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Star Wars coming to Blu Ray (UPDATE: August 30 2011, No! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!) — Page 181


danny_boy said:

But they simply pale in comparison to the 2004 DVD.

That is why most reviewers reacted positively at the time of it's release:

The films look nothing short of fantastic: vastly better than you can have ever seen them before


Why do you think they wrote that---because resolution and sharpness also count.

Quality control also encompasses those factors too.


I guess you left out the next line of that review out for a reason

Now we all know just how screwed up the 2004 mix for ANH was so this reviewer hasn't got a clue what he is talking about. John williams soundtrack is almost buried underneath the damn sound effects, reversed in the surround channels and missing during the death star dive.

At least as much as the visuals, it's the sound that grabs you: from the opening boom of John Williams's score to all the background detail, the soundtrack is alive.


Now we all know just how screwed up the 2004 mix for ANH was so this reviewer hasn't got a clue what he is talking about. John Williams' soundtrack is almost buried underneath the damn sound effects, reversed in the surround channels and missing during the death star dive.





Have they announced what language audio versions will be for each movie?

amazon descriptions:


  • Format: AC-3, Dolby, DTS Surround Sound, Dubbed, Subtitled, Widescreen
  • Language: English
  • Subtitles: English, French, Portuguese, Spanish


Sprache: Deutsch (DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1)


Subtitles: English, Japanese


  • Format : Couleur, DTS stéréo
  • Langue : Anglais, Français
  • Sous-titres : Anglais, Français


Classification: To be announced


  • Formato: Cofanetto, PAL, Colore
  • Lingua: Italiano

amazon.cn doesn't list any Chinese version.

(please post confirmation of other languages, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, some other SE Asian countries have had specialty language versions before, right?.  Would like to hear all the language versions one day.)

The 2004 DVD version had multiple languages.


  • Language: English (Dolby Digital 2.0 Surround), English (Dolby Digital 5.1 EX), French (Dolby Digital 2.0 Surround), Spanish (Dolby Digital 2.0 Surround)
  • Subtitles: English




If the core of vader's saber was white as you say, it would match the vertical white slits behind the two combatants.

I  took a screen cap from the original 77 ' launch trailer that is on the 2004 DVD bonus disc.

As  you know the trailer was presented in 16:9 standard  def(i.e better quality than either  VHS or laserdisc).

It is also fairly representative of how the film looked(unlike the teaser trailer)


here it is:



Now if I zoom in just to focus on an area of interest you can clearly see the distinction between white (of those slits in the wall)and the mild pinkish/mild red tint of the saber:



And here is the trailer shot side by side with the equivalent frame from the 2004 DVD:


Are they different--yes.

But it's not like the 2004 DVD made vader's saber green!





I saw Star Wars in 1977. Many, many, many times. For 3 years it was just Star Wars...period. I saw it in good theaters, cheap theaters and drive-ins with those clunky metal speakers you hang on your window. The screen and sound quality never subtracted from the excitement. I can watch the original cut right now, over 30 years later, on some beat up VHS tape and enjoy it. It's the story that makes this movie. Nothing? else.

kurtb8474 1 week ago



Now we all know just how screwed up the 2004 mix for ANH was

There are many new people coming to these forums, it's probably worth taking the time and going through these issues again.  Here's a post which begins to identify the 2004 audio mix revisions:  (This covers the basics?)


From Neil S. Bunk (via JWFan.net)

rear channels being reversed


Here is my list of sound changes. This is all in reference to changes made to the original film, except in a few instances I've pointed out differences also from the 1993 re-mix. Some of these new sounds obviously were heard in the 1997 re-mix, some are new to this mix. I've also included a few picture changes, but I feel they have been covered everywhere, while the sound mix has been virtually ignored. I have not noted any changes to specific SE shots (such as the destruction of Alderaan) since these shots are entirely new.

The 1954 recording of the Fox logo is still played though it sounds very distorted.

The new Lucasfilm logo is shown.

The ?Star Wars? title card starts moving much too fast in relation to the original and can be seen ?shifting gears? as it gets smaller and slows down.

