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Erikstormtrooper said:
Man, I could really go for some "New Coke" about now.
Erikstormtrooper said:
Man, I could really go for some "New Coke" about now.
The trolls over at blu-ray.com are now on a serious mission to get me banned. Some have informed the moderators that i ahve been offering 720 fan edit rips of the blu-rays over there and have been promoting my work also. None of these things i have done. Hell, i haven't even got a 720p version of my Revisited edits to offer anyone, so it shows they are just blowing smoke out of their asses. You can bet its the usual suspects there. I find it funny that, because i have mentioned the blu-ray rips and most people have only the 720p versions, that they thinks that this is what i have and thought it would be a good excuse to try and say that i am offering edits of the blu-ray rips., well sorry guys, my copies are 1080p and i certainly have no intention of doing any edits of the blu-rays apart from using parts as a base for my revisited edits.
Oh man thank you for that.. finally a laugh today.
I've had issues with Lucas' changes over the years, but I always felt it was over substantial stuff. I'm not a hater, maybe a skeptic. I liked the changes (some of them) he's made over the years, extra scenes, the Palpatine change in ESB, etc., so I can't say I have ever used the "I won't buy these" righteous anger before.
But the poor, shoddy worksmanship shows. They promised us great blu-rays. And instead they don't even clean up obvious, easy fixes? Wires, lightsabers, etc. Fans can do these fixes in an hour or two half the time. But what is most insulting is the Vader change in the damn climax.
I'm disappointed because I really, really wanted these discs, right up until last night. I want the trilogy on blu-ray and don't really enjoy the fan edits (there always seem to be terrible things left in or shoddy edits). But I guess I'll have to settle for grabbing the deleted scenes somewhere else and keeping my DVDs.
I know this may not seem unusual to any of you, because some of you have hated George and the films for years, but I really thought this time they were going to listen to the fans and at least clean up the SEs like they said they would.
The more this sinks in, the more I'm angry that they promised one thing and delivered something that was so obviously not wanted that any "quality control" should have caught these changes. Seriously, those audio changes sound like someone was sitting in their bedroom recording their voice with some buddies and throwing them on the films.
And Vader's no doesn't even sound like Vader. Completely ruins the power of the moment.
So after a couple days of setting up at college with no internet, I finally just logged onto here and
He's changed one of the most iconic scenes in cinema history.
This is just... it's beyond words.
adywan said:
The trolls over at blu-ray.com are now on a serious mission to get me banned. Some have informed the moderators that i ahve been offering 720 fan edit rips of the blu-rays over there and have been promoting my work also. None of these things i have done. Hell, i haven't even got a 720p version of my Revisited edits to offer anyone, so it shows they are just blowing smoke out of their asses. You can bet its the usual suspects there. I find it funny that, because i have mentioned the blu-ray rips and most people have only the 720p versions, that they thinks that this is what i have and thought it would be a good excuse to try and say that i am offering edits of the blu-ray rips., well sorry guys, my copies are 1080p and i certainly have no intention of doing any edits of the blu-rays apart from using parts as a base for my revisited edits.
Damn, not only have they been mentioning you, but I have seen my name and Harmy brought up a few times today as well, good thing I do not use the name Dark Jedi there, not that I care actually, because they include me in the "edits" talk, and I do not do edits.
captainsolo said:
Hopefully this should kill the revisions.
Hopefully, indeed.
That’s impossible, even for a computer.
I guess George couldn't even stay away from making changes for the Blu-Ray. I'd thought the 2004 versions were going to be the last of the changes. But I was wrong. The "No" in this version is cliche at best. I mean, why? Why did George think this was necessary? To add some dramatic tension? George needs to take a page from Speilberg and just leave his films as they are (even if he changed them once or twice).
Damn, now this has made it to my Comcast\xfinity homepage LOL,
Fans Cry Foul: Lucas Changes ‘Star Wars’ for the Worse
It probably won't make a dent in making a change to the BR, but I suggest those that are angry at what Lucas is doing go vent. Do what I did: post a one-star negative review on Amazon.com. Do it for both the full series and the OT boxset. Be polite, don't be explicit spouting foul language, but explain exactly why you won't be buying this set, and urge everyone to boycott the release. Who knows... it could force Lucas to change his mind.
I haven't found any updates in the credits yet.
(c) 2011
new names, etc.
mostly i see the 1997 ones.
maybe i'm not looking hard enough..
[no GOUT in CED?-> GOUT CED]
i have no words for these latest developments.
i meant to say i have noooooooooooooooooooo words for these latest developments.
made the front page of Yahoo UK today too (apologies if already posted)
As if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror ... but we won't be silenced.
Is it possible this is a hoax?
I mean, if the "No, Nooooo!" turns out not to be true, it would be an easy way for publicists to totally discount and marginalize any complaining about the alterations with a simple "they were all taken in by a false rumor."
I mean... here's hoping?
Another addition to ROTJ has been spotted. R2 now has more appendages when he gets shot:
They have also added really crap looking reflections to the 2 blue sections on his front. Also jets of smoke that really do look fake. R2 just looks CG now :( They have also changed his blue colouring in this sequence. Why do that when it's the original colour of R2.
But, as usual with all the SE additions, they completely forgot to add them next time we see R2.
not to mention...what is that? Air? Being shot out of his projector and head...thing?
Went to TheForce.net forums for the first time. Aren't they are enemies?
Anyhoo, there's a thread in their OriginalTrilogy section that's 100% anti-"Nooooooo!" and in their Saga section its about 75% ant-"Nooooooo!"
muddyknees2000 said:
Erikstormtrooper said:
Man, I could really go for some "New Coke" about now.
