Originally posted by: RikterSTAR WARS: Episode One - The Phantom Menace - Press Screenings Cut - NO Known VHS or DVDr version to date
In this version - during the climactic finale where Darth Maul is killed by Obi-Wan Kenobi. In this first version, he is seen falling down the reactor shaft, dead but in one piece. In the theatrical version, he is seen falling down the shaft in two pieces, cut in half at the torso. Apparently, original press screenings presented the first version, but the second version is what most people will see to make it clear that Maul is dead.
Then I guess there are THREE versions of Maul's demise. It is well known that first day theatrical prints (I know, I saw one) had Maul falling apart much later down the shaft. It was quickly 'corrected' to show him falling apart more quickly after he falls.
Originally posted by: Rikter
STAR WARS: The True Theatrical Version
- NO Known DVDr version to date, some VHS have surfaced but the quailty is suspect
Pre- A New Hope - From "Star Wars" to "A New Hope":
<SNIP> Oddly enough, there is ONE visual difference. As the stormtroopers are distracted by the duel between Vader and Kenobi, Threepio turns and says, "Come on, Artoo. We're going." - CUT to Han who says, "Now's our chance, go!" In the version with the mono mix, these two shots are reversed!<SNIP>
This is actually incorrect. The cuts are not reversed. But I believe everything else in the compendium is right.
Originally posted by: Rikter - SOURCE: UNKNOWN as I lost the link
- IF you know the actual source please let me know and I'll credit them