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Star Wars: The Interactive Video Board Game (1996, Parker) (* unfinished project *) — Page 6

i've never played this, but now i want too!!!!
Hot damn I've got to get a hold of this thing!

As for my buddy - this will mean nothing to anyone who doesn't live in WA, but Bencubbin is pretty far from where I live so I'm having a hard time getting onto him with regards to his stuff, if he even has it.
VADER: Let me look on you with my own eyes...

LUKE: Dad, where are your eyebrows?

Oh my god.... I think I remember this. Originally I said I had never seen it, but now that I look at the screen shots...I remember this. Vaguely.

I think one of my friend's friends had this game and I borrowed it back in 1997, but I got bored with the game. I only fast forwarded to the dialogue, and even then I don't remember much. I wonder why I wasn't more excited about this game because it looks cool. Huh. It's mystery.
"I am altering the movies. Pray I don't alter them any further." -Darth Lucas
Yeah, the screens look great - even the quality seems to be very good . Vader looks as good as he always did in the movies.
I never played that one, but I did have the Star Trek one.... good times.
You guys aren't going to believe this. My buddy *sold* the thing (WITHOUT VIDEO). Remind me to brain him...

Someone mentioned the Star Trek one? Now *that* was a hoot, I played that the other day with me nephews. We get a real kick out of the acting in that one.
VADER: Let me look on you with my own eyes...

LUKE: Dad, where are your eyebrows?

OK, I have some good news for anyone who is interested. I was cleaning out a closet the other day and found the infamous VHS tape that went with the interactive board game(I have no idea what happened to the game itself, though). Anyway, I watched the footage and I have to say that the Vader stuff is pretty well done. It's not JEJ's voice, but it's definitely the screen accurate costume and I believe Prowse himself was in the suit. Anyway, I'm going to burn this footage on to DVD for my personal collection and then if anyone wants the VHS tape maybe we can work out some kind of trade for it. You can contact me via PM to work out the details. Cheers!
I'll keep this bumped!

Hey there, if you're making this into a DVD, why don't you put it on myspleen or whatever appropriate site?
VADER: Let me look on you with my own eyes...

LUKE: Dad, where are your eyebrows?

Yeah, that would be very nice. Or send it to someone else who will put this on myspleen?
Any updates?
Apparently not!

How far back can a thread go before it's polite to bump it? 3rd page? I don't want to overdo things.
VADER: Let me look on you with my own eyes...

LUKE: Dad, where are your eyebrows?

The footage was sent by myself to Russs15, who I believe has sent it to someone stateside with the intention of making a proper release out of it. Till then guess you'll have to watch this space

The Sith Revealed - A Scrapbook
Episode III The Video Game - The Movie
24: The Missing Day
Star Wars - The Interactive Board Game DVD
Battlefront - Journal of the 501st
The Clones Revealed

email me for details daveytod AT btinternet DOT com


Andij, it looks like this is what that Bernt Dozer guy used to extend some sequences in his edit of ANH.

Personally, I think they'd be better used in an edit of ROTJ, because the lighting, Vader's costume, and the Death Star set design are all a better match.

I used to have this game when I was a kid... hahaha... I loved it.

I'd like to have a copy of this once someone transfers it, for possible use in our edit.


Yeah, through Bernd Dötzer I got to know of this VHS . And I also need the sequences for editing purposes, so we're in the same boat .
But a lot has already been done since I started this thread and so I'm very optimistic that we'll soon see something (sadly I have no way of either capturing it and get a good quality and I am not able to make a professional-looking DVD since I have no experience in that way).
C'arn someone, let's do something!
VADER: Let me look on you with my own eyes...

LUKE: Dad, where are your eyebrows?

I had this game when i was younger (4th or 5th grade?)....I tried to play it once, and then it was too confusing, so I never opened the box again.
Yeah, any progress so far?
PM me your address Ell and I'll pop one in the post tmrw

The Sith Revealed - A Scrapbook
Episode III The Video Game - The Movie
24: The Missing Day
Star Wars - The Interactive Board Game DVD
Battlefront - Journal of the 501st
The Clones Revealed

email me for details daveytod AT btinternet DOT com


What about for the US? If anyone hasn't, maybe I can do something nice with it. Any shots of the packaging for this?
Originally posted by: Ell the Ewok
Thats image was on ebay, it seem to show some sort of sand which leads me to belive there was a TV advert for this. Anyone seen it or know of it?

Looks like someone's bed to me.

Have we really not found anyone who can provide scans and pics of this? I have the thing in storage, and can maybe get to it next week. But I'd like to know if anything else is in the works first.

And did anyone ever capture the video?

You know of the rebellion against the Empire?