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Short answer: bullshit.
Long answer: bullshit created by a Lucas sycophant to explain away why Lucas is an uninspired hack.
I read through this and thought that it was an interesting theory, that could be plausible.
What are everyone's thoughts?
<dd>This is my lightsaber. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My lightsaber is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. My lightsaber, without me, is useless. Without my lightsaber, I am useless. I must wield my lightsaber true.</dd>
Short answer: bullshit.
Long answer: bullshit created by a Lucas sycophant to explain away why Lucas is an uninspired hack.
It's like poetry, it rhymes. We'll just copy scenes from other movies, paste them into new crappy lifeless prequels, and tell stupid people it's deep symbolism because everything is connected.
It's like War and Peace man!
Those aren't plot holes--they're awesomeness conduits!!!
I read up until they got to the Joseph Campbell refrences. Most overused gimmick in criticism. I tapped out at that.
What started as analysis became a tool and now an excuse.
Someone bought a domain for this.
Star Wars Revisited Wordpress
Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress
So am I understanding correctly that it's my fault for disliking the prequels, not George's?
TV's Frink said:
So am I understanding correctly that it's my fault for disliking the prequels, not George's?
No, it's your fault for watching the prequels. The ring theory might make a lot more sense if you didn't make that rookie mistake.
Even if this ring theory is correct, the prequels still suck.
But really, they're giving Lucas waaaaaaay too much credit.
Star Wars Episode XXX: Erica Strikes Back
If you want Nice, go to France
I'm not even particularly anti-prequel but this is another variation on "you're watching it wrong. You are too dumb/nostalgic to get it." Which has been going around since 1999. (And is often used to justify the special edition changes as some kind of moral imperative that just had to happen). Seems like a long way of saying I-III did the same thing sequels do all the time. Mirroring, reveals, callbacks, reversals, subverting expectations. You could apply almost everything in that essay to ANOTHER 48HRS.
Davnes007 said:
Even if this ring theory is correct, the prequels still suck.
But really, they're giving Lucas waaaaaaay too much credit.
And that's kinda what I was thinking. Even if this theory is correct and GL intended this, the movies still failed on nearly every other level. He sacrificed everything a movie needs to be good in order to have a symmetrical saga of six movies?
<dd>This is my lightsaber. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My lightsaber is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. My lightsaber, without me, is useless. Without my lightsaber, I am useless. I must wield my lightsaber true.</dd>
It looks like an okay article but the writer sounds like he invented the wheel, while most of those things are discussed online for 10 years.
TV's Frink said:
So am I understanding correctly that it's my fault for disliking the prequels, not George's?
You understand that correctly. If you don't like strawberry ice cream, for example, you just can't say it is strawberry ice cream's fault for your particular taste. You can't control your taste therefore all you can do is to avoid things you don't like and not blame them for their existence.
LOL. You are either a troll, or have a hilariously absurd view of the world.
That, or he's being sarcastic.
With imperialscum, it's next to impossible to tell. The guy's a living incarnation of Poe's law.
I've read only the first page so far, but the author already seems to contradict himself. He says the ending of TPM is similar to the ending of ANH, but later he claims that TPM mirrors ROTJ.
If Lucas really intended to tell his saga in a ring structure he failed to implemet it properly and he failed to make the prequels actually good movies. No matter how elaborate his plans for the structure were, the stupidity of the prequels ruins any enjoyment you could get from "understanding the larger context".
And to imperialscum: Blaming Lucas is not blaming the ice cream, it's blaming the one who made the ice cream.
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Frank your Majesty said:
And to imperialscum: Blaming Lucas is not blaming the ice cream, it's blaming the one who made the ice cream.
If you don't like strawberry ice cream it is completely irrelevant who makes it.
But if you like strawberry ice cream and you happen to eat a portion with rotten strawberries you know who is to blame: The one who made it.
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Still not sure if impscum is a troll or just terrible at analogies. I lean towards both.
Frank your Majesty said:
But if you like strawberry ice cream and you happen to eat a portion with rotten strawberries you know who is to blame: The one who made it.
In my analogy I established ice cream to be a film as an art and strawberry ice cream as a particular film (i.e. PT). Therefore if you don't like strawberry ice cream (i.e. the foundations of PT: storyline, character development, etc.) it really doesn't matter who makes it. In the end, a rotten strawberry or not, it will still be a strawberry ice cream.
Yep, both.
imperialscum said:
Frank your Majesty said:
But if you like strawberry ice cream and you happen to eat a portion with rotten strawberries you know who is to blame: The one who made it.
In my analogy I established ice cream to be a film as an art and strawberry ice cream as a particular film (i.e. PT). Therefore if you don't like strawberry ice cream (i.e. the foundations of PT: storyline, character development, etc.) it really doesn't matter who makes it. In the end, a rotten strawberry or not, it will still be a strawberry ice cream.
character development in the PT? You must be trolling :D
The problem with your analogy is, that strawberry ice cream is generally liked, whereas the PT is widely seen as inferior to the OT. If you translate the PT to an ice cream flavor it would probably be cheddar cheese. There are some people who may like it, but the majority isn't exactly excited about it.
Now I want to get back on topic, so this is my last word on ice cream analogies.
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The ice cream flavour would be analogous of a genre of movie, not a particular movie. The batch of ice cream would be the particular movie.
RicOlie_2 said:
The ice cream flavour would be analogous of a genre of movie, not a particular movie. The batch of ice cream would be the particular movie.
For the sake of it, then let me expand the analogy a bit... so the milk products are film as an art, ice cream is the genre, ice cream favours are film foundations (story, characters) and ice cream maker is the film maker that does a remake of a film. Now everything as I said before applies perfectly.
And now an example rather than analogy, if I hate some film's foundations then no matter how many remakes they make I just won't like it.
Even so, if the foundations are utter crap, then its their inventor's fault for people not liking them. Cheese-flavoured ice cream would not be popular. Ear wax-flavoured ice cream would be even less so.