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Star Wars: The Interactive Video Board Game (1996, Parker) (* unfinished project *) — Page 5

I can give it a shot. I have done 18 VHS to DVD transfers since Wednesday and only 19 more to go.

They are coming out very good indeed - in fact they are much better than expected.

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“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.

Hey there -
if this winds up being a DVD that people can get off bittorrent, could an explanation for the game itself be included? Like I dunno, a picture of the board, maybe the rules or whatever... it seems a little erroneous to have the video without the game, is all. I'm sure people could make their own pieces and stuff.
VADER: Let me look on you with my own eyes...

LUKE: Dad, where are your eyebrows?

Hi all,

Thanks to a trade with jabberoo (who I'm guessing hasnt seen this thread, or dosen't actually realise what the disc is of), I have a great capture of this on dvd.

Ive recenly been given uploader status on myspleen so hope to see this up soon

The Sith Revealed - A Scrapbook
Episode III The Video Game - The Movie
24: The Missing Day
Star Wars - The Interactive Board Game DVD
Battlefront - Journal of the 501st
The Clones Revealed

email me for details daveytod AT btinternet DOT com


Yeah, at last . Thank you man.
Can't wait to get my hands on it .
Originally posted by: andij
Yeah, at last . Thank you man.
Can't wait to get my hands on it .

If you really, really, really can't wait for this to be torrented, PM me with a valid e-mail address and I am sure we can sort something out.....

Many thanks to daveytod for getting this to me.......

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Wow, we discovered this way back in August (ironically on my birthday) and only now are we starting to see available footage? I would like to see this, but I can't use Bittorrent. I may be out of luck on this one.
"I am altering the movies. Pray I don't alter them any further." -Darth Lucas
Originally posted by: Invader Jenny
I may be out of luck on this one.

The good thing around here is that nobody is (usually) ever out of luck. I am sure that you will be seeing this soon enough.........

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So who wants the job of authoring this as a decent DVD. I still have the game here so can provide scans of rules or whatever. Does anyone have any idea of what else can be put on the disc?

The Sith Revealed - A Scrapbook
Episode III The Video Game - The Movie
24: The Missing Day
Star Wars - The Interactive Board Game DVD
Battlefront - Journal of the 501st
The Clones Revealed

email me for details daveytod AT btinternet DOT com


I'd also be interested in authoring this as a DVD. The only trouble is that I've never played this game. Maybe it's not important, but... just PM me if you're interested, daveytod.
At the moment, I'm (and obviously I mean us!) more interested in hearing peoples ideas for how best to tackle this project and what the finished disc should contain. So brainstorm away guys

The Sith Revealed - A Scrapbook
Episode III The Video Game - The Movie
24: The Missing Day
Star Wars - The Interactive Board Game DVD
Battlefront - Journal of the 501st
The Clones Revealed

email me for details daveytod AT btinternet DOT com


Been putting some more thought into this. With regards to scans of the instructions or what not, do you think it would be better as a viewable gallery or as DVD-rom extras?

The Sith Revealed - A Scrapbook
Episode III The Video Game - The Movie
24: The Missing Day
Star Wars - The Interactive Board Game DVD
Battlefront - Journal of the 501st
The Clones Revealed

email me for details daveytod AT btinternet DOT com


Both have their advantages. Honestly, though, how many people actually look at DVD-ROM content?
Originally posted by: Sluggo
Honestly, though, how many people actually look at DVD-ROM content?

*raises hand *

Surely with the small amount of material available, the instructions/scans can be provided as a viewable gallery and also a DVD-ROM extra?

To contact me outside the forum, for trades and such my email address is my OT.com username @gmail.com

Originally posted by: klokwerk
Surely with the small amount of material available, the instructions/scans can be provided as a viewable gallery and also a DVD-ROM extra?

Why not? I've done that for my Jedi Knight DVD. A gallery is always cool to see on a TV (you can add some music and transition effects if you want), but just because of the res (not very big on a DVD), it's always good to have the pictures in full res in the DVD-ROM content.
Just my opinion...
one of my favorite board games of all times was scanned and available for all to download... the dawn of the dead boardgame... could do the same thing with this... heck, anyone who wanted to could even redo it so that there are random "events" on the video I'm guessing, i dont know how the original rules worked.... once this dvd gets done, i'll probably do something like that if someone scans the stuff....

i'm rambling.
I'm only really interested in the footage from this, so as soon as that's available I'll happily grab it/seed it/whatever.

(a buddy of mine has the board and pieces etcetera from this, but unbelievably lent the video to someone and lost it, hence my interest in the footage only).
VADER: Let me look on you with my own eyes...

LUKE: Dad, where are your eyebrows?

Originally posted by: russs15

If you really, really, really can't wait for this to be torrented, PM me with a valid e-mail address and I am sure we can sort something out.....

Many thanks to daveytod for getting this to me.......
Thank you very much for the offer, but I think I can wait some time now for this to be put online.
I too will seed it for as long as possible, once it's online .

Looking forward to this.

Originally posted by: Zebonka
I'm only really interested in the footage from this, so as soon as that's available I'll happily grab it/seed it/whatever.

(a buddy of mine has the board and pieces etcetera from this, but unbelievably lent the video to someone and lost it, hence my interest in the footage only).

Could you take some pictures and scans of this stuff? I would help move this along quicker.
My Tenacious D Cream Dream set Porject. Find the lost D Here!



Fighting the frizzies, at 11.
I'll try get round to his place (lives kinda far and I'm not - mobile, to put it lightly) and get some shots!
VADER: Let me look on you with my own eyes...

LUKE: Dad, where are your eyebrows?

this tape is inexpensive and not hard to come by one ebay.

Though depends on where you live whether the u.k. pal
The French Pal
or the u.s. NTSC

Can't believe no one has transfered this yet or tracked down the articles on the making of it, as it was the last time GIl Taylor And Dave Prowse worked together on star wars.

Neither of which were included in the making of the prequel trilogy to it's detriment I say, but that is another story.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.

Even as we sit here staring at our computer screens, a raw VHS to DVD recorder *.vob of this video is heading across the Atlantic to the US to a well known author of the "not-so-well-known" Star Wars material and prolific poster of all things Star Wars on alt.binaries.starwars

I have no idea what this person will do with this video - if anything.

Meanwhile, here are a few screenshots.










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