New explosions can be heard over the opening shot.

The foley in this mix is very loud and in your face. Not subtle in anyway. Note Threepios footsteps. They've always been there, just never this loud.

The sound of the ship docking has some revised sound.

The shirts of the rebel troopers change colors. They were always gray before. In some shots now they are blue.

Vaders voice has been re-processed throughout the entire film to get him to match the sequels.

When Artoo opens the door to the escape pod, the button he pushes buzzes.

The laser blast that convinces Threepio to get in the escape pod was re-done in 1993. It is the same sound effect as a lamp blowing up in Raiders of the Lost Ark. This effect is also heard later in the movie.

When Vader is talking to the ?Second Commander? (?Lord Vader, the battle station plans are not aboard this ship!?) the room in the background makes beeping noises. For fun, I?ll point out that this actor has the same voice as General Dodonna at the end of the movie. I suspect that the ?Second Commander? is dubbed.

When Artoo is shot by the Jawas and falls over a tremendous bass impact has been mixed in.

The restraining bolt being installed makes a different sound.

Artoos arrival inside the sand crawler makes a new sound.

You now hear the sand crawler start up as it starts to move.

Later, you hear the sand crawler come to a stop. Threepio then says, ?We?ve stopped? before telling Artoo to wake up.

The sound of Threepio rising from the oil bath has been augmented.

The lunch scene with Beru and Owen has some new foley (Beru?s chair makes a sound now). This is a quiet scene and you can literally hear the faders being brought down after every line of dialogue. Dailogue does not sound integrated in this scene.

Beru?s pronunciation of ?father? has been re--done......again.

Luke?s land speeder can be seen in the long shot from the sand peoples point of view. Previously it was just a white speck moving.

The clanking of the sand persons gaffi stick is heard in this mix.

The Krayt Dragon sound that Ben uses to scare the sand people has been re-done. It almost sounds like a police siren at first. Definitely sounds artifical as opposed to the older, more organic sound.

The light sabers have not been re-processed to match the sound heard in the prequels.

In this mix it?s very clear that the bartender has been dubbed. It was not as obvious before.

When Luke is thrown into the table, it makes an all new sound effect.

When the stormtroopers walk into the bar they can be heard saying, ?Undertand you had some trouble in here?. This is heard under Hans, ?Looks like somebody?s beginning to take an interest in your handiwork.? line.

Alien sound effect is missing just before Threepios line, ?I would much rather have gone with Master Luke than stay here with you.?

The music edit just after the Jabba scene is pretty bad. The music just starts. Also Bens line ?If the ships as fast as he?s boasting we ought to do well? is different than the original mix. It sounds edited together here.

A quick dissolve is missing between the shot of the spy and the interior entrance of Docking Bay 94. It is a hard cut now.

The spy makes some more sounds before informing the stormtroopers of where Luke and Ben are.

There are new explosion sound effects in the shoot out in Docking Bay 94.

?You would prefer another target? A military target?? both sound crystal clear. ?Then name the system!? is clearly from the old mix. Right in the middle of the line there is a quality shift. This happens through out the entire movie, but this may be the most obvious. It almost feels like a game, wondering if the next line is going to be the new clear dialogue or the older sounding dialogue. Obviously, there is a lack of consistency here and it?s jarring throughout the film. This is problably the worst feature of this new mix.

When the Falcon arrives at Alderaan there is some very deep bass. However, when the Falcon is captured by the Death Stars tractor beam, deep bass is missing that was heard in the 1993 mix. However there is a lot of sound of the cockpit shaking.

Also in the 1993 mix, the sound of the TIE fighter shooting at the Falcon could be heard. That?s not here nor was it in the original mix.

The PA systems line, ?Close all outboard shields? sounds different.

Just before Han and company come out of the secret compartments, the two inspecting stormtroopers stop at the exit ramp and one of them says, ?There?s no one here.?.

When Luke exits out of the Falcon and taps his stormtrooper helmet, static can be heard.

