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Star Wars coming to Blu Ray (UPDATE: August 30 2011, No! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!) — Page 174


Those PT screenshots are also promotional material which have been used since 1999, 2002 and 2005.

And in the time of greatest despair, there shall come a savior, and he shall be known as the Son of the Suns.


Gaffer Tape said:

kenkraly2007 said:

All some of you have been doing is complaining about the blu-ray box set ever since it was announced and the set is not even out yet. Wait for the reviews to come out and then judge the box set for yourself's when the box set is out.  Sure their is stuff I want on the box set too like from star wars to jedi and the empire of dreams doc's but I'm not complaining that they are not in the set. Would it be nice to have the UOT in the set yes but it's not a deal breaker for me. 

Well, the thing about that is that you're doing the exact same thing you're accusing the people here of doing (and I feel like I've said this before). 

You have said it before...we've all said it before.  There's no point giving ken a "fair shake" because we've tried over and over again and he keeps going back to the well.


twooffour said:

darth_ender said:


Also, let me add that I am a stickler for grammar and spelling.  I certainly make errors too, but I almost always catch the multitudinous mistakes that so many who post here make.  I think it is unwise to criticize others of sounding ignorant because of such mistakes, as I know many intelligent people who make language errors, there are patrons here whose first language is not English, and those who criticize make quite a few silly mistakes of their own.

Twooffour said:


"A piece of advice -[needs a colon, not a hyphen] a hyphen can also be used; although actually it should be a dash, I don't really care though -- - °_°  it generally comes off as pathetic and laughable if you ask people to stop making fun of you and take you seriously.[needs a comma, not a period, or else the following sentence is a run-on] it can be done with a period, as well as with a semicolon ESPECIALLY with gramer [grammar] LOL like that.

"Those deserving of respect,[no comma needed] but allowed for emphasis don't demand it.
Those ridiculed undeservedly,[no comma needed] smash their haters with a wall of logic, hidden sarcasm[comma IS needed] a comma can be omitted before the last item in a list, unless it affects the meaning and witty repartée.

"The others just whine."
Congratulations, not a single accurate correction so far.

Even if all of those had been actual mistakes, only an Aspie would start comparing those few missed commas to a TEXT WRITTEN IN THE STYLE OF SQUIRRELKING.

I feel like I'm picking on twooffour a lot, but I continue to notice that he often seems to be in the heat of these angry conversations.  I wish that I could come here, read where I see a new post, and not have to sift through a bunch of worthless arguments over a fictional movie series that we all enjoy.

A fictional movie series as opposed to a real one?

You are correct that a dash can be used instead of a colon, though generally a colon is preferred.  However, as you pointed out, you did use a hyphen.

"ESPECIALLY with gramer (sic) like that" is a run-on sentence, whether you like it or not.  There is no subject or verb; it simply starts with an adverb, followed by a preposition, followed by a misspelled noun which does not serve as a subject, but rather the direct object of the previous sentence.  Therefore, a period will not work.  A semicolon could work, but is, in my opinion, overkill in this case.  However, you did not put a semicolon, so the point is moot.  You used a period incorrectly, so get over it.

As pointed out, "grammar" is spelled like this, not "gramer."

You never use commas in this manner for emphasis.  Sorry.

It is true that you can omit commas when separating the last two items in a list.  However, it seems that more style guides prefer its use, including the United States Government Printing Office.  British and American English guides especially prefer it, while Canadian and Australian seem to lean towards omitting the last.  In any case, my reason for pointing out its need was to contrast your lack with your previous cases of overused commas.

So actually you cannot escape the fact that I made several appropriate corrections, with two that are somewhat more ambiguous.

In the end, my point was that you really piss people off with your big head which could use some deflation.  You criticize other's English, but yours is very imperfect.  You always seem to be right in the middle of every argument and fight, and while I will enjoy debating with you in the politics section, it just is annoying to see a long series of stupid arguments and, oh, what do you know?  Twooffour is right there, starting and/or perpetuating this mess as well.  Sometimes I just want to come here and talk about Star Wars, not about your "walls of logic."  Just learn when to talk and when to sit down and shut up.

