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Star Wars The Completely Last Edition ever — Page 2


Good ridance to ya, and stop being suck a self righteous fuckwit. My problem wasn't with the first post in this thread, it was your first post where you told every one to shut the fuck up. Seriously, stop complaining about other people complaining. We do not have to like the SE, and we still don't have the versions of the films we grew upwith on DVD. Glad you like the SE, we don't. If you can tell us to shut up our complaning about the SE, surely we have the right to tell you to stick it for telling us to shut up. If you don't like reading us complaining, then don't read those posts. This is very much the wrong forum for you, why are you here again? To pick fights? Because that is the only explaination that makes sense, and it is exactly what you are doing.

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape


Ya, what C3PX said......damn, I am forced to agree with C3PX, what's the world coming to?

I love everybody. Lets all smoke some reefer and chill. Hug and kisses for everybody.


I think it must be that time of the month again for her

EDIT: OUCH. my wife just clocked me one for that last remark. lol. I was only joking too, but after calling us all "thick headed geeks" then she had it coming. :)

But seriously, there seems to be an increase of people joining here just to tell us to stop complaining and that its Lucas's work so that he can do the hell what he wants with it and then get stroppy when we defend our beliefs. Its reflected in what's happening in the world in that only a small minority now stand up for their beliefs where as the rest are just like mindless sheep and follow their leader and what they are told to believe.

Why do they come here? Don't they realise what this site is actually all about?

I've said it before and i will say it again. There wouldn't be half the amount of bad feelings towards the flannelled one if he didn't try to tell us that the SE is his only vision of the OT and that the Original versions no longer exist. The GOUT was a pure insult to fans and many didn't know its was a poorly done laserdisc transfer until they had already purchased it. And these people wonder why there is so much bad feeling towards Lucas?

If they are happy with what Star Wars is now then fair enough, that's their choice. But to then come here and tell us we're all thick headed geeks because we don't follow their beliefs then complain when they get flamed just shows to me what sad little lives they must lead. Give people with different opinions a bit of respect and they will give it back in return. Tell us that were all just geeks and moaners because we like discussing and complaining about the fate of Star Wars and you'll get it back .




Ugh once ADYWANs edits are finished they will be the only set i will need by the way hows Empire coming along? 


I said in another thread that it might be a good idea to have a separate PT/SE/CloneWars forum, but somehow I don't think even that will totally stop people from coming into the other forums to say "stop complaining" or something equally annoying.

I don't get it- there's the Official site, TF.N, and many others. Why do people have to come HERE to provoke and pick fights?


Because they can. They chased all of us out of their territory, so now they have to hunt us down on our own turf.

I wonder if the OOT will ever be seen as cult films, the SE being the well known classics, and the OOT being all but forgotten except by a small niche. Perhaps we are not too far from that today.

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape


Hey, don't sweat it, guys.  They may be annoying, but I'm still relatively glad they're here.  Like you said, people like them kicked people like us out of nearly every other Star Wars forum.  The fact that people like them can post here freely is what puts our forum head and shoulders above the rest.

AxiaEuxine said:

So you can add Adywan's new Death Star battle to the Original Theatrical release of Episode IV, opps that would be the 78 release. I meant the orginal theatrical release of Star Wars.

And just so you know, Episode IV wasn't added to the movie until 1981, not 1978.  The concept of an Episode IV was conceived in 1978 but not actually implemented in the films until after The Empire Strikes Back introduced its own episode numbering.

You probably think of me now as a nit-picker since this is the second time I've pointed out a minor factual inaccuracy in one of your posts.  I'm not trying to be.  I just feel it's important for the fans to know the facts and not spread misinformation.  And I especially feel it's important to have your facts correct if you're going to complain about how most of us here express our fandom. ^_~

There is no lingerie in space…

C3PX said: Gaffer is like that hot girl in high school that you think you have a chance with even though she is way out of your league because she is sweet and not a stuck up bitch who pretends you don’t exist… then one day you spot her making out with some skinny twerp, only on second glance you realize it is the goth girl who always sits in the back of class; at that moment it dawns on you why she is never seen hanging off the arm of any of the jocks… and you realize, damn, she really is unobtainable after all. Not that that is going to stop you from dreaming… Only in this case, Gaffer is actually a guy.

vbangle said:

Ya, what C3PX said......damn, I am forced to agree with C3PX, what's the world coming to?


