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Star Wars: Rogue One - * Non Spoiler Discussion Thread * — Page 29


LexX said:

yhwx said:

TV’s Frink said:

Jay said:

I understand the desire to avoid spoilers, but prohibiting the discussion of trailer content seems excessive to me.

One of your moderators seems to have agreed with me. Shrug.

I’m gonna have to agree with you here. Trailers are spoilers, and they should be discussed in the spoiler thread.

Then you can pretty much lock this thread up because there is zero to talk about a movie that no one knows nothing about. What are you looking to find in this thread then? The trailers haven’t spoiled anything yet you wouldn’t know in December before seeing the movie.
Oh and spoiler alert: they manage to steal the plans.

Non-spoiler threads become less and less useful as the release date gets closer and closer. No one was using this thread until Ben bumped it.


ImperialFighter said:

Anyway, here’s a good link that ‘explained’ it all back then. I didn’t see this at the time, but I note from the comments below that someone did spot this anomaly in C3PO’s last moments. - io9.gizmodo.com/so-now-we-know-how-c-3po-got-his-red-arm-in-the-force-a-1770741572

Here’s a better link and a nice bedtime story by the man himself: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOuF2yh1lKU&t=47m15s

Sorry about the off topic, I just enjoyed his reading even though the story itself is a bit mushy.

And in the time of greatest despair, there shall come a savior, and he shall be known as the Son of the Suns.


TV’s Frink said:

LexX said:

yhwx said:

TV’s Frink said:

Jay said:

I understand the desire to avoid spoilers, but prohibiting the discussion of trailer content seems excessive to me.

One of your moderators seems to have agreed with me. Shrug.

I’m gonna have to agree with you here. Trailers are spoilers, and they should be discussed in the spoiler thread.

Then you can pretty much lock this thread up because there is zero to talk about a movie that no one knows nothing about. What are you looking to find in this thread then? The trailers haven’t spoiled anything yet you wouldn’t know in December before seeing the movie.
Oh and spoiler alert: they manage to steal the plans.

Non-spoiler threads become less and less useful as the release date gets closer and closer. No one was using this thread until Ben bumped it.

Once again my bad anyways I’m staying away from the spoilers thread until after Rogue One comes out and I have seen it although in my opinion there’s not much to spoil.

By the way Han shot first.


MalàStrana said:

SilverWook said:

and even built a new improved Threepio suit for Anthony Daniels

“Improved” ?!? The 3PO suit in TFA is quite terrible. Looks plastic.

Threepio has always been made of plastic of one kind or another. That’s not really metal or gold. 😉

And the improvement is it no longer takes hours for Anthony Daniels to get in and out of it.

You would probably rag on the catering had you visited the set. 😉

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


TV’s Frink said:

Non-spoiler threads become less and less useful as the release date gets closer and closer. No one was using this thread until Ben bumped it.

The TFA non-spoiler thread was open to discussion of trailers while the spoiler thread was filled with all the juicy supposed leaks. I don’t know why trailers are suddenly anathema for this film. Again, if someone is so paranoid about not finding out ANYTHING about a film they have no business in a thread like this.

Forum Moderator

LexX said:

Here’s a better link and a nice bedtime story by the man himself: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOuF2yh1lKU&t=47m15s

Just a thought, but with C3PO reverting back to his golden arm during his last shot in TFA, I wonder if it will stay that way or not when he’s seen again in the next movie?

If it stays gold without any explanation whatsoever, then that might leave a lot of people who don’t know it’s ‘backstory’ scratching their heads…whereas if it’s back to red again without any explanation, then it will remain looking as if it’s been a continuity mistake…

But there could be a nicely poignant moment to be had in the next movie, if C3PO actually summarizes the reason he wears it sometimes…and I’m kinda hoping that this happens now!

Anyway, back to the…er…‘speculation’ about what ROGUE ONE is going to bring.


Tobar said:

TV’s Frink said:

Non-spoiler threads become less and less useful as the release date gets closer and closer. No one was using this thread until Ben bumped it.

The TFA non-spoiler thread was open to discussion of trailers while the spoiler thread was filled with all the juicy supposed leaks. I don’t know why trailers are suddenly anathema for this film. Again, if someone is so paranoid about not finding out ANYTHING about a film they have no business in a thread like this.

This. What’s the point of having a thread to discuss the film if ALL info about the film is taboo? Typically, non-spoiler threads allow for discussion of official news, announcements, trailers and other official advertisements while the spoiler threads are reserved for every piece of unofficial “leaked” info, specific plot spoilers (substantiated or not), etc.

And regarding threepio’s arm, he has a line (to bb-8 I think) about needing to get his normal arm reattached. Then later we see he has done just that. I agree it’s a little awkward and not very clear, but the pertinent info IS in the film.


Ok, I’m sorry I thought someone might have preferred to not know Vader is in the movie before seeing it. FFS. We probably should strip Anchorhead of his moderator position too.


This is a direct prequel to a movie that opens with Vader on the rampage. There was never any question that he’d be appearing, the mystery is how much screen time he’ll have.

Forum Moderator

I had no idea Vader was in it until I watched the trailer. I don’t see why he HAS to be in it.


Perhaps as an apology for the two minutes we got in Episode III, even though he was plastered all over the advertising? 😉

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


TV’s Frink said:

I had no idea Vader was in it until I watched the trailer. I don’t see why he HAS to be in it.

I don’t see why would this be a spoiler anyway. Those who consider such thing as a spoiler should probably stay in a cave until the film is released.



I’d go so far as to say that general feelings about the movie are spoilers, so Vader being in the movie is most definitely a spoiler.


yhwx said:

I’d go so far as to say that general feelings about the movie are spoilers, so Vader being in the movie is most definitely a spoiler.