And by the way, my usage of "fictional movie series" was correct, pointing out that this series deals with fictional events, as opposed to those "based on actual events" or a documentary.  I'm sure if you continue reading my posts, you'll find various errors, but they are far less frequent than yours, and that was not one of them.  Keep up the valiant effort, but try not to get on everyone's nerves.


I like this darth_ender person.

And to stay on-topic, sort of, I'd like to go back in time a little and celebrate this fine image again.


I like you too, TV's Frink.


I don't mean to just pick of twooffour.  I, too, am guilty of arguing at times over nothing related, even including these grammar corrections.  However, my point is that I hope all will refocus on the intended topic, and my little diversion was simply intended to put twooffour in his place a bit.  Now let's move on to the topic at hand.

That is a very lovely image, Frinky.



Imagine it's September 16, and you're sitting at home finally watching the saga on blu-ray. Is there anything that would be a "deal breaker" for you? Is there anything that, if it weren't fixed or included, would ruin the box set for you?

You know of the rebellion against the Empire?


WookieGroomer Split for 1977 (he used GOUT right?) and 2004 looks like the 1977 pic but the suns look like the 20004 picDVD, and blu-ray 2011 pic from the recently posted official site update:


One day we will have properly restored versions of the Original Unaltered Trilogy (OUT); or 1977, 1980, 1983 Theatrical released versions (Like 4K77,4K80 and 4K83); including Prequels. So that future generations can enjoy these historic films that changed cinema forever.

Yoda: Try not, do or do not, there is no try.


darth_ender said:

You are correct that a dash can be used instead of a colon, though generally a colon is preferred.  However, as you pointed out, you did use a hyphen.

-- = fuck the dash.

"ESPECIALLY with gramer (sic) like that" is a run-on sentence, whether you like it or not.  There is no subject or verb; it simply starts with an adverb, followed by a preposition, followed by a misspelled noun which does not serve as a subject, but rather the direct object of the previous sentence.  Therefore, a period will not work.  A semicolon could work, but is, in my opinion, overkill in this case.  However, you did not put a semicolon, so the point is moot.  You used a period incorrectly, so get over it.

Yes, it was a run-on sentence after a period. The period served as a stronger emphasis compared to a semi-colon.

This is not a formal paper here, prof - it's an internet board, and slightly bending grammar for the sake of expression is not a problem in the SLIGHTEST.

Look up "Flat What" on TV Tropes.

As pointed out, "grammar" is spelled like this, not "gramer."

It was a JOKE, you clown.
And I'd thought people might catch up on "grammer"... jeez.

You never use commas in this manner for emphasis.  Sorry.

I do, and see above.

It is true that you can omit commas when separating the last two items in a list.  However, it seems that more style guides prefer its use, including the United States Government Printing Office.  British and American English guides especially prefer it, while Canadian and Australian seem to lean towards omitting the last.  In any case, my reason for pointing out its need was to contrast your lack with your previous cases of overused commas.


In the end, my point was that you really piss people off with your big head which could use some deflation.  You criticize other's English, but yours is very imperfect.

Go check your Asperger's, if you think my correct uses / slight liberties were in any way comparable to kenkraly's.

And by the way, my usage of "fictional movie series" was correct, pointing out that this series deals with fictional events, as opposed to those "based on actual events" or a documentary.


I'm sure if you continue reading my posts, you'll find various errors, but they are far less frequent than yours, and that was not one of them. 

Now this was hilarious!


twooffour said:

Go check your Asperger's, if you think my correct uses / slight liberties were in any way comparable to kenkraly's.

Well done.  Either you have personal knowledge of darth_ender (or kenkraly?), or you just lobbed a personal insult.  In which case you should be banned.  Again.

