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Star Wars: Rogue One - * Non Spoiler Discussion Thread *


JEDIT : This is now the non spoiler thread.

Plot spoilers should only be posted in this thread: http://originaltrilogy.com/topic/Rogue-One-Spoilers-Thread/id/49191

Teaser was shown at Celebration 2015. Can’t really make out much but here it is - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7n8i579d_JI

Jedit: a working link to the taken-down ‘For a thousand generations…’ video can be found here - www.dailymotion.com/video/x2nbjz3


You can see a bit more in this one:



Almost all the videos are blocked. You will have to search elsewhere to download it.

Team Negative1


Spoiler alert...

I was there when it was shown and also at the closing ceremony when they talked about it.  They asked us all not to take any pictures or videos.  ILM threw it together just before Celebration so they would have something to show.  They didn't start filming yet. 

From what I remember about the trailer:

It starts out flying over a forest looking down, then it starts panning up and you see tie fighters flying and eventually a very huge death star in the sky.  Then it fades to black with a black hawk down type of chaos going on over the radio. 

It is going to be about stealing the death star plans.  All of the jedi are gone and the rebels have to make it happen on their own, so it is a very desperate and critical time.  It will have a lot of war in it hence the name Star Wars.

They also showed some concept art which I took a picture of in the closing ceremony.  If its not already out there, I will post it when I get a chance.

I thought it looked good, except the death star was way too big in the sky to be confused with a small moon in A New Hope.  The only way it could be that big is if it was in a super low orbit.


Mondess122 said:

In short: darker, more realistic, more natural. Less about the fight between good and evil, more about the gray area. 

Sounds like DF series, which is good. :)



imperialscum said:

Mondess122 said:

In short: darker, more realistic, more natural. Less about the fight between good and evil, more about the gray area. 

Sounds like DF series, which is good. :)

 No Jedi whatsoever.  Good.


I was sitting in the audience with Tobar when this was shown at the Gareth Edwards panel (unfortunately, Josh Trank was sick, or who knows what we would have seen). It looks fantastic. They're bringing in people who worked on movies like Black Hawk Down, Saving Private Ryan, and Zero Dark Thirty, so I feel like that's the tone we can expect from this gritty, "real" war movie that relies on the heroism of real people and not magic Force users.

The teaser was fantastic. Jungle planet (or moon), TIE fighter, the Death Star reveal... All set to Old Ben's monologue about how the Jedi were the guardians of peace in the galaxy before the Empire... A subtle bit of the Imperial March as the music hits it's crescendo... Chilling! Can't wait for more of it.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Whats the point of making it like a regular war movie, there's plenty of those.

If there's nothing that is really sci-fi, or fantasy, to relate to Star Wars, then there's no differentiation.

Might as well be watching a regular war movie, and pretend the plot is related.

Team Negative1


Star Wars isn't lightsabers. There's an entire galaxy of stories out there and the Jedi make up only a small portion of them. 

We're LONG overdue for the roughnecks to get their day in the suns.

Forum Moderator

Tobar said:

Star Wars isn't lightsabers. There's an entire galaxy of stories out there and the Jedi make up only a small portion of them. 

We're LONG overdue for the roughnecks to get their day in the suns.

 Especially relevant for the period of time that Rogue One is going to cover, when it was thought that there were zero Jedi.


I'm pretty sure you can do Star Wars without lightsabers and Jedi and the Force. In a way, this movie will still be about them, but more about the absence of them. Gareth Edwards said that the lack of Jedi hangs over the film like a dark cloud during the panel.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


As far as I'm concerned, the "canon" Jedi suck, so any film that doesn't feature them is as welcoming as a tall glass of cool water in a hot desert to my eyes.


Taking out the things that make Star Wars what it is, is self-defeating, and does not really serve any purpose.

Team Negative1


team_negative1 said:

Taking out the things that make Star Wars what it is, is self-defeating, and does not really serve any purpose.

Team Negative1

 Does the entire team share that sentiment? I'm confused who's talking here.


Handman said:

team_negative1 said:

Taking out the things that make Star Wars what it is, is self-defeating, and does not really serve any purpose.