Vbangle, just because I am a gun loving, government hating nut job in my political views, doesn't mean I am unreasonable on every subject. :)


And Gaffer, I agree with you, I am happy to have PT and SE fans here, I have absolutely no problem with them, and I really like to hear their views. But not when they act like that. Especially when they tell us off, and then try to play the victim, get offended and run away when we turn it around on them.

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape


OK, Im not sure what happened here. I meant my original post to be more of a funny haha type of thing instead of a "Think you are all stupid" kind of thing. But this thread went very ugly very fast. I wanted to address a few points...

I always admit when Im wrong so on one point here goes... Despite that it was intended as a humorous piece perhaps originaltrilogy.com was not the best forum (so to speak) for my post. So I apologise for that, if you took offense.

I underestimated some (I said some) people's all-consuming hatred for Lucas. I am certainly not trying to chase anyone away from these forums. I was not offended by most of the remarks in this thread despite the somewhat unnessary agression of some of them. I did think about leaving becuase I have been blasted by fans and media alike for still liking Star Wars ever since 1997.

Star Wars is my "thing". It keeps me sane. (OK Im obsessed.) It was awesome, everyone knew it was awesome and everyone agreed that Empire was the best movie. (Every once in a while youd run into people that like Jedi best but there wasnt any heated debate about it.)

I found this forum looking for versions of the prequels with the deleted material reinserted. I was looking for that or the knowledge on how to do it myself. I dont recall which exactly. Then I discovered all these different fan-edits and I thought they were fun so I stuck around. (Not to mention Adywan's masterpiece)

Id like to stick around. I like the talent here. It also seems to be largely kid free, another bonus. I just get exhausted by people complaining unendingly (is that a word?) about what I love so much. I don't get it. I want to share with my fellow fans that joy but I know if I go to a forum, or online, or read a magazine review people will just be bitching about (insert latest SW thing here) becuase George Lucas is the antichrist.

He isnt the antichrist in my opinion. Are all of Lucas ideas pure gold? No. There are things I hate as well, but the good FAR outweighs anything I don't like.

There were some responces in this thread that were far more agressive than they needed to be imho but Im not going to bring those up as I believe it will enflame an already heated situation.

Like I said, I found your forum not through any hatred of Lucas or modern Star wars products and I would like to stick around. But if Im not welcome here and will only be attacked I will leave this community. I dont tend to stay where Im not wanted.

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." - Mark Twain.
"A myth is a religion in which no one any longer believes"...James Feibleman (1904-1987)
www . axia . ws/axia


It's funny (not a ha-ha, but a strange context) to hear you talk about how you seem to be the only person who still continues to "like" Star Wars, and I'm sure others will agree.  While maybe we share the opinion of critics and more mainstream outlets that Star Wars is generally deteriorating in quality, in terms of Star Wars message board fandom, we have been the outcasts.  While I've never posted at any of them, I've heard countless anecdotal evidence that it's a ban-worthy offense to raise practically any criticism of the series at the official site or TF.net.  It's interesting to get a different perspective.  But I still think you're wrong when you say that all we do is bitch and complain.  While a fair share of it does go on, this place is pretty laid back.  But since there's quite a bit of new stuff coming out right now, there's bound to be some mixed opinions that lead to arguments that increase tempers.  But if we didn't love Star Wars beyond rational limits, we wouldn't be wasting our time posting here, now would we?  ^_^

There is no lingerie in space…

C3PX said: Gaffer is like that hot girl in high school that you think you have a chance with even though she is way out of your league because she is sweet and not a stuck up bitch who pretends you don’t exist… then one day you spot her making out with some skinny twerp, only on second glance you realize it is the goth girl who always sits in the back of class; at that moment it dawns on you why she is never seen hanging off the arm of any of the jocks… and you realize, damn, she really is unobtainable after all. Not that that is going to stop you from dreaming… Only in this case, Gaffer is actually a guy.

