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Star Wars coming to Blu Ray (UPDATE: August 30 2011, No! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!) — Page 128


kenkraly2007 said:

TV's Frink said:

kenkraly2007 said:

The new mixes on blu-ray in DTS HD Master Audio will sound great...

You don't know that.  No one has heard them yet.


I know that no one heard them yet but some people are rushing to judgement on them before they even come out. 

Who?  Oh I know, you must be talking about kenkraly2007.


TV's Frink

Who?  Oh I know, you must be talking about kenkraly2007.

That's me TV's Frink. read my comments before quoting me.


TV's Frink why don't you just stop making fun of my post I never said I know anything about the blu-ray audio ok I was just reading from other sites I've heard it from.


TV's Frink said:


Anyone else want to explain this to ken?  I'm too tired.

I'll take a swing at it.

Ken, first you said "The new mixes on blu-ray in DTS HD Master Audio will sound great." That's a quality judgment. Then, you indicated your disapproval over the fact that "some people are rushing to judgement on them before the set even comes out." Frink's point is that, by unabashedly declaring that the audio will "sound great," you are in fact rushing to judgment before the set comes out, which is something that you criticize others for doing.

Make sense?

Every 27th customer will get a ball-peen hammer, free!


Ok I am sorry but I am just wondering about the blu-ray audio and what it will sound like as most of the fans are. 


TV's Frink said:


Anyone else want to explain this to ken?  I'm too damn tired.

What that you were mocking him and making fun and he was totally oblivious to this fact, sorry FINK but not my style to subtitle the underlined unspoken meaning of a post.

Or that he could not take his own advice or was a hypocrite  because he claimed the colors would be fixed without having the blu ray in his home to view ?

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


skyjedi2005 said:

TV's Frink said:


Anyone else want to explain this to ken?  I'm too damn tired.

What that you were mocking him and making fun and he was totally oblivious to this fact, sorry FINK but not my style to subtitle the underlined unspoken meaning of a post.

Or that he could not take his own advice or was a hypocrite  because he claimed the colors would be fixed without having the blu ray in his home to view ?

What do you think?  Do you need it explained as well?


kenkraly2007 said:

Ok I am sorry but I am just wondering about the blu-ray audio and what it will sound like as most of the fans are. 

Then stop saying things you couldn't possibly know like "it will sound great."


kenkraly2007 said:

Ok I am sorry but I am just wondering about the blu-ray audio and what it will sound like as most of the fans are. 

Well, I know at least one fan who isn't wondering:

Jedi Temple34 says:

I am pleased that the Star Wars BluRay set will feature DTS audio, rather than the infinitely inferior Dolby True-HD. At last, Star Wars as it was meant to be heard! In glorious, crystal-clear, DTS!

Every 27th customer will get a ball-peen hammer, free!


^This is what a very small person riding a Star Wars blu-ray disc might look like (if the player was shaped like a miniature fairground tent).


Akwat Kbrana said:

Well, I know at least one fan who isn't wondering:

Jedi Temple34 says:

I am pleased that the Star Wars BluRay set will feature DTS audio, rather than the infinitely inferior Dolby True-HD. At last, Star Wars as it was meant to be heard! In glorious, crystal-clear, DTS!

 Yes, that sounds just like JT34.  I once thought I heard him say that he didn't like DTS, but I heard that clip in lossless audio, so I'm pretty sure it was garbled.  When I went back to listen to the clip in gloriously clear DTS, it much clearer that he said he looooved DTS.


"[George Lucas] rebooted the franchise in 1997 without telling anyone." -skyjedi2005

"Yeah, well, George says a lot of things..." a young 1997 xhonzi on RASSM

"They're my movies." -George Lucas. 19 people won oscars for their work on Star Wars (1977) and George Lucas wasn't one of them.

Rewrite the Prequels!



TV's Frink said:

kenkraly2007 said:

Ok I am sorry but I am just wondering about the blu-ray audio and what it will sound like as most of the fans are. 

Then stop saying things you couldn't possibly know like "it will sound great."

Going by the 2004 mix of Star Wars it will not sound great.  Matthew Wood is doing the blu ray mix for star wars, up til now there was no word of new mixes for empire or jedi, but i think the DTS HD Master Audio 6.1 makes it almost a confirmed fact. 

He also did the new mixes on empire and jedi in 2004, but there were hardly any complaints over those.  It was star wars that was botched.

The last mixes confirmed to be Burtt mixes were the 1997 special editions and the prequels.  But Matt Wood also did some work on the prequels working under Burtt, he is now the senior sound designer at Lucasfilm.  Burtt went to work for Pixar/Disney, and is also freelance, see star Trek 2009,lol.  Burtt was also the prequels video editor, of one film and 2 videos.

And even though he handed off a good deal of Revenge of the Sith and the 2004 DVD original trilogy  special edition mixes to wood, somehow Burtt was able to do most if not all the commentary on the dvd's almost being exclusively a rambling on how the sound design was done.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


Matthew Wood and Ben Burtt are good sound designers and  it's a shame that Matt gets a bad rap for the 2004 remix of A New Hope. But in fairness they only had a short amount of time to do the remix back in 2004.


kenkraly2007 said:

Matthew Wood and Ben Burtt are good sound designers and  it's a shame that Matt gets a bad rap for the 2004 remix of A New Hope. But in fairness they only had a short amount of time to do the remix back in 2004.

I sometimes wonder if it was more time or less than what Lowry was given 30 days,lol.

Talk about quality control for a DVD release.


I also read another discussion where it was remarked they had 3 weeks or less for the cleanup of the DVD footage, so either way its not enough time, and even then Lucas quality checked the footage personally and said nothing about the bad color timing, indeed they were his choices, even though he then went against the choice of having the Tantive IV corridor white again in Sith.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


Either you have the time to do a job properly or you don't take the job.

That's really no excuse.


TV's Frink said:


Anyone else want to explain this to ken?  I'm too damn tired.


Yeah sure I'll do it. You see ken, when a mummy and a daddy love each other very much they... Oh wait, wrong explaination

<span style=“font-weight: bold;”>The Most Handsomest Guy on OT.com</span>


And remember at that time in 2004 LFL was still working on Episode 3 Revenge Of The Sith.


kenkraly2007 said:

And remember at that time in 2004 LFL was still working on Episode 3 Revenge Of The Sith.

That's still not an excuse.

It's a pre-existing film.

It's not as if they had to remix the sound, they chose to and screwed it up and got people to pay for it.

LFL have frequently worked on more than one project at the same time so that's not an excuse for contracting the work out either but if they did they should have made sure the job was done properly.

Pretending that it was a creative decision is like the Taliban blowing up the Buddhas Of Bamiyan and afterwards pretending that they meant to just clean them.


Boo hoo, they didn't have enough time to do the colors, for the sound effects, the music dropping out, to do the compositing right 30 years ago, to get the Ep. I dvd to look good, the '97 special ed. for Jedi and Empire was a last minute decision, the technology didn't exist to make Harrison Ford jerk his head to one side, there wasn't enough money to film in space for real. Holy shit, it's on and on with these sob stories from LFL.


Hopefully this time around for the blu-ray release LFL will correct their mistakes that where made in 2004  for the OT SE dvd's.