to have won an academy award in 1978, let alone today, and wherein the young remixer even inserted his own voice.

In short, this release not only fails utterly to preserve a major artifact of our cinematic heritage, it goes further in that its producer has made it clear that he will never allow that seminal work to be accurately preserved. This is not simply a bad product, it is a serious blow to art history and to our popular cultural heritage.

"Close the blast doors!"
Puggo’s website | Rescuing Star Wars


zombie84 said:

It seems like even those guys are starting to facepalm themselves over the leaked changes. Maybe the tide will finally turn.



This will probably be the theme of this thread/the score for what's currently happening with Star Wars.


The franchises I get nerdy about are so obscure that not even most nerds know about them.


One star reviews on amazon outnumber 5 star ones...

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


What i'm failing to hear from the general public is support for an outside source.  Not sure how you get that idea into their minds.