Keela said:



Oh and for the record, I am neither SPAM’ing nor am I a “damn fucking kid” as I am 37 years old and happen to have children I’m trying to teach tolerance to. If you’re beliefs/opinions are so fragile that your only recourse to an attempt at genuine debate is to respond with such anger and assumptions, perhaps this is the wrong place to have a civil discussion… For those of you who can appreciate a heated yet civil debate…I apologize. Lesson learned.





Somebody ban this Lucas ass kisser!


AxiaEuxine said:


AxiaEuxine, I don't think your post was the reason for the backlash so much as Keela's was. Kind of funny to hear her going on about being tolerant after telling us to "shut the fuck up". That was not cool, and that kind of behavior does not make one popular around here. We are all about tolerance around here, complain or praise, you will find people who agree with you and disagree with you.

At any rate, no need to go all dramatic about "not being wanted" around here. Stick around, as long as you don't go around being an ass, you are way more than welcome around here. If you go around talking about Lucas being god, and telling everyone they need to get over the OOT and accept the SE, well, then don't act shock and surprised at the resulting response.

You talked about how much you like Star Wars, that is great! We like it too. I do not like the SE though. Not because it is cool not to like the SE, or because I stubbornly don't want to like it. I just don't like it. I suppose there are things in life you don't like, right?


"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape

C3PX said: 

AxiaEuxine, I don't think your post was the reason for the backlash so much as Keela's was. Kind of funny to hear her going on about being tolerant after telling us to "shut the fuck up". That was not cool, and that kind of behavior does not make one popular around here. We are all about tolerance around here, complain or praise, you will find people who agree with you and disagree with you.

AxiaEuxine said: Well ever since the SE and the Prequels came out you cant read anything about anything Star Wars without someone making a comment on the SE or the prequels. Sometimes it doesnt even have anything to do with the SE and PT. They just take the opportunity to bash what happened to their Star Wars. Its exhausting as a fan of the SE and PT to have it continually based when you are reading about a new SW game coming out that has nothing to do with either. SW fans used to be all one big community and that was refreshing...now that I think about it that sounds a little cult-like but it was my cult and I belonged. Now its just as factured as everything else and I end up writing posts like this instead of what I liked about the latest episode of the Clone Wars...I tried but I saw the responce that episode got in its thread...

At any rate, no need to go all dramatic about "not being wanted" around here. Stick around, as long as you don't go around being an ass, you are way more than welcome around here. If you go around talking about Lucas being god, and telling everyone they need to get over the OOT and accept the SE, well, then don't act shock and surprised at the resulting response.

AxiaEuxine said: Im not saying accept the SE, you dont have to...I dont understand the hatred it generates. (I dont understand preferring the old trench battle to the new one either. Or the new Mos Eisley or the land speeder SPFX being cleaned up, the better Stormtrooper Dewback shot, Lift off from Mos eisley...but I digress :) to each his/her own) However, I do have a very high opinion of Lucas and you make it sound like Ill get blasted for it. Thats not cool if I cant call your opinions into question.

You talked about how much you like Star Wars, that is great! We like it too. I do not like the SE though. Not because it is cool not to like the SE, or because I stubbornly don't want to like it. I just don't like it. I suppose there are things in life you don't like, right?

AxiaEuxine said:  You got me there, the things I don't like are legion. But it really does seem that its just trendy to hate Lucas and Star Wars which has been a HUGE part of my life since I was 6 years old back in '77. So to here everyone, everywhere constantly bash it and I suppose bash you becuase you still like it makes my soul ache. Personally I cant wait till friday and another adventure in my fave universe.

None of this is meant to be an attack I am truly tring to understand why it came to this in Star Wars land.

