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Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread — Page 4


If cutting all instances of Rey Palpantine messes with the film’s flow too much, Rey Kenobi reveal could also work I guess if everyone’s OK with assuming that Kenobi broke celebacy in exile. Tatooine holds more significance in this regard too. It’s not an ideal option imo however since too many parallels and bloodline reveals shrink the SW universe considerably.


I’m just going to have to say this: we can edit this trilogy as much as we’d like (I am doing it too), but one thing is for sure - this trilogy is an underwhelming, conflicting and highly uninteresting mess. I hope and think that we can achieve a 30% overall improvement to the trilogy with edits, but there is no way in hell we’ll go anywhere

above that.

The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.


Hal 9000 said:

This movie needs an extended cut. It’s far too fast paced.

And for a ‘ridiculous’ edit, Mace Windu could tell Rey to, “Waste the motherfucker.”

My immediate reaction was “this is the Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom” of Star Wars, but this time it works (mostly)."


Anjohan said:

I’m just going to have to say this: we can edit this trilogy as much as we’d like (I am doing it too), but one thing is for sure - this trilogy is an underwhelming, conflicting and highly uninteresting mess. I hope and think that we can achieve a 30% overall improvement to the trilogy with edits, but there is no way in hell we’ll go anywhere

above that.

Semi-agree. I’ve yet to see a TFA cut that holds my interest throughout (are there any good TFA edits that are 100 minutes or less?..because a film that unexciting should at least be short in length!). TLJ’s Fallen Knight edit really elevates the film by cutting off the fat/corny humor/subplots. Had that been what was shown in theaters I would have absolutely loved it. However, I think that TRoS’s retcons, SW-Universe-shrinking reveals, and recoilings are a new challenge to fanediting entirely.


RogueLeader said:

Speaking of the ending, here is my very radical outline for an alternate ending of TROS:

We cut away from Rey and Ben before he dies. Rey joins back up with the Resistance and they celebrate.

Fade to black on Celebration.
Fade in on shot similar to first shot of A New Hope. A Resurgent Star Destroyer flies overhead, followed by dozens of Resistance ships chasing it. At the front is a modified Blockade Runner, in the control room sits Poe Dameron. (Or possibly leading the chase in an X-Wing that Poe sits in with BB-8. If he is in his pilot suit, change the color of his jump suit to blue New Republic colors.)

I feel him being on the bridge of a ship would clearly visualize his transition to hotshot pilot to responsible leader, but he was still flying an X-Wing during the end battle. Anyway, this could be the moment Poe says something inspirational over the comms that could also help emphasize “General Poe”.

[This would require a fan-film scale production, but I think it is rather straightforward idea-wise]
On the outskirts of a rural village, locals gather outside as three First Order troop transports land nearby. The bay door opens, but instead of stormtroopers we see rescued children rush toward their emotional families. After all the children are out, we insert footage of Finn standing behind them (Potentially either Luke or Leia’s lightsaber is attached to his belt if you keep his Force subplot). This would reflect nicely with how we are initially introduced to Finn, and would bring his arc full circle.

Bonus Idea: Have Chewie finally go back home to his family on Kashyyyk. You could just create a modern version of this image, have Chewie step into frame, then cut to a close-up. Chewie deserves more than a goddamn medal at this point!

Finally, we get to Rey. She flies across the dunes of Tattooine and lands outside the abandoned Lars homestead. R2 and 3PO are with her, and still-wiped 3PO says there is something familiar about this place. Rey briefly explores the home, then sits outside and unrolls a cloth full of saber parts. In an insert shot, we see as she uses the Force to construct a new lightsaber. She activates the saber to reveal a yellow blade.

She then senses something ahead of her. The twin suns slowly rise above the horizon, and with them, a silhouette of a figure rising over the hill. It’s Ben Solo. Rey smiles and rises to meet him. The spirits of Luke, Leia and Anakin watch from a distance. Our final shot is of R2, 3PO, and Rey watching the sunrise as Ben slowly approaches.

We could start a go fund me, I’m sure fans would be more than happy to donate.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


orchidal said:

Anjohan said:

I’m just going to have to say this: we can edit this trilogy as much as we’d like (I am doing it too), but one thing is for sure - this trilogy is an underwhelming, conflicting and highly uninteresting mess. I hope and think that we can achieve a 30% overall improvement to the trilogy with edits, but there is no way in hell we’ll go anywhere

above that.