The dialogue keeps changing during the command office scene, between the clear dialogue and the older sounding dialogue.

The computer in the detention block scene makes new noises.

When Han, Luke and Chewie are shooting the cameras in the cell block area, the explosions are all re-done. There is also some new blaster fire added. When Han shoots the console, his blaster is much louder now then it was before.

The explosion as the stormtroopers blast into the cell block is much louder and has more bass.

When Leia shoots the hatch to get into the garbage chute, the explosion is different.

Chewie pounding on the door of the trash compactor makes new sounds.

The famous blooper of the stormtrooper walking into the door has now been punctuated with a loud ?clunk? sound effect. What was once a tough to see mistake is now pointed ot for everyone to see.

When Ben is turning off the tractor beam (I guess this is what he?s doing since the display is no longer in English) some sound effects that were heard at Bespin in The Empire Strikes Back and in ALIEN are mixed in here.

The creature sound effects after they get out of the trash compactor are different.

When Leia fires her blaster during the chasm crossfire, it no longer sounds like Dirty Harry?s .44 magnum. This chasm also has the ALIEN/Bespin sound effect.

When Luke throws the grappling hook, it makes a ?whizzing through the air? sound effect.

When they are shouting for Luke to come on board the Falcon (after Ben?s death) Leia now says, ?Luke, come on!?. Previously, it was just ?Come on!?.

Music reverb heard during the fight with the TIE Fighters is gone.

During the TIE Fighter fight, there is a long shot of the Falcon and you can see red blaster fire coming from it. There is now sound there to match.

During the first dive towards the attack on the Death Star, key music has been dialled out for a few moments.

?He?s on your tail? line from the SE mix is not heard here.

New sounds can be heard in Red Leaders cockpit as his ship is failing.

When Red Leaders engine is hit by blaster fire, it now makes the same sound as a lamp blowing up in Raiders of the Lost Ark.

As Han, Luke, and Leia walk off after the battle, new crowd cheering effects can be heard.



adywan said:

danny_boy said:

But they simply pale in comparison to the 2004 DVD.

That is why most reviewers reacted positively at the time of it's release:

The films look nothing short of fantastic: vastly better than you can have ever seen them before


Why do you think they wrote that---because resolution and sharpness also count.

Quality control also encompasses those factors too.


I guess you left out the next line of that review out for a reason

Now we all know just how screwed up the 2004 mix for ANH was so this reviewer hasn't got a clue what he is talking about. John williams soundtrack is almost buried underneath the damn sound effects, reversed in the surround channels and missing during the death star dive.

At least as much as the visuals, it's the sound that grabs you: from the opening boom of John Williams's score to all the background detail, the soundtrack is alive.


Now we all know just how screwed up the 2004 mix for ANH was so this reviewer hasn't got a clue what he is talking about. John Williams' soundtrack is almost buried underneath the damn sound effects, reversed in the surround channels and missing during the death star dive.



Well the audio is another ball game---I am pretty sure some fans may have argued as far back as 77' with regards to the differences in the Audio track(depending on which one they were exposed to-Mono or 35mm matrixed stereo).

I am no fan of the 2004 mix either( I prefer the 1984 dolby surround).

But just focusing on the picture why do you think Bill Hunt wrote the following:


Because the transfers were done from the original negatives, you're going to see detail in these films that you've never seen before. You'll notice this right from the opening shot of A New Hope, when the Star Destroyer chases its quarry over the surface of Tatooine. Just look at the subtle swirl of cloud patterns on the planet below - astonishing. Best of all, not a lick of added edge enhancement was required to bring out this detail. What else is good? The color palette here is more lush and accurate than ever before. You're going to be blown away by everything from subtle flesh tones to the vibrant gold plating on C-3PO's chest to the bright orange flightsuits of the Rebel pilots. Contrast is also spectacular, with deep detailed blacks and clear, accurate whites. All three films in this set are just going to absolutely blow you away, and the bigger your screen the better it gets. The Star Wars Trilogy on DVD is the best excuse you're ever going to have to go out and buy yourself a good anamorphic widescreen display. Until true high-definition arrives, it just doesn't get better than this.