Just one last thing. My wife is my strongest supporter and I have been going on about this Lucas hatred since 97 and she might be tired of listening to me somewhat :) She is no Lucas ass-kisser, her head is not in Lucas' lap and she is more than willing to listen and debate with anyone. Isnt that right Keela?



"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." - Mark Twain.
"A myth is a religion in which no one any longer believes"...James Feibleman (1904-1987)
www . axia . ws/axia

AxiaEuxine said: Well ever since the SE and the Prequels came out you cant read anything about anything Star Wars without someone making a comment on the SE or the prequels. Sometimes it doesnt even have anything to do with the SE and PT. They just take the opportunity to bash what happened to their Star Wars. Its exhausting as a fan of the SE and PT to have it continually based when you are reading about a new SW game coming out that has nothing to do with either.


You know, if that sort of thing bothers you so much, you may have wondered into the wrong place... just a thought.

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape


The reason the fandom is fractured as you say AxiaEuxine is because of Lucas.  I mean really it is his fault he had made it into a generational conflict by Denying the existance of the originals and not putting out a qualtiy dvd release of them.  If he did that nobody would have to take sides to like the special editions or hate them because We would have what we want and be happy.  Instead he trys making everyone watch the 2004 bastardization.  I want my childhood the way i remember it not replaced with bad fake cgi.

To me as a movie buff and buyer of many dvds the Gout was a slap in the face, it was like you love these movies go fuck yourself.  Watch 1993 laserdisc transfers in 2006.  I mean really do you think this is a normal business practice and not just a dude with a major ego?  Ridley Scott. Steven Spielberg, and Francis Ford Coppola have no problem releasing restored Anamorphic theatrical versions of their movies.

What Lucas has done grows even more absurd when you realize his stance on the colorization of old black and white movies and film preservation.  That a so called film presevationist Cut up the original camera negative to create the 1997 version is criminal at least to me.  Not only that he had gathered up all remaining film prints allegedly and had them destroyed so the 1977, 1980, and 1983 oot can never be released again.

Yeah because i am not an 8 year old kid in 2008 and i am 30 years old i have a particular bias towards the oot, but at least the majority of film critics and book writers on the subject back me up on this.

I recent years i have begun to reexamine is lucas was ever the genius filmaker that cultural myth makes him out to be, that maybe he was i guy with a few good ideas that was just in the right place at the right time and got lucky.  He had great collaborators.  He never was a good writer some of the dialogue in that 1974 script is as bad as the prequels.  But at least back then he hired competant screenwriters to write the scripts.  Starting with Return of the Jedi he all but wrote the scripts himself and and chose the direction the film would go in himself.

Supposedly on jedi all Kasden did was a final draft rewrite.  It was not the collaboration of empire strikes back or star wars.

Same thing with Attack of the Clones Jonathan Hales did a basic rewrite and it is a Lucas script.  Same thing with Indiana Jones IV Lucas wrote the script and had Koepp do a single rewrite.

This guy should never be allowed to write another movie all on his own.  He should write the treatment and come up with a general outline or first couple script drafts and hand it off to a real writer.

They never allowed Frank Darabount To go to stage 2 on his script which would be another draft or 2.  He could have delivered something brilliant, too bad all we got were cgi gophers and monkeeys and a temple that transforms into an alien ship.

If star wars and Indiana Jones are to continue they need young blood to take over.  The best thing that ever happended to star trek was when they handed off to the young Nick Meyer to shake things up a bit.  They are probably doing just as good a thing with having jj abrams reboot.  Even bond and batman have been reborn while star wars stays stale and predictable.

Lucas has connections to a lot of great artists and writers he will not allow to take over because he does not want his vision muddied.  Probably bad for the franchise that he keeps sole rights to the series.  The better star trek movies for example would not have happened if roddenberry was able to keep the rights to trek and have an iron clad rule over the series.

Lucas had a vision all right it is tunnelvision of the mediocre, the predictable and overly cgi kind.

