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Tbf, those are the primary colors, so that’s pretty much all bases covered. The next logical step would be secondary colors, so yellow, magenta, and cyan.
There’s already more than enough Cyan in the finale 😂
Tbf, those are the primary colors, so that’s pretty much all bases covered. The next logical step would be secondary colors, so yellow, magenta, and cyan.
There’s already more than enough Cyan in the finale 😂
That leaves magenta by default.
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That leaves magenta by default.
Does anyone do upscaling or 3D elements in here?
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Concept art from the end of The Rise of Skywalker via ILM
Peace is a lie
There is only passion…
Concept art from the end of The Rise of Skywalker via ILM
Great images. I wish we got to see more of the cavalry ships from different angles at the end. It baffles me that they made so many models but failed to show them off.
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Some more unreleased TROS concept art by Kevin Jenkins on Twitter:
Palpatine :
Emerging from the ashes of Coruscant:
Peace is a lie
There is only passion…
Almost each individual piece of concept art tells an amazing story on its own.
What a loss.
Maybe we’ll get lucky and they will use all the great ideas still, maybe even in some sort of re-imagined future sequel trilogy.
I wonder what might be able to be done in an edit of TRoS that makes the trilogy more cohesive without sacrificing TLJ. Most edits of the ST try to reconcile TLJ to TRoS, but that’s kind of a shame. Like TLJ or not, it’s the one that actually has an artistic idea behind it. Especially compared to TRoS.
I wonder what might be able to be done in an edit of TRoS that makes the trilogy more cohesive without sacrificing TLJ. Most edits of the ST try to reconcile TLJ to TRoS, but that’s kind of a shame. Like TLJ or not, it’s the one that actually has an artistic idea behind it. Especially compared to TRoS.
To me, the only thing would be to change Palpatine’s introduction.
What I did was get rid of Luke’s cliffhanger in TFA and added a couple of those shots back to when we meet him in TLJ. I then replaced that sequence with Kylo travelling to Exegol (sans-Mustafar) and finding out about Palpatine (and thus revealing Snoke is an aspect of Palpatine) at the end of TFA rather than start of TRoS. This reframes but doesn’t change Kylo’s seeking independence from Snoke, just solidifies the urgency by which he tries to recruit Rey and install himself as Supreme Leader. I then put Palpatine’s Fortnite message during the battle of Crait, as the Resistance is waiting to hear back from allies just before Luke’s appearance. This helps escalate Kylo’s anger, as both mentors he sought independence from have returned to challenge him and his desired power.
I also recommend getting rid of an exchange between Max and Rey, where Max says “but there is someone that still could.” And Rey replies “Luke…” This would help take away the implication that Luke is her family. You could also remove the line and put ominous music under a reaction shot of Rey, to help imply her family is alive but evil.
I feel like the changes are conservative, keeping character arcs intact while making the trilogy more cohesive. I made more extensive changes that might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but that’s the backbone of bringing the trilogy together without disrupting what the two filmmakers were aiming for.
The implication of Rey’s reply about Luke is that she is considering the realization that Luke could be her next parental figure since her family is never coming back to get her.
The implication of Rey’s reply about Luke is that she is considering the realization that Luke could be her next parental figure since her family is never coming back to get her.
I think that Maz days right before that line that the people she’s waiting for, her parents, aren’t coming back that this is the interpretation they were going for.
I think JakeRyan17’s ideas are some of the best for salvaging some consistency out of this trilogy. I’m not a big fan of the light this puts Snoke in for TLJ, but I don’t know of a better solution.
I wonder what might be able to be done in an edit of TRoS that makes the trilogy more cohesive without sacrificing TLJ. Most edits of the ST try to reconcile TLJ to TRoS, but that’s kind of a shame. Like TLJ or not, it’s the one that actually has an artistic idea behind it. Especially compared to TRoS.
I’ve tried to make a cohesive trilogy but making Rey less of a Mary Sue in TFA, Both she and Finn get beaten badly by Kylo and their first face to face battle is in TROS. I’ve tried to link TLJ and TROS as much as possible but removing the “undone” moments in TROS and tried to add more seeds to TROS in TLJ.
I seem to be one of the only people that like the fact Luke became a hermit like Obi-wan. He’s a broken man after watching everything burn. It seems even more poignant with the end of The Mandalorian now.
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You’re not.
I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.
I wonder what might be able to be done in an edit of TRoS that makes the trilogy more cohesive without sacrificing TLJ. Most edits of the ST try to reconcile TLJ to TRoS, but that’s kind of a shame. Like TLJ or not, it’s the one that actually has an artistic idea behind it. Especially compared to TRoS.