I saw Star Wars in 1977. Many, many, many times. For 3 years it was just Star Wars...period. I saw it in good theaters, cheap theaters and drive-ins with those clunky metal speakers you hang on your window. The screen and sound quality never subtracted from the excitement. I can watch the original cut right now, over 30 years later, on some beat up VHS tape and enjoy it. It's the story that makes this movie. Nothing? else.

kurtb8474 1 week ago



I would take anything that Hunt or anyone over at the digital bits has said with a grain of salt.....these are the same guys that thought the Patton release was wonderful and when i called them on it the review just seemed to dissappear from the site.


I can't speak for Ady or any of the other preservationists and editors on here but I suspect the reason why the 2004 transfer is used as a basis for a lot of their work is because other than the GOUT discs (which have their own problems) it's the only representation of a transfer with a workable resolution.

That doesn't mean it's a top drawer transfer, it just means it's the best we can get our hands on for that sort of work.

Before anyone can do anything new with them, a lot of work has to be done to just to try and limit the effect of the screw up made with that transfer.

These new SE discs (going by what we have seen) aren't a new transfer.

All that has been done is an attempt to do what a fan editor or a preservationist would do first (make an attempt to reduce the screw up caused by the initial dodgy transfer). 

If a fan editor had made these gamma tweaks and adjustments to saber elements, people viewing them here would make helpful constructive comments suggesting other methods to get the best out of this old lemon we keep getting sold to us.

As it's the official distributor and the gatekeeper of the actual footage putting out this patched up piece of faulty software, it's legitimate to point out the flaws and the lies.

When you see cinematic pebbles like Starcrash getting a better transfer than any version of a milestone film like Star Wars (1977) this sort of nerd sectarianism is shown up for the farce it is.


There's quite a bit of people talking past each other here.  A transfer is a digitized file taken from a film.  A release is a digitized file found on a DVD.  A lot apparently happened between the transfer and the release in terms of added CGI, color "correction" (lol), soundtrack, etc.  I have little doubt that the transfer done for the 2004 discs was probabaly excellent, judging by the detail.  But that doesn't mean the release is good, or true to the originals.

It certainly makes sense to use the release with the best clarity to try and reproduce a decent facsimile of the OT.  That is because colors are largely correctable, but sharpness is not.  Content is also not correctable (obviously), except that people like Harmy and Adywan have managed to take great pains to try and restore those scenes that have been damaged.

We don't have access to the original transfers - nobody does except Lucas. And there doesn't exist a decent modern release.  It should be obvious to danny_boy or any other SW fan that just because one would use the 2004 discs on which to base a transfer doesn't mean we think they are accurate, or that they are watchable. To wit, what do you think would turn out better, a 2004-based project that has been color-corrected and despecialized, or a 1993-based project that has been sharpened?  The answer should be obvious (2004-based), but that doesn't mean that it has better colors, or is better watching out of the box.  Because it clearly has terrible colors, especially ESB, and is full of inane distracting crap.  Every indication is that the blu-ray will have even better detail, but it will still be unwatchable because of the crap done to it for release, and will therefore need to be fixed by somebody here in order to make it a reasonably watchable facsimile of the OT.

This is the only movie in the world in which this discussion is taking place. That isn't our fault, it's Lucas' fault.

"Close the blast doors!"
Puggo’s website | Rescuing Star Wars


JohnStewart said:

I would take anything that Hunt or anyone over at the digital bits has said with a grain of salt.....these are the same guys that thought the Patton release was wonderful and when i called them on it the review just seemed to dissappear from the site.

Yea, Hunt is a joke. His site found nothing wrong with the FOTR green tint, either. He's a studio sycophant.

None of these guys are going to speak up against the SW blu-ray color errors because it would cost them advance review discs and other perks in the future. Just be ready for across-the-board raving, just like there was for the 2004 dvds. I remember waiting to buy the set until I read reviews at places like dvdtown, ign, etc. I don't think they mentioned Luke's green lightsaber or other myriad problems. I could be wrong, though.