Here is a Billionaire who continues to make the safe movies that will make money no matter what.  and continues to talk up those small experimental pictures.  He sure has the cash to make a few wacky and wild movies that could be original, god knows he can afford it.  He should make another movie Like THX 1138 that is original and not made to make a zilliion dollars.

In the last couple of years There was a dvd released that had his student films that was released to little or no fanfare since he did not pay to advertise it.  Yet those LIttle films are better than his clone wars crap could ever be.

Then again there are 2 unsung heroes between THX 1138 and American Graffiti.  They are Walter Murch, and Haskel Wexler and lucas takes all the credit. Not to mention Lucas would have never ever gotten the opportunity to direct or get to make those films if not for Francis Ford Coppola.

If you want to drink up the Lucas kool aide Never read Skywalking in that book he comes off as an ungratefiul douchebag.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.

AxiaEuxine said: Im not saying accept the SE, you dont have to...I dont understand the hatred it generates. (I dont understand preferring the old trench battle to the new one either. Or the new Mos Eisley or the land speeder SPFX being cleaned up, the better Stormtrooper Dewback shot, Lift off from Mos eisley...but I digress :) to each his/her own)

I thought I explained this already.  Star Wars was a fantastic, academy-award winning 1977 movie.  As such, it is a cultural icon for the late-70s.  It also represented the state of the art for special effects at that time.  As such, every cultural, historical, and artistic sensibility that I know of demands that it be preserved in its original form.  Students of the history of cinema should be able to study it, for example.  IF a real preservation was done, as it should be, nobody here would mind if GL or anyone else wanted to make updates and release those too.  However, since GL is actively stopping it from being preserved, it is natural for film lovers to be angry.

With that in mind, as I've said many times before, it isn't that we "hate" the SE.  If anything, some of us sort-of "resent" it, because it has "replaced" the original iconic film.  The improvements would be way cool, if the original were also preserved.  This has nothing to do with what scenes I prefer, and everything to do with preserving historically significant film art.  Until the original is preserved, like virtually every other major motion picture is, the SE will serve as an annoying reminder of what still hasn't been done, may never be done, and the gap that exists in the cinematographic historical record.

"Close the blast doors!"
Puggo’s website | Rescuing Star Wars


it's just weird for this forum to be singled out by any angry hardcore fans since it's all about getting STAR WARS preserved and given a presentation equal to Porky's III. What Star Wars fan could be against such a thing? And what other way is there to make it happen? We'd still be drinking New Coke if the consumer didn't complain.

Puggo - Jar Jar's Yoda said: Star Wars was a fantastic, academy-award winning 1977 movie.  As such, it is a cultural icon for the late-70s.  It also represented the state of the art for special effects at that time.  As such, every cultural, historical, and artistic sensibility that I know of demands that it be preserved in its original form.  Students of the history of cinema should be able to study it, for example.  IF a real preservation was done, as it should be, nobody here would mind if GL or anyone else wanted to make updates and release those too.  However, since GL is actively stopping it from being preserved, it is natural for film lovers to be angry.

With that in mind, as I've said many times before, it isn't that we "hate" the SE.  If anything, some of us sort-of "resent" it, because it has "replaced" the original iconic film.  The improvements would be way cool, if the original were also preserved.  This has nothing to do with what scenes I prefer, and everything to do with preserving historically significant film art.  Until the original is preserved, like virtually every other major motion picture is, the SE will serve as an annoying reminder of what still hasn't been done, may never be done, and the gap that exists in the cinematographic historical record.

Well said, Puggo. That's the way I feel EXACTLY!



Mielr said:
Puggo - Jar Jar's Yoda said: Star Wars was a fantastic, academy-award winning 1977 movie.  As such, it is a cultural icon for the late-70s. 

Well said, Puggo. That's the way I feel EXACTLY!




honestly, who cares what awards it got? i never did, and the academy awards are pretty

meaningless anyways, so what difference did it make that it got them?


Best Art Direction-Set Decoration  - > does anyone care? unless you're building something
Best Costume Design -> same, who cares? do you design outfits?

Best Film Editing -> couldn't tell then, and still cant..