According to that logic, non-spoiler thread is completely useless as there is nothing to discuss.



imperialscum said:

yhwx said:

I’d go so far as to say that general feelings about the movie are spoilers, so Vader being in the movie is most definitely a spoiler.

According to that logic, non-spoiler thread is completely useless as there is nothing to discuss.

Speculation is what I think the non spoiler thread is for.


yhwx said:

imperialscum said:

yhwx said:

I’d go so far as to say that general feelings about the movie are spoilers, so Vader being in the movie is most definitely a spoiler.

According to that logic, non-spoiler thread is completely useless as there is nothing to discuss.

Speculation is what I think the non spoiler thread is for.

Speculation falls under “general feelings”.



imperialscum said:

yhwx said:

imperialscum said:

yhwx said:

I’d go so far as to say that general feelings about the movie are spoilers, so Vader being in the movie is most definitely a spoiler.

According to that logic, non-spoiler thread is completely useless as there is nothing to discuss.

Speculation is what I think the non spoiler thread is for.

Speculation falls under “general feelings”.

No, it doesn’t. A general feeling is something like “There’s a twist.”

Stop embarrassing your self.


My take: if it’s official promotional material, it’s not a spoiler in the classic sense. If trailers were to count as spoilers, we’d have:

The Official Rogue One Spoiler Thread
The Official Rogue One Non-Spoiler Thread
The Offical Rogue One Trailer Thread

…the last one being for people who want to discuss the official trailer without being exposed to real spoilers and leaks, while not revealing trailer content to people who don’t want to see it.

That would be silly.

If you have a gripe with the trailer having Vader in it, then your gripe is with the studio, not with people who want to discuss the movie and official material related to it.

Forum Administrator



Jay said:

My take: if it’s official promotional material, it’s not a spoiler in the classic sense. If trailers were to count as spoilers, we’d have:

The Official Rogue One Spoiler Thread
The Official Rogue One Non-Spoiler Thread
The Offical Rogue One Trailer Thread

…the last one being for people who want to discuss the official trailer without being exposed to real spoilers and leaks, while not revealing trailer content to people who don’t want to see it.

That would be silly.

I’m not sure how that would be silly.

This distinction between “real spoilers” and “not real spoilers” is silly. Any hint at plot that could hamper your ability to enjoy the film in a certain way is a spoiler.

If you have a gripe with the trailer having Vader in it, then your gripe is with the studio, not with people who want to discuss the movie and official material related to it.

I don’t think anybody here has a gripe with that. If they did, their gripe should be directed at themselves.


yhwx said:

Jay said:

My take: if it’s official promotional material, it’s not a spoiler in the classic sense. If trailers were to count as spoilers, we’d have:

The Official Rogue One Spoiler Thread
The Official Rogue One Non-Spoiler Thread
The Offical Rogue One Trailer Thread

…the last one being for people who want to discuss the official trailer without being exposed to real spoilers and leaks, while not revealing trailer content to people who don’t want to see it.

That would be silly.

I’m not sure how that would be silly.

This distinction between “real spoilers” and “not real spoilers” is silly. Any hint at plot that could hamper your ability to enjoy the film in a certain way is a spoiler.

If you have a gripe with the trailer having Vader in it, then your gripe is with the studio, not with people who want to discuss the movie and official material related to it.

I don’t think anybody here has a gripe with that. If they did, their gripe should be directed at themselves.

Pretty sure that’s exactly what Frink is upset about. Not sure what thread you’re reading.

Trailers have ALWAYS provided hints at plot and showed the characters in the film. That’s the whole point.

Trailers aren’t spoilers. Consider that official forum policy if it will end the debate and let people get back to discussing the movie.

Forum Administrator



Jay said:

yhwx said:

Jay said:

My take: if it’s official promotional material, it’s not a spoiler in the classic sense. If trailers were to count as spoilers, we’d have:

The Official Rogue One Spoiler Thread
The Official Rogue One Non-Spoiler Thread
The Offical Rogue One Trailer Thread

…the last one being for people who want to discuss the official trailer without being exposed to real spoilers and leaks, while not revealing trailer content to people who don’t want to see it.

That would be silly.

I’m not sure how that would be silly.

This distinction between “real spoilers” and “not real spoilers” is silly. Any hint at plot that could hamper your ability to enjoy the film in a certain way is a spoiler.

If you have a gripe with the trailer having Vader in it, then your gripe is with the studio, not with people who want to discuss the movie and official material related to it.

I don’t think anybody here has a gripe with that. If they did, their gripe should be directed at themselves.

Pretty sure that’s exactly what Frink is upset about. Not sure what thread you’re reading.

Trailers have ALWAYS provided hints at plot and showed the characters in the film. That’s the whole point.

That is the whole point of trailers, but I don’t understand how that changes the opinion of mine that trailers are spoilers.

Trailers aren’t spoilers. Consider that official forum policy if it will end the debate and let people get back to discussing the movie.

Well, I don’t like it, but we all have to follow rules.



Well nothing to talk about here than accept what we can’t talk about which is pretty stupid if you ask me. Anyways I refuse to go on the spoilers thread until after I have seen the movie because I don’t want anything ruined for me although we already know the Rebels are going to get the Death Star plans and we know that the Galactic Empire will fall until eventually my First Order will be going up against the Resistance so I guess really the only spoilers we have to fear is Episode VIII and IX and the other standalone movies. Although one spoiler Donald Trump is in Rogue One.

By the way Han shot first.


TV’s Frink said:

I had no idea Vader was in it until I watched the trailer. I don’t see why he HAS to be in it.

Because someone attempting to steal the Darth Star plans is a pretty big deal so it would be weird if Vader wasn’t involved in some way.


Frink is not upset, other than the fact that we’re still talking about it being a spoiler or not.