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Metropolis: hearts from a distant future (Released)



This is the first time I post in originaltrilogy’s forums. A few years ago I rediscovered Fritz Lang’s masterpiece Metropolis when I bought the kino version here in Spain. But as I was watching it, I came to the same conclusion that Giorgio Moroder should’ve come to: the picture is a great masterpiece, but the original soundtrack seems so out of date compared to the visuals. So I made a synchronisation fan edit, which I called “hearts from a distant future” (for obvious reasons).

I totally enjoyed Moroder’s version, but I also feel it’s a little bit outdated for today’s filmic referents. The different tints where OK to me, but black and white makes this film so unique: it’s a science fiction masterpiece with a vintage look that enhances the artwork’s merit, making  continuous reference to the film’s release date.

So, in this edit the picture stays unaltered, but a new soundtrack has been added to take some of the films succesors and place Metropolis in their same height in terms of rythm and feelings. I uploaded a trailer in youtube just as a quick bite to prove my theory.


Please be kind: this is my first fan edit. I may have made formal mistakes, but my intention is only to share my point of view… and some feedback in the way.

If you would like a copy… ask the demon 😉

Sources used in the edit:

-Metropolis kino DVD release (retail).

-LOTS of music cds including: 28 days later sountrack, The Breackast Club soundtrack, The Matrix soundtrack, the best of The Police, Batman soundtrack, The best of Eurythmics, Maddona’s Ray of light, Hackers soundtrack, Kill Bill volume 2 soundtrack, Blade Runner soundtrack, The best of Leonard Cohen, Thelma & Louise soundtrack, Dire Straits’ Brothers in arms, The best of The Rolling Stones, Godzilla soundtrack, MichaelJackson’s Thriller, Pink Floyd’s The Wall, Oasis’ Heathen Chemistry, Dover’s I was dead for seven weeks in the city of angels, Muse’s Origin of simetry, The cranberries’ No need to argue, System of a down’s Toxicity, The best of REM, The offspring’s Americana, Natural Born Killer’s soundtrack, Garbage’s Version 2.0.

-SmartRipper, Womble Mpeg video wizard, Super, DVDlab pro.