This was my response to seeing danny_boy troll on this forum also.


Is there no respite from these blind Lucas worshippers? Are they so insecure they have to attack anybody who doesn't suckle the flannel teet like they do?


“Grow up. These are my Disney's movies, not yours.”


Puggo - Jar Jar's Yoda said:

This is the only movie in the world in which this discussion is taking place. That isn't our fault, it's Lucas' fault.

That is the single most important point to remember in this entire thread. 

Forum Moderator

georgec said:

JohnStewart said:

I would take anything that Hunt or anyone over at the digital bits has said with a grain of salt.....these are the same guys that thought the Patton release was wonderful and when i called them on it the review just seemed to dissappear from the site.

Yea, Hunt is a joke. His site found nothing wrong with the FOTR green tint, either. He's a studio sycophant.

None of these guys are going to speak up against the SW blu-ray color errors because it would cost them advance review discs and other perks in the future. Just be ready for across-the-board raving, just like there was for the 2004 dvds. I remember waiting to buy the set until I read reviews at places like dvdtown, ign, etc. I don't think they mentioned Luke's green lightsaber or other myriad problems. I could be wrong, though.

This was my response to seeing danny_boy troll on this forum also.


Is there no respite from these blind Lucas worshippers? Are they so insecure they have to attack anybody who doesn't suckle the flannel teet like they do?


Mate---I have been a member here for 2 years!

And with regards to my stance on the original unaltered trilogy---read my sig.


I saw Star Wars in 1977. Many, many, many times. For 3 years it was just Star Wars...period. I saw it in good theaters, cheap theaters and drive-ins with those clunky metal speakers you hang on your window. The screen and sound quality never subtracted from the excitement. I can watch the original cut right now, over 30 years later, on some beat up VHS tape and enjoy it. It's the story that makes this movie. Nothing? else.

kurtb8474 1 week ago



danny_boy said:



Now if I zoom in just to focus on an area of interest you can clearly see the distinction between white (of those slits in wall)and the mild pinkish/mild red tint of the saber:



Is this for real? It's pink in 2004 EMPIRE because it's SORT OF pink, in a different way, in some shots in star wars '77? What the...?


danny_boy said:

georgec said:

JohnStewart said:

I would take anything that Hunt or anyone over at the digital bits has said with a grain of salt.....these are the same guys that thought the Patton release was wonderful and when i called them on it the review just seemed to dissappear from the site.

Yea, Hunt is a joke. His site found nothing wrong with the FOTR green tint, either. He's a studio sycophant.

None of these guys are going to speak up against the SW blu-ray color errors because it would cost them advance review discs and other perks in the future. Just be ready for across-the-board raving, just like there was for the 2004 dvds. I remember waiting to buy the set until I read reviews at places like dvdtown, ign, etc. I don't think they mentioned Luke's green lightsaber or other myriad problems. I could be wrong, though.

This was my response to seeing danny_boy troll on this forum also.


Is there no respite from these blind Lucas worshippers? Are they so insecure they have to attack anybody who doesn't suckle the flannel teet like they do?


Mate---I have been a member here for 2 years!

And with regards to my stance on the original unaltered trilogy---read my sig.


Fair enough, I forget most of your debate regards colors rather than the movies themselves. It's hard to distinguish amongst the large contingency of posters at blu-ray.com

“Grow up. These are my Disney's movies, not yours.”


Anchorhead wrote:

Puggo - Jar Jar's Yoda said:

This is the only movie in the world in which this discussion is taking place. That isn't our fault, it's Lucas' fault.

That is the single most important point to remember in this entire thread.

Eventually as a parent-like being in this SW relationship, there comes a decision to point the finger at yourself.  It's nice that large blocks go out and put the latest doodle from this 70 year old man-child onto their fridge. (...landfilling the last doodle...)  The symbolic circle is now deformed and twisted, LFL is the necessary evil, the go between the creator and the memories.  Dolling them out like crumbs to the house where you'll eventually realize, you're not in Modesto anymore.   ...this metaphor is past it's prime, it's killed children, jedi, sith, even ackleys all in the name of the BEEP : Turn the page.


