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Star Wars: The Old Republic — Page 2


Sideburns of BoShek said:

Star Wars: The Old Republic has a new developer

In a BioWare blog, the developer stated it’s moving development on the Star Wars MMO to Ultima Online and Dark Age of Camelot studio Broadsword.

'The Star Wars MMO Star Wars: The Old Republic is changing development studios. In a developer blog on the BioWare website, BioWare general manager Greg McKay wrote that while EA will remain the game’s publisher, active development will move from BioWare to Broadsword — the studio known for its work on Ultima Online and Dark Age of Camelot.

“Players will continue to enjoy the SWTOR they know and love,” McKay wrote. “There are also exciting new features planned that the team is not quite ready to talk about yet, but suffice it to say that players can expect improvements and new content into the future.”

SWTOR’s studio move was long rumored. Earlier this month, IGN reported that EA and Broadsword signed a letter of intent indicating that SWTOR would indeed be changing developers. In a statement to IGN, EA wrote:

“We’re evaluating how we give the game and the team the best opportunity to grow and evolve, which includes conversations with Broadsword, a boutique studio that specializes in delivering online, community-driven experiences. Our goal is to do what is best for the game and its players.”

In addition to that statement, McKay posted on the SWTOR forums reassuring players that the game would still be actively supported. “All future content updates are also moving forward as planned.”’


I know they are denying the game is going into to “maintenance mode”, but it sure seems like it is.

Fans on their forum have done their homework, and think it will be dead soon, that it has been mistreated for a while now, note the layoffs (it will be around half the number of devs over the past few years; 80 down to 40?), that Broadsword have a history of being the place where games go for “maintenance mode” too, and Broadsword’s silence on the issues, questions and in general:


Sadly, the fate of all MMORPGS & other online games is that they will eventually end. They are like the stars that will one day go supernova or turn into a black hole.

I wonder if somehow the main story can be salvaged and turned into chopped down Kotor like single player game?

“There is a tremor in the Force.”

“Give yourself to the dark side.” -Lord Vader


I’d personally like it, since there is so much and I haven’t had a chance to play through any of the expansions. Ko/ToR is one of my favorite eras and for a MMO, the game really hits the KotOR itch.

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Delpheas said:

I’d personally like it, since there is so much and I haven’t had a chance to play through any of the expansions. Ko/ToR is one of my favorite eras and for a MMO, the game really hits the KotOR itch.

It is my favorite era as well next to The Prequels. I love how we got AOTC and then KOTOR.

“There is a tremor in the Force.”

“Give yourself to the dark side.” -Lord Vader