Team Negative1

 Does the entire team share that sentiment? I'm confused who's talking here.

 Frink is working up the analysis based on how many times the enter key was pressed.

team_negative1 said:

Taking out the things that make Star Wars what it is, is self-defeating, and does not really serve any purpose.

Team Negative1

 Some of the purposes have already been described in this thread. There is an entire universe aside from the 2 living Jedi at that point in time. There is the tension and doom associated with the lack of the jedi. There is the struggle of people without the ability to run in a blurry line and levitate stuff. It could be interesting, even if it's not your cup(s)of tea.


team_negative1 said:

Taking out the things that make Star Wars what it is, is self-defeating, and does not really serve any purpose.

Team Negative1

There's still Rogue Squadron. There's still the Death Star. These things are part and parcel with Star Wars, yes?

If you want each and every SW film to focus on Force users, then I'm sorry to say this, but you have a pretty myopic view of the SW Universe.


DuracellEnergizer said:

As far as I'm concerned, the "canon" Jedi suck, so any film that doesn't feature them is as welcoming as a tall glass of cool water in a hot desert to my eyes.

Yeah, but now with Lucas out of the way, a competent director could tell an awesome jedi story that would be worthy of the mythology. Afterall, Jedi knights are essentially space samurai with laser swords, and there's absolutely nothing "sucky" about a samurai with a freakin' laser sword.  That's what I would call badass.  (Heck, now that I think of it, I wouldn't mind seeing a jedi version of "Seven Samurai").  And then, when you add in the whole temptation with the dark side thing, that really opens up a lot of opportunities for some epic storylines. 

There's no reason to abandon that whole mythology simply because Lucas didn't understand his own universe and screwed everything up. The prequels were one gigantic wasted opportunity, in terms of telling the story of Anakin and the fall of the jedi.  We just need Disney/Lucasfilm to forget they ever existed and find somebody that can do it right.

That doesn't mean I wouldn't love to see a non-jedi story that takes place in the Star Wars universe.  I just still see so many opportunities for further exploration into the struggle between the light and dark side of the force.


“In the future it will become even easier for old negatives to become lost and be “replaced” by new altered negatives. This would be a great loss to our society. Our cultural history must not be allowed to be rewritten.” - George Lucas


Lightsabers, Jedi, and The Force don't have as big a role in Star Wars (1977) as they do in later films. The climax of the film is a space battle, not a lightsaber duel, and in the opening scene Vader doesn't use The Force to choke the captain.


darklordoftech said:

Lightsabers, Jedi, and The Force don't have as big a role in Star Wars (1977) as they do in later films. The climax of the film is a space battle, not a lightsaber duel, and in the opening scene Vader doesn't use The Force to choke the captain.

The force doesn't have a big role in Star Wars?  Yes, the climax of the film is a space battle...  in which the hero taps into his newly learned force abilities (after being instructed by his jedi mentor, who was killed by the bad guy jedi in a lightsaber fight, and then became a force ghost) which enables him to blow up the evil space station and restore freedom to the galaxy.. 

But again, I'm all for a non-jedi film.  But there is still a lot that can be done with the whole jedi/force mythology.

“In the future it will become even easier for old negatives to become lost and be “replaced” by new altered negatives. This would be a great loss to our society. Our cultural history must not be allowed to be rewritten.” - George Lucas


I think after the prequels, the Jedi thing just stopped being as cool. George pretty much jumped that shark with a rocket boosted set of skis.

I think anything set in the Star Wars universe could be entertaining if done right. Bounty hunters, smugglers, pilots, soldiers, mercs, cantina bartenders, and so on and so forth could make for a hell of an interesting film. Hell, you could do a real gritty film about civilian life during the Imperial takeover and it would be just as interesting.

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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Cobra Kai said:

darklordoftech said:

Lightsabers, Jedi, and The Force don't have as big a role in Star Wars (1977) as they do in later films. The climax of the film is a space battle, not a lightsaber duel, and in the opening scene Vader doesn't use The Force to choke the captain.

The force doesn't have a big role in Star Wars? 

The Force has a big role in Star Wars, but it has an even bigger role in Empire and Jedi and an even bigger role than that in the prequels.