Puggo - Jar Jar's Yoda said:

There's quite a bit of people talking past each other here.  A transfer is a digitized file taken from a film.  A release is a digitized file found on a DVD.  A lot apparently happened between the transfer and the release in terms of added CGI, color "correction" (lol), soundtrack, etc.  I have little doubt that the transfer done for the 2004 discs was probabaly excellent, judging by the detail.  But that doesn't mean the release is good, or true to the originals.

It certainly makes sense to use the release with the best clarity to try and reproduce a decent facsimile of the OT.  That is because colors are largely correctable, but sharpness is not.  Content is also not correctable (obviously), except that people like Harmy and Adywan have managed to take great pains to try and restore those scenes that have been damaged.

We don't have access to the original transfers - nobody does except Lucas. And there doesn't exist a decent modern release.  It should be obvious to danny_boy or any other SW fan that just because one would use the 2004 discs on which to base a transfer doesn't mean we think they are accurate, or that they are watchable. To wit, what do you think would turn out better, a 2004-based project that has been color-corrected and despecialized, or a 1993-based project that has been sharpened?  The answer should be obvious (2004-based), but that doesn't mean that it has better colors, or is better watching out of the box.  Because it clearly has terrible colors, especially ESB, and is full of inane distracting crap.  Every indication is that the blu-ray will have even better detail, but it will still be unwatchable because of the crap done to it for release, and will therefore need to be fixed by somebody here in order to make it a reasonably watchable facsimile of the OT.

This is the only movie in the world in which this discussion is taking place. That isn't our fault, it's Lucas' fault.

I agree with your points.

But there is also a certain degree of subjectivity with regards to how one percieves the quality of a video transfer like the 2004 DVD.

The Godfather also came in for some critisism because fans were surprised how vibrant some of the colours were(in what is generally considered to be a dark film) in the Blu Ray  transfer----- even though there was no reference because Francis Ford Coppola conceded that he could not even remember how it originally looked!

But he nonetheless approved the restoration performed by Robert Harris.

I, like many here,  want a 4k/1080/2k transfer of the OUT in the best quality possible, but it does not mean that I(or any of you) cannot appreciate or enjoy the 2004 DVD exactly for what it is ---- by far and away the best the film has ever looked in an official  home video presentation.

Sorry but those 1997 laserdiscs do not hold a candle to it(this does not apply to the audio)----But that is my opinion which of course any one is entitled to disagree with.





I saw Star Wars in 1977. Many, many, many times. For 3 years it was just Star Wars...period. I saw it in good theaters, cheap theaters and drive-ins with those clunky metal speakers you hang on your window. The screen and sound quality never subtracted from the excitement. I can watch the original cut right now, over 30 years later, on some beat up VHS tape and enjoy it. It's the story that makes this movie. Nothing? else.

kurtb8474 1 week ago



I'll take a laserdisc with grain and less sharpness but correct colors over a color-botched, DNR'ed high def release any day

“Grow up. These are my Disney's movies, not yours.”


georgec said:

I'll take a laserdisc with grain and less sharpness but correct colors over a color-botched, DNR'ed high def release any day

Thats fair enough---as I said earlier--I enjoy watching my 1982 VHS tape on the odd occasion----it has the worst  looking transfer----but has the highest nostalgic value(for me personally).

I saw Star Wars in 1977. Many, many, many times. For 3 years it was just Star Wars...period. I saw it in good theaters, cheap theaters and drive-ins with those clunky metal speakers you hang on your window. The screen and sound quality never subtracted from the excitement. I can watch the original cut right now, over 30 years later, on some beat up VHS tape and enjoy it. It's the story that makes this movie. Nothing? else.

kurtb8474 1 week ago



none said:

Anchorhead wrote:

Puggo - Jar Jar's Yoda said:

This is the only movie in the world in which this discussion is taking place. That isn't our fault, it's Lucas' fault.