Best Music, Original Score -> nice to listen to, but then so what?

Best Sound -> again, only good for sound editors

Best Effects, Visual Effects -> finally, one award that makes sense..


so out of all of those meaningless awards, they didn't really affect anything

afterwards did they?


the real impact was ILM, and all the other technologies that came out of it,

studying the film didn't really help anyone much then, or now..

i don't see that as much of an argument for preservation,

i'm sure there are others, but winning awards isn't one of them.


the common person only cares that they liked the film for whatever

reason, popularity, the story, the plot, the dialogue, etc... and it

didn't win any of those anyways...





[no GOUT in CED?-> GOUT CED]


I don't give a crap about how many awards SW won. I don't need a film to win awards for me to like it. Of all the stuff in Puggo's post that I quoted, why did you decide to pick on that one line? 

I also quoted:


Puggo wrote:

...It also represented the state of the art for special effects at that time.  As such, every cultural, historical, and artistic sensibility that I know of demands that it be preserved in its original form.  Students of the history of cinema should be able to study it, for example.  IF a real preservation was done, as it should be, nobody here would mind if GL or anyone else wanted to make updates and release those too.  However, since GL is actively stopping it from being preserved, it is natural for film lovers to be angry.

With that in mind, as I've said many times before, it isn't that we "hate" the SE.  If anything, some of us sort-of "resent" it, because it has "replaced" the original iconic film.  The improvements would be way coolif the original were also preserved.  This has nothing to do with what scenes I prefer, and everything to do with preserving historically significant film art.  Until the original is preserved, like virtually every other major motion picture is, the SE will serve as an annoying reminder of what still hasn't been done, may never be done, and the gap that exists in the cinematographic historical record.


Mielr said:

I don't give a crap about how many awards SW won. I don't need a film to win awards for me to like it. Of all the stuff in Puggo's post that I quoted, why did you decide to pick on that one line? 


well, you're the one who agreed with it,

if you didn't , you should have said so a lot more clearly...................


I also quoted:


Puggo wrote:

  As such, every cultural, historical, and artistic sensibility that I know of demands that it be preserved in its original form.  Students of the history of cinema should be able to study it, for example. 

why don't you explain why exactly should this movie be studied?

i don't see any reason to... it's just a movie, that some people liked in 1977..

are you studying it? are you student of the history of cinema? is anyone here?

IF a real preservation was done, as it should be, nobody here would mind if GL or anyone else wanted to make updates and release those too.  However, since GL is actively stopping it from being preserved, it is natural for film lovers to be angry.

how exactly are you being stopped? you seem to have done some awesome preservations

on your own.... i don't exactly feel like i'm being stopped either (yet)....

doesn't seem to be having much of an effect on the ongoing countless number of projects

on this board..

also, how many film lovers are angry here? i see mostly people that are DVD lovers

that are complaining ... all the film/vhs/laserdisc/ced owners don't seem to be complaining

as much..






[no GOUT in CED?-> GOUT CED]

Mielr said:

I don't give a crap about how many awards SW won. I don't need a film to win awards for me to like it. Of all the stuff in Puggo's post that I quoted, why did you decide to pick on that one line? 

I also quoted:


Puggo wrote:

...It also represented the state of the art for special effects at that time.  As such, every cultural, historical, and artistic sensibility that I know of demands that it be preserved in its original form.  Students of the history of cinema should be able to study it, for example.  IF a real preservation was done, as it should be, nobody here would mind if GL or anyone else wanted to make updates and release those too.  However, since GL is actively stopping it from being preserved, it is natural for film lovers to be angry.

With that in mind, as I've said many times before, it isn't that we "hate" the SE.  If anything, some of us sort-of "resent" it, because it has "replaced" the original iconic film.  The improvements would be way coolif the original were also preserved.  This has nothing to do with what scenes I prefer, and everything to do with preserving historically significant film art.  Until the original is preserved, like virtually every other major motion picture is, the SE will serve as an annoying reminder of what still hasn't been done, may never be done, and the gap that exists in the cinematographic historical record.