I’ve tried to make a cohesive trilogy but making Rey less of a Mary Sue in TFA, Both she and Finn get beaten badly by Kylo and their first face to face battle is in TROS. I’ve tried to link TLJ and TROS as much as possible but removing the “undone” moments in TROS and tried to add more seeds to TROS in TLJ.
I seem to be one of the only people that like the fact Luke became a hermit like Obi-wan. He’s a broken man after watching everything burn. It seems even more poignant with the end of The Mandalorian now.
I definitely like the choices made in TLJ. I also made cuts to some of the Undoing (staring Nicole Kidman, jk). I took out the line about never throwing away a lightsaber, etc.
That’s good to hear.
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Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh
How do you have Rey get beaten and still have her scar Kylo’s face?
She does one luck strike before the ground opens up. Both Finn & Rey never get a swing in.
Promote your own Fanedits on the world’s largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/
Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh
I wonder what might be able to be done in an edit of TRoS that makes the trilogy more cohesive without sacrificing TLJ. Most edits of the ST try to reconcile TLJ to TRoS, but that’s kind of a shame. Like TLJ or not, it’s the one that actually has an artistic idea behind it. Especially compared to TRoS.
I’ve tried to make a cohesive trilogy but making Rey less of a Mary Sue in TFA, Both she and Finn get beaten badly by Kylo and their first face to face battle is in TROS. I’ve tried to link TLJ and TROS as much as possible but removing the “undone” moments in TROS and tried to add more seeds to TROS in TLJ.
I seem to be one of the only people that like the fact Luke became a hermit like Obi-wan. He’s a broken man after watching everything burn. It seems even more poignant with the end of The Mandalorian now.
Do you plan on removing Rey understanding what Chewie is saying in TFA and TLJ? That is commonly seen as another aspect of what is felt by many to be her Mary Sue status.
I wonder what might be able to be done in an edit of TRoS that makes the trilogy more cohesive without sacrificing TLJ. Most edits of the ST try to reconcile TLJ to TRoS, but that’s kind of a shame. Like TLJ or not, it’s the one that actually has an artistic idea behind it. Especially compared to TRoS.
I’ve tried to make a cohesive trilogy but making Rey less of a Mary Sue in TFA, Both she and Finn get beaten badly by Kylo and their first face to face battle is in TROS. I’ve tried to link TLJ and TROS as much as possible but removing the “undone” moments in TROS and tried to add more seeds to TROS in TLJ.
I seem to be one of the only people that like the fact Luke became a hermit like Obi-wan. He’s a broken man after watching everything burn. It seems even more poignant with the end of The Mandalorian now.
Do you plan on removing Rey understanding what Chewie is saying in TFA and TLJ? That is commonly seen as another aspect of what is felt by many to be her Mary Sue status.
I don’t understand how this makes her a Mary Sue. She lived and worked at a trading outpost, it’s not unbelievable that she’d learn to speak it… and it makes sense that a farmer (Luke) or troopers in a human supremacist society (Finn) wouldn’t know the language, but someone regularly interacting with all sorts at a trading outpost seems different.
It isn’t like people from different planets visit it regularly; in fact, the only people we see visit that trading outpost regularly are scavengers who (we can conclude from the information presented; well, not quite, but there’s no indication they’re from different planets, so we can still conclude that…) live on Jakku and head there to sell scraps and get resources so they’d live.
And another thing, regarding how it reinforces the notion that Rey is a Mary Sue, in the previous six films the language is implied to be rare.
While it’s plausible, it’s enough of a stretch that an explanation feels warranted. Being an outpost one would expect some level of offworld visitation, but Wookiees have never been shown to travel extensively. Chewie is virtually the only one ever seen outside of Kashyyyk or in slavery. Wookiees visiting often enough to learn the language seems very unlikely. However, it’s not hard to imagine a plausible explanation, e.g. there is or was a Wookiee scavenger on Jakku that Rey had been familiar with or she scavenged a language teaching device and taught herself several languages in her alone time at night. Given how few people seem to speak Shirywook, it feels like there should be something given on film.
I guess we see her speak a couple other languages there with other people at or around the outpost.
I guess to me… I get the criticisms with her Force abilities, but beyond that it felt like looking for excuses to describe her that way.
Her having skills learned offscreen isn’t being a Mary Sue; it’s far more surprising a janitor is part of a firing squad to me than Rey is a good pilot and can speak to droids and Wookiees.
Shyriiwook must be a very straightforward language, since even 22-year old ex-scumrat and Imperial Academy expellee Han Solo seemed to be able to understand it.