And since I have a few different connections to disorders of a mental and/or physical nature, I am also personally offended by this.  So, this is in no way a personal insult, but rather simple an expression of my gut reaction when I read this, when I say, good sir, that you should kindly fuck off.

darth_ender said:

I don't mean to just pick of twooffour.

lol, just caught this typo.


I think he meant Ass Burgers.

Assuming that people aren't vegetarian isn't really an insult, it's more of a generalisation.


TV's Frink said:

Well done.  Either you have personal knowledge of darth_ender (or kenkraly?), or you just lobbed a personal insult.  In which case you should be banned.  Again.

And since I have a few different connections to disorders of a mental and/or physical nature, I am also personally offended by this.  So, this is in no way a personal insult, but rather simple an expression of my gut reaction when I read this, when I say, good sir, that you should kindly fuck off.

Asperger's is a syndrome, not an insult. Congratulations, you've just insulted every single person with Asperger's on the planet. ;)

On the internets, though, it's often used as a way to point out someone's unacceptable inability to understand irony, hyperbole, or priorities and degrees.
People who nitpick a movie too much and can't understand how plot holes can be justified by a desired cinematic effect, or character development / audience identification, and are generally less important than those aspects - everything has, has to fit in, personality and character are aliens.

Both Squirrelken and I used the English language in a way that wasn't 100% correct. Both were mistakes. That ain't how the grammer book says it should be done. It's wrong. I shouldn't be picking on his language if I add or omit a comma for the sake of expression (expression, what is that? i don't understand these things, he used a comma wrong, that's not how the Oxford dictionary says it should be used). I'm as guilty as he is.

Ludicrous behavior like that is what is meant by Asperger's (when used on the internet), not so much an actual claim about a disorder only a psychologist can diagnose.
I've been called an Aspie for nitpicking, as well (although they mistook it for actual criticism, while I was just pointing out things), I have a light form of ADHS myself, and I wasn't "offended" in the slightest.

You should really grow a thicker skin and quit being "offended" by everything.


Bingowings said:

I think he meant Ass Burgers.

Assuming that people aren't vegetarian isn't really an insult, it's more of a generalisation.



twooffour said:

TV's Frink said:

Well done.  Either you have personal knowledge of darth_ender (or kenkraly?), or you just lobbed a personal insult.  In which case you should be banned.  Again.

And since I have a few different connections to disorders of a mental and/or physical nature, I am also personally offended by this.  So, this is in no way a personal insult, but rather simple an expression of my gut reaction when I read this, when I say, good sir, that you should kindly fuck off.

Asperger's is a syndrome, not an insult. Congratulations, you've just insulted every single person with Asperger's on the planet. ;)

On the internets, though, it's often used as a way to point out someone's unacceptable inability to understand irony, hyperbole, or priorities and degrees.
People who nitpick a movie too much and can't understand how plot holes can be justified by a desired cinematic effect, or character development / audience identification, and are generally less important than those aspects - everything has, has to fit in, personality and character are aliens.

Both Squirrelken and I used the English language in a way that wasn't 100% correct. Both were mistakes. That ain't how the grammer book says it should be done. It's wrong. I shouldn't be picking on his language if I add or omit a comma for the sake of expression (expression, what is that? i don't understand these things, he used a comma wrong, that's not how the Oxford dictionary says it should be used). I'm as guilty as he is.

Ludicrous behavior like that is what is meant by Asperger's (when used on the internet), not so much an actual claim about a disorder only a psychologist can diagnose.
I've been called an Aspie for nitpicking, as well (although they mistook it for actual criticism, while I was just pointing out things), I have a light form of ADHS myself, and I wasn't "offended" in the slightest.

You should really grow a thicker skin and quit being "offended" by everything.


First off, if you had been through some of the things I've been through, you wouldn't throw thin skin bullshit around.

Second, you don't get to decide what things mean, even on the internet.

Third, if you claim someone has Asperger's, you better have evidence to back it up.  And if you are joking, you shouldn't joke about that any more than you should call people retards.

