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Darth Vader's Wish List

Darth Vader's Wish List.

Interesting reading habits. Please, don't forget to get him a present. He's not too forgiving about that sort of thing.

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: Sadly, I believe the prequels are beyond repair.
<span class=“Bold”>JediRandy: They’re certainly beyond any repair you’re capable of making.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: You aren’t one of us.
<span class=“Bold”>Go-Mer-Tonic: I can’t say I find that very disappointing.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>JediRandy: I won’t suck as much as a fan edit.</span>

Funny stuff.

Made for IE Forum's Episode III theme month - May 2005.

Vader wants to watch THX-1138?
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering
Originally posted by: Adamwankenobi
He likes to watch two homosexuals, apparently.

STFU. Doesn't this violate your "parole?" You must have kissed a lot of ass, son, to weasel your way back in here.

EDIT - We're all still waiting for our apology for what you did to the forum when you left, AWK.
No. It was a joke about THX. Geez, too many sensitive people these days!

And, since there's no real way to say it, I apologize for what I did to the forums. I mainly did it in response to a rather hateful, but justified, email from Jay (no harm intended Jay, just making a point.. )