That is the single most important point to remember in this entire thread.

Eventually as a parent-like being in this SW relationship, there comes a decision to point the finger at yourself.  It's nice that large blocks go out and put the latest doodle from this 70 year old man-child onto their fridge. (...landfilling the last doodle...)  The symbolic circle is now deformed and twisted, LFL is the necessary evil, the go between the creator and the memories.  Dolling them out like crumbs to the house where you'll eventually realize, you're not in Modesto anymore.   ...this metaphor is past it's prime, it's killed children, jedi, sith, even ackleys all in the name of the BEEP : Turn the page.

Well put, sir.  I suppose it goes without saying, at least I hope it does, that I made that decision decades ago.  That decision (a very easy one, by the way) was for a non-Lucas Star Wars world.  Daley & Zahn make up my personal canon. 

Truth be told,  I'll most likely never watch Star Wars again.  Having made the transition to much deeper & much better stories - in a much more vast universe - I won't be going backwards.

Forum Moderator

I do hope that jar jar is in every single frame of all 6 movies of this new release.

Everybody here was saying that the blu-ray.com forum was being a bit biased about this release and i must now concur with that conclusion. You can't even put in your 2 cents without getting told by a moderator to stop unless it involves saying the following: "I love these movies and I hope they have changed more stuff this time around." 

It's really weirding me out.  It's like there is some agenda going on.  Are millions of people on the LFL payroll? 

Luke threw twice…maybe.


althor1138 said:

I do hope that jar jar is in every single frame of all 6 movies of this new release.

Everybody here was saying that the blu-ray.com forum was being a bit biased about this release and i must now concur with that conclusion. You can't even put in your 2 cents without getting told by a moderator to stop unless it involves saying the following: "I love these movies and I hope they have changed more stuff this time around." 

It's really weirding me out.  It's like there is some agenda going on.  Are millions of people on the LFL payroll? 

It's like the worst of capitalism all over again; a defective product that the company doesn't care if it is defective, people who dissent against the company's policies are silenced, and the destruction of a cultural legacy. People should be hung up on the fact that the originals are nowhere on this set yet there are two 90 minute documentaries on Star Wars parodies and the motherfucking legion of manchildren (or whatever those people call themselves). 

You know what? The whole goddamn franchise is worthless; only 35 years later do we realize that SW should have been aborted from the start and GL should have been forbidden from being 500 feet within a camera. We did not deserve to be treated like this; I'm just walking away from SW.


danny_boy said:

Thats fair enough---as I said earlier--I enjoy watching my 1982 VHS tape on the odd occasion----it has the worst  looking transfer----but has the highest nostalgic value(for me personally).

Well, for me the best nostalgic version of the OT is a super-sharp transfer, because that's how I saw it in the theater in 77 when it first came out.  No such thing exists because all the hi-res transfers have CGI alterations. I don't have any nostalgia for blurry low-res dirty transfers (even my own).  But I don't have any nostalgia for dancing teddy bears and whizzy CGI either -- in fact those are worse... it's just not the same movie.  Among the official releases, at least the GOUT is the same movie.

The messed-up colors to me aren't the big deal (well, except the crushed blacks).  They are just proof that George is no longer competent to manage his own affairs anymore.

"Close the blast doors!"
Puggo’s website | Rescuing Star Wars


generalfrevious said:

I'm just walking away from SW.

If it means you never show up here again I'd be happy.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


Back to the topic of the blu-rays, my plan is to wait until someone does a despecialized version based on them, then I'll buy the "saga" (sic) so that I can download the despecialized version in good conscience.  By then the price will likely have gone down a lot... I might even be able to pick one up used.

"Close the blast doors!"
Puggo’s website | Rescuing Star Wars


bkev said:


generalfrevious said:

I'm just walking away from SW.

If it means you never show up here again I'd be happy.


*hands bkev an icepick*

(although I agree with him)


Why do you guys even waste time on the blu forum?