Finally, fuck your insincere emoticons, and fuck your claim that I'm the one insulting people.  Seriously, go fuck off.


twooffour said:

Asperger's is a syndrome, not an insult. On the internets, though, it's often used as a way to point out someone's unacceptable inability to understand irony, hyperbole, or priorities and degrees. Ludicrous behavior like that is what is meant by Asperger's (when used on the internet), not so much an actual claim about a disorder only a psychologist can diagnose.

While this may be true in some corners of the internet, that doesn't make it right, nor does it make it acceptable here. I am no expert on the rules here and not a moderator anyway, so obviously that's a matter for the mods to decide.

However, I will say that just because many people consider it acceptable doesn't mean that they should.

ROTJ Storyboard Reconstruction Project



First off, if you had been through some of the things I've been through, you wouldn't throw thin skin bullshit around.

I'm not supposed to guess what you've been through, or what kind of baggage you're carrying around.
I was mobbed in primary school (to my "defense", I also was on the other side of the fense a few times) and called a lot of things like "fuck off" or "you idiot", so I'll play the offense card whenever you tell me that from now on.

"What's better, Parkinson's or Alzheimer's? Better to drink a beer and forget it, than unable to drink it all".




Second, you don't get to decide what things mean, even on the internet.

I'm not deciding, I'm reporting.



Third, if you claim someone has Asperger's, you better have evidence to back it up.  And if you are joking, you shouldn't joke about that any more than you should call people retards.

Wow, you are one uptight guy aren't you.
Yes, I should and will call people retards for being extremely stupid. That's how the word is used in everyday language in arguments, and if anything makes a connection to actual RETARDS, it's their own fault.
Certainly after receiving the subsequent disclaimer.

FYI, "idiot" is also a medical term for mental retardation, so quit calling me that as well. You hypocrite.


Finally, fuck your insincere emoticons, and fuck your claim that I'm the one insulting people.  Seriously, go fuck off.

How about you quit claiming that Asperger's is an insult, then we'll talk.



timdiggerm said:

twooffour said:

Asperger's is a syndrome, not an insult. On the internets, though, it's often used as a way to point out someone's unacceptable inability to understand irony, hyperbole, or priorities and degrees. Ludicrous behavior like that is what is meant by Asperger's (when used on the internet), not so much an actual claim about a disorder only a psychologist can diagnose.

While this may be true in some corners of the internet, that doesn't make it right, nor does it make it acceptable here. I am no expert on the rules here and not a moderator anyway, so obviously that's a matter for the mods to decide.

However, I will say that just because many people consider it acceptable doesn't mean that they should.

Well I've been on the receiving end, and I honestly couldn't give a wet one.

Obviously, it's presumed that the person on the other side is most probably normal, just being very thick - so an implication that a normal person allows himself lapses reminiscent of someone with an actual disorder, seems to make sense as a wake-up jab.

But then again, you politically correct uptight moral guardians can't give a moment of thought to such considerations, can you. To you, it's just "oh no he said Asperger's that's an actual disorder it's offensive he shouldn't be saying that!!".
How it's meant, whether it's meant to insult people with disorders, or indirectly degrade them more than a wikipedia article does, or whether it's actually referring to the actual disorder, or merely meant as an ironic, hyperbolic remark about a distant similarity to its most known traits - none of that really matters to you does it.
"Mentioned Aspergers's = offensive", that's as simple as you wanna have it.

Whatever floats your boat, pal.
You've just made me swear to once use the "special olympics" joke on this forum ;)

Actually, seen those pictures posted on occasions very similar to the recent "4th parts" debacle, where I also was involved, and also was winning ;)
I'll think of being offended from now on.


How about you don't use Asperger's as an insult in the first place, 2of4?  Then we wouldn't have a problem.

You know that you aren't always right about everything, yes?  No one is.


twooffour said:

Yes, I should and will call people retards for being extremely stupid.

I'm done.  If I try to discuss this any further with this idiot, someone please jab me in the eye with an icepick.


There are some really nice Off topic threads for this sort of thing.

This is about the Blu-Ray discs and how rubbish they obviously are, not about armchair diagnosis and etymology.