Semi-agree. I’ve yet to see a TFA cut that holds my interest throughout (are there any good TFA edits that are 100 minutes or less?..because a film that unexciting should at least be short in length!). TLJ’s Fallen Knight edit really elevates the film by cutting off the fat/corny humor/subplots. Had that been what was shown in theaters I would have absolutely loved it. However, I think that TRoS’s retcons, SW-Universe-shrinking reveals, and recoilings are a new challenge to fanediting entirely.

Oh boy, do I agree. TFA is like, the worst out of all three for me. It’s just plain dull. It takes no risk. It’s just a pat on the back.

And no, there isn’t. I’m trying to edit the film into something bearable and is at 1 hour and 56 minutes, and that is with Starkiller Base removed AND Snoke. But what sticks through is the boring characters…

The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.


One easy edit that I would like would simply be removing any reference to Palpatine’s Star Destroyers being able to blow up planets. We really don’t need any more super-weapons in my opinion. The size of the fleet is really daunting enough.

I think one of the biggest problems with the film is how Palpatine is just back without any buildup or explanation… This will be harder to fix. It’s really weird how they mention his broadcast to the galaxy in the crawl without even letting us hear it. Hopefully some helpful removed scenes will surface with the blu-ray release.


Yuri_Kenobi said:

One easy edit that I would like would simply be removing any reference to Palpatine’s Star Destroyers being able to blow up planets. We really don’t need any more super-weapons in my opinion. The size of the fleet is really daunting enough.

I would support this.


How easy do we think it would be to shift Rey Palpatine from being an actual biological granddaughter into being created by Palpatine the way he (probably) created Anakin?


ChainsawAsh said:

How easy do we think it would be to shift Rey Palpatine from being an actual biological granddaughter into being created by Palpatine the way he (probably) created Anakin?

He’s done it before …

I gotta admit for myself I went it with low expectations because of the Last Jedi … but I came out of it with some joy since I didn’t at all after Last Jedi.

I am ok with people who are for either pro Jedi, con jedi, etc etc since there are valid points on each side. (same for TFA too, though I liked it more than TLJ personally)

To sum up the issue with the new trilogy is a lack of creative cohesion for the trilogy. It was unfortunately doomed at the beginning when Disney decided
To have 3 different directors with seemingly limitless creative decision making.

I’ve seen the movie once and plan on seeing it again. First observation is needing a little more breathing room in some areas. I also like the writing of the characters better too.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Probably worth mentioning that Dasiy Ridley and John Boyega voiced their characters in Battlefront II as well.


As the Jedi speak to Rey, add a new Sam Jackson line: “Waste the motherfucker.”

I’m sure I’ll find my footing and gain a sense of fan-editor-optimism with time, but my first reaction to the movie (with regards to this sort of thing) is, to quote Luke, “If you’re not going to take this seriously, I’m out.”

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


As someone who thinks TLJ is the best of this Trilogy (Yes , we exist), I have a minimalist edit in mind.

The only thing I would change for TROS would be to remove Rey being Palpatine’s daughter. It didn’t bring anything to the movie and it would make her taking the Skywalker name an even more powerful moment.

It should be relatively easy. You just remove the instances where it’s mentioned. Rey’s parents were killed because Palpy sensed her immense power (Which came from the Force itself)and tried to find her for his next vessel.
The fact that she’s afraid that she could become a very powerful dark side user can still work. The Force lightning scene could also be kept.

That’s my idea after a first viewing. What do you think?


Watching the film the first time was really just despairing to the whole fan editing endeavor. But I’m holding on to some hope now that I think it might actually be possible to remove Rey Palpatine. It’s not going to fix the whole film, but at least it’ll make it less offensive. I’m less confident about fixing the ending but we’ll see.

vonmalvarius said:

As someone who thinks TLJ is the best of this Trilogy (Yes , we exist), I have a minimalist edit in mind.

I think you’ll come to realize there’s a lot more of us than you think. In time, I think most everyone will understand.