Mielr, negative one is simply a jackass out to provoke people with brainless arguments and offensive accusations. My suggestion is to simply not respond. :)

Obviously Star War's awards are important for the sake of its notoriety and respect in our popular culture. But, as you say, the people who actually like the film are more important. Considering how many of us would love to see it have a decent DVD/Blu-ray release, the profit to be gained from either project would be more than large enough to cover any costs. In light of the resources that George Lucas has available, it's outright unethical of him to keep the film as suppressed as he does.

Anyone who disagrees with the sensible opinion I just outlined in the above paragraph doesn't even deserve to be given the time of day.

"Now all Lucas has to do is make a cgi version of himself.  It will be better than the original and fit his original vision." - skyjedi2005


I find it ironic that those who fell in Love with the 1997 versions cannot get those on dvd either, because lucas sees them as rought cuts just like he views the oot which was a finished movie trilogy despite his bullshit.

Actually the fans of that version get fucked over even worse because Unlike the oot which was released on dvd in a letterbox laserdisc transfer the 1997 version remains only on vhs and laserdisc.

I don't understand negative one's point.  So because i have the trilogy on vhs, laserdisc and ced i should not ask for a restored version on dvd?  Or how about a real restoration which would make the oot viable as a theatrical presentation via Robert Harrris suggestion.  In robert harris own words a home video restoration is not a real restoration unless the negative had been restored and viable prints can be made for theatrical presentation.  And a home video restoration is all fans have asked for and lucas will not even do that little for his fans.

I personally wish the negatives and original prints were not rotting in Lucas vaults because they could be lost for all time, a criminal offense.  In the future the films will only be viable as a 1080P HD video transfer with all the bogus cgi additions.  That is all lowry had access to by the way.   no 4k or 2k scan was ever done.  There is no evidance that any film prints or negatives are in existance unless Lucas allows someone into the vaults to document that.

The only evidance i can find is from around the special editions making and is called the anotomy of a dewback part 2 and shows the Lucas cold storage vault for all his films, and he says he has saved every peice of film of every movie he has done.

As robert harris has also suggested despite the criminal altering of the negative the technology is there to bring it back to its original state.  The original scenes that are missing in the oneg would have to be replaced from someplace else.  Like if Lucas still has those YCM  technicolor seperations he talked about in the future of the movies book by siskel and ebert.

So i call bullshit on him saying that all film prints and negatives are destroyed.  He would have had to be insane to have done this, that would be like a film museum destroying the original Mona Lisa. Not only that it would be against sane business practices since millions of people worldwide clamor for the original released films.  Even the french who support lucas wholeheartedly and at cannes film festival bashed his decision to not have anamorphic versions on the 2006 release.

Only in Lucas version of reality which i call Bizarro world do fans have to track down heavily faded 35mm film prints that are 30 years old to watch the real star wars trilogy.  This is beyond insane!

These CGi changes are generally done on video and then printed out onto a new film master, no other films i know of have had them cut into the physical original Negative.  Someone out there should find out through Pacific Title and YCM LAboratories who worked on the 1997 restoration if the negative was really permanently altered or destroyed.  Though i imagine Lucas had them sign a non disclosure agreement.  It is very fascist to control the information on the state of the negative and keep it under wraps, Only communists or facists operate in this manner.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


on a side note:


with the immenent bluray release of :


indiana jones and the kingdom of the crystal skull

the clone wars movie


are these just a testing ground to see how well they

will do? i'm pretty sure indy 4 will do well ... seeing how

huge a success it was in the theater..


but since there's no other plans for any of the other

movies to come out.... why bother? (or maybe episodes

1,2,3 are coming out on bluray in the future? )


besides you can already download 1,2,3, 4(SE),5(SE),6(SE) in highdef for

free already, so why buy them again?


my point is, if they're really not looking into bluray as a future format,

and the trilogy has been re-released again for the third time on DVD later this year,


what exactly is everyone looking forward to?




[no GOUT in CED?-> GOUT CED]