With all due respect to Adywan, the classic is the Original Theatrical Trilogy, which George has suppressed.
Just remember what happened to Classic Coke after New Coke bombed.
You know of the rebellion against the Empire?
joshua77 said:
<span style="line-height: 14px; ">SCENE: Exterior, Lucasfilm Ranch. Night.</span>
<span style="line-height: 14px; ">Fans: George, what’s wrong?</span>
<span style="line-height: 14px; ">George: Guys… do you remember the trilogy? The “original trilogy?”</span>
<span style="line-height: 14px; ">Fans: Just a little bit. It died when we were getting old.</span>
<span style="line-height: 14px; ">George: What do you remember?</span>
<span style="line-height: 14px; ">Fans: Just images, really… from the Internet, and old laserdiscs.</span>
<span style="line-height: 14px; ">George: Tell me.</span>
<span style="line-height: 14px; ">Fans: It was really beautiful. Flawed… but perfect, with those flaws. Why are you asking us all this?</span>
<span style="line-height: 14px; ">George: I have no memory of this “original trilogy.” I never knew it.</span>
<span style="line-height: 14px; ">Fans: George, tell us. What’s troubling you?</span>
<span style="line-height: 14px; ">George: The Blu Ray is here, now… a full box set.</span>
<span style="line-height: 14px; ">Fans: How do you know?</span>
<span style="line-height: 14px; ">George: I can feel the leaks hitting the Internet.... As long as I live, this will be the only trilogy anybody ever sees. Well, along with the prequels. You have to face it.</span>
<span style="line-height: 14px; ">Fans: Why?</span>
<span style="line-height: 14px; ">George: This is my vision, the way it was meant to be.</span>
<span style="line-height: 14px; ">Fans (horrified): Your vision!? </span>
<span style="line-height: 14px; ">George: There’s more. It won’t be easy for you to hear it, but you must. You need to forget there ever was an original trilogy. You’re the only hope that everyone forgets I ever made a movie with models and puppets.</span>
<span style="line-height: 14px; ">Fans: George, don’t talk that way. The original trilogy is a piece of history, and needs to be preserved for future generations!</span>
<span style="line-height: 14px; ">George: You’re wrong, guys. The original trilogy is gone. This is the REAL trilogy. In time, you’ll learn to accept it as I have. Greedo shot first. Jabba was always there… and Darth, well, he’s a screamer.</span>
<span style="line-height: 14px; ">Fans: (Staring Blankly)</span>
<span style="line-height: 14px; ">George. Yes. It’s true, guys.</span>
<span style="line-height: 14px; ">Fans: (sad) We… we know… somehow, we’ve known since 1997.</span>
Star Wars Holiday Special > Star Wars 2011 Blu-Ray Release
Luke threw twice…maybe.
That jag who writes all the star wars blowjob pieces for Shiny Robot was insisting this was fake. I'm sure in about 2 weeks it'll be brilliant. (After all it's just an artist exercising his right to fuck with a dead director's scene. STAY CLASSY LUCASFILM)
Looks like i'm getting a ban or suspension. got to love a place that issues these types of things because someone said something to them without any proof. apparently the user iamsomental over there has reported me. I've asked to see this so called proof of me promotion and offering 720p versions of these movies. I can bet i won't get anything back from them because there is no proof because i have done nothing of what they are claiming i have done.
back on topic, the one thing that has pissed me off EVEN MORE about the addition of the NOOOOOOOO in ROTJ, is that they have almost removed Lukes line " Father... .." just so they can add this crap. So basically now he no longer hears his sons final cry out for help and makes the turn, he just turns. Fuck me Lucas, what the hell is going on with you? It is still there, just barely, but so quiet and gets drowned out by vaders first Nooo
adywan said:
Another addition to ROTJ has been spotted. R2 now has more appendages when he gets shot:
They have also added really crap looking reflections to the 2 blue sections on his front. Also jets of smoke that really do look fake. R2 just looks CG now :( They have also changed his blue colouring in this sequence. Why do that when it's the original colour of R2.
But, as usual with all the SE additions, they completely forgot to add them next time we see R2.
So R2D2 was finally turned into Inspector Gadget?
adywan said:
The trolls over at blu-ray.com are now on a serious mission to get me banned. Some have informed the moderators that i ahve been offering 720 fan edit rips of the blu-rays over there and have been promoting my work also. None of these things i have done. Hell, i haven't even got a 720p version of my Revisited edits to offer anyone, so it shows they are just blowing smoke out of their asses. You can bet its the usual suspects there. I find it funny that, because i have mentioned the blu-ray rips and most people have only the 720p versions, that they thinks that this is what i have and thought it would be a good excuse to try and say that i am offering edits of the blu-ray rips., well sorry guys, my copies are 1080p and i certainly have no intention of doing any edits of the blu-rays apart from using parts as a base for my revisited edits.
Does not suprise me one bit.....still trying to figure out why I was banned for doing the same thing as Kenkarly (or whatever his name is). Beast is either a Mod or a second account of one because those pro PT guys harldy ever get banned or suspended.
adywan said:
back on topic, the one thing that has pissed me off EVEN MORE about the addition of the NOOOOOOOO in ROTJ, is that they have removed Lukes line " Father... Please.." just so they can add this crap. So basically now he no longer hears his son crying out for help and makes the turn, he just turns. Fuck me Lucas, what the hell is going on with you?
What. The. Fuck.
'nuff sed