The only thing I would change for TROS would be to remove Rey being Palpatine’s daughter. It didn’t bring anything to the movie and it would make her taking the Skywalker name an even more powerful moment.

It should be relatively easy. You just remove the instances where it’s mentioned. Rey’s parents were killed because Palpy sensed her immense power (Which came from the Force itself)and tried to find her for his next vessel.
The fact that she’s afraid that she could become a very powerful dark side user can still work. The Force lightning scene could also be kept.

That’s my idea after a first viewing. What do you think?

We’ve been discussing this very thing. The trick is how to accomplish it. But you’re absolutely right, on a basic level it doesn’t change much about the film.


Honestly, the Palpantine and Rey Palpantine reveals were very true to pulpy comics and short stories of the 1940s through 1960s.

It’s not so much these elements that drag the film down. It’s moreso that along with those elements there’s a total lack of cool factor and foreboding. Like why did they skim over the KoR fight with Kylo and Rey vs the Sith guards. Ochi and the opening stuff with Kylo needed more screen time. Most of time is wasted on false flag threats (Chewies “death”) and predigested motivational/friendship speaches/dialogs and flat/clean jokes. Those are what needs to go, really. I want a The Rise of PALPANTINE edit with a slightly less cheerful/quippy tone. Trim a good chunk of the generic rebel vs FO action too as it really caries no weight or novelty.


Rise of Skywalker feels like a 10 episode season, edited down into a 2.5 hour movie. I just wonder if the trilogy could be cut down into one really long movie, or maybe a 2 parter. You could keep the introduction stuff from TFA, cut out the fat from TLJ and ROS and have a mostly solid story, without the stupidity.

I for one don’t care about the Rey Palpatine thing. Hell, I expect it at this point from Star Wars. Everybody ends up related. It’s been a dumb concept since Return of the Jedi. The only time it was ever a cool character arc, was when Vader revealed that he was Luke’s father. Everything else has just been trying to recapture that moment, and it falls flat. It is stylistically a neat concept, but as I said, it’s played out in Star Wars lore to the point it doesn’t even annoy me.

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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I fully expected Rey and everyone to be related before TFA, and even after I still to some degree suspected it. And I wouldn’t have cared that much. But when TLJ established a much more interesting and powerful story, to undercut that is both stupid and pointless. That’s where I’m coming from.


Eh, all these potential character attributes for Rey that everyone is pining for are truly interchangeable if you don’t let strong expectations get in the way. Some people just want a Star Wars movie to show off some cool/mildly violent scifi fantasy tropes (ala Rogue One) with a certain level of thoughtfulness and detail. Deleted scenes on Mustafar and Exegol would have to be reinserted and in order to bring me to view this and any part of the trilogy again.


If anyone is interested in what the “original cut” of TROS looked like I strongly recommend they read these early leaks:




Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


orchidal said:

Eh, all these potential character attributes for Rey that everyone is pining for are truly interchangeable if you don’t let strong expectations get in the way. Some people just want a Star Wars movie to show off some cool/mildly violent scifi fantasy tropes (ala Rogue One) with a certain level of thoughtfulness and detail. Deleted scenes on Mustafar and Exegol would have to be reinserted and in order to bring me to view this and any part of the trilogy again.

Some people think the best part of Star Wars are the characters and themes.


So I guess it never would’ve quite satisfied my interests either way. I do like the idea of the oracle and Kylo fighting the Knights with only the force but…these morsels aren’t nearly enough to feed off of.


It looks like the original cut was a longer and more nuanced, seems like the film was watered down to the lowest common denominator.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


The only hope for this film would be for that older cut to be finished and presented as an extended cut, but there’s no chance of that.

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


Is it just me or does it seem that they were pushing Rey and Kylo Ren as a “dyad in the Force”, but then changed Rey to a Palpatine in reshoots?

Here is some thoughts on potential deleted scenes:
• Kylo Ren and the Oracle
• Extended Luke and Leia flashback (I doubt the visual effects were even completed)
• Maz gives Rey a pep talk before going to Pasana.
• Lando talks about his long lost daughter.
• Kylo kills Hux.
• Lando talks to Finn back at the Resistance Base.

I feel like a lot of deleted material would be the trimmings of the scenes we mostly got, or original versions of scenes before they were reshot.