ChainsawAsh said:

How about you don't use Asperger's as an insult in the first place, 2of4?  Then we wouldn't have a problem.

You know that you aren't always right about everything, yes?  No one is.

Ok, you clown, I neither used it as an insult, nor have I made up this alternative use out of my ass.
How many times do I have to restate that?


TV's Frink said:

twooffour said:

Yes, I should and will call people retards for being extremely stupid.

I'm done.  If I try to discuss this any further with this idiot, someone please jab me in the eye with an icepick.

FYI, "idiot" is also a medical term for mental retardation, so quit calling me that as well. You hypocrite.

You laughingstock. No further comment required.


^What on earth is that?  Other than a fake, of course...

I guess what I mean is, what on earth is that supposed to be?

EDIT: Man, does that website ever suck...


Some sort of Star Wars Blu Ray cover I suppose.


twooffour said:

darth_ender said:

You are correct that a dash can be used instead of a colon, though generally a colon is preferred.  However, as you pointed out, you did use a hyphen.

-- = fuck the dash.

"ESPECIALLY with gramer (sic) like that" is a run-on sentence, whether you like it or not.  There is no subject or verb; it simply starts with an adverb, followed by a preposition, followed by a misspelled noun which does not serve as a subject, but rather the direct object of the previous sentence.  Therefore, a period will not work.  A semicolon could work, but is, in my opinion, overkill in this case.  However, you did not put a semicolon, so the point is moot.  You used a period incorrectly, so get over it.

Yes, it was a run-on sentence after a period. The period served as a stronger emphasis compared to a semi-colon.

This is not a formal paper here, prof - it's an internet board, and slightly bending grammar for the sake of expression is not a problem in the SLIGHTEST.

Look up "Flat What" on TV Tropes.

As pointed out, "grammar" is spelled like this, not "gramer."

It was a JOKE, you clown.
And I'd thought people might catch up on "grammer"... jeez.

You never use commas in this manner for emphasis.  Sorry.

I do, and see above.

It is true that you can omit commas when separating the last two items in a list.  However, it seems that more style guides prefer its use, including the United States Government Printing Office.  British and American English guides especially prefer it, while Canadian and Australian seem to lean towards omitting the last.  In any case, my reason for pointing out its need was to contrast your lack with your previous cases of overused commas.


In the end, my point was that you really piss people off with your big head which could use some deflation.  You criticize other's English, but yours is very imperfect.

Go check your Asperger's, if you think my correct uses / slight liberties were in any way comparable to kenkraly's.

And by the way, my usage of "fictional movie series" was correct, pointing out that this series deals with fictional events, as opposed to those "based on actual events" or a documentary.


I'm sure if you continue reading my posts, you'll find various errors, but they are far less frequent than yours, and that was not one of them. 

Now this was hilarious!

 Wow, in sentences no longer than five words, you totally ripped my points to shreds!  Oh, the pain!  '/FACEPALM" -- That's like...a wall of logic that I simply cannot overcome.

You're a moron.  I know it's not a term paper.  You don't see me correcting anyone else's English; just yours.  You seem to think you are so much brighter than everyone else, and I simply wanted to show you that you are not so amazing as you think.  I don't care about any of your errors, except insofar as you seem to think it appropriate to correct everyone else's mistakes.  As my last reply to Your Ignorance, Emperor Twooffour, you have done nothing but prove my whole point: you are nothing but a contentious idiot who is always looking for an argument and tries to suck others in.  Most people don't seem to like you that much.  It's best to learn when not to talk.  I'm sure you'll have some absolutely devastating comeback to this that you pulled from How to Destroy an Argument in Five Words or Less (under the chapter entitled "Insults are More Effective than Reason," of course).  However, rest assured that if you continue with your obnoxious posts belittling anyone who disagrees with you, I will not respond.  As long as you put your uber-glorified opinion out there for all to see, you are a waste of time.  If you wish to descend from Mt. Olympus to the Valley of Mortals, we can always continue our civil chats.