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Star Wars: Renascent *** NOW AVAILABLE!!! *** — Page 20


well it is funny there is a better version than what you uploaded,that is kind of a slap in the face for everyone that downloaded this version,but I will ask you 1 thing,and take it or leave it,but I am sure many here would also like to see,post some screenshots of your top secret only for you version,let us all here see the quality of that.

dark_jedi said:

well it is funny there is a better version than what you uploaded,that is kind of a slap in the face for everyone that downloaded this version

I didn't ask for it, he just sent it. Please stop being angry at me, huh? ;) If you really, really want to see the higher quality version, I'm not the one to talk to.

As for screenshots, I don't think there's anything we haven't seen before, as his sources are the official DVDs and Revisited and other sources available at the time. It would be the same as taking a screenshot from any of those. (TPM is pinkish, Greedo has Adywan's enhanced facial animations, etc...)


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In regards to Ripplin getting the HQ version: I planned on getting his full input on this as I've come to highly respect his opinion on this subject. I figured it might not be fair for people to not see it but I also didn't want to release it in HQ now so people download this and only this. It's 700mb. It's a fast download and better suited for Mp3 players. Be happy you even got this because the full release isn't even planned until December.

In regards to the Jawa and R2 scene: This scene gave me trouble cause I wanted to have them seem scary and all but then I was getting some music bleed. I'll see if I can get fluent music throughout their whole appearance. Music suggestions for this scene would be HIGHLY appreciated.

In regards to the sepia fading: I think this is a brilliant idea and I think I might just do this!!!

In regards to the factory scene and cutting out PT plot info: It gets difficult to cut certain scenes because sure I could cut much of the factory scene but the music is way to loud and difficult to work with and I need to show them captured. I'll see what I can do or maybe have them get cornored or something and then cut to them being brought in to the arena or in front of dooku and then the arena. Also, I tried cutting all the plot I could to keep AOTC to a minimum but the plot for AOTC is so convoluted it's difficult to cut something without confusing people who haven't scene Star Wars before. I got rid of the cloners of kamino storyline with difficulty as I had to work around a lot of plot holes. Suggestions in this area would be HIGHLY appreciated. Please use the outline on page one and the low quality video for reference.

Again, no need to get offended over a low quality video. I find a lot of people on these boards are perfectionists. The version for them will be out in December as I had promised a long time ago. This is like watching a leaked work print of a movie that isn't in theatres yet. If you are VERY curious to see the way it was edited and the scenes used and you cannot wait, then watch this. If you're a perfectionist and you want uber goodness then wait. Plain and simple. Don't bash Ripplin, and don't bash me. I asked for your opinion on the edit itself not for you to blatently insult me or tell me that this is the worst edit ever. I spent time to make this edit and you aren't forced to watch it. If you feel this edit is being repair then go make your own. Otherwise, if you are actually interested in the success of this edit, please leave your feedback as others have done and we can all work towards a good edit, together. Does that sound fair?

Star Wars Renascent

Inspired by the Godfather Part II and a revamp of Star Wars: Reborn

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Ive been watching some today; got thru 1 and half hours and its pretty good, well the quality isnt ;] I liked the prolouge, and the edit as a whole is good, some times the music choice is iffy, like R2 and the jawas, and some times the music drowns out the voices a little, the prolouge and obi ones hut. I kinda wished the AOTC bit was edited down a little ("ani's" winnieness is killing me lol) and some times its a little hard to follow. But minus all that, I do like it and great job, full review once I finish it.

Edit- *Facepalm, why do I always post when all my points are just answered above me, its at the same time I post.lol*

The person your searching for simply does not exist


You think I could adjust Anakin's pitch to make his voice deeper and less whiney?

Star Wars Renascent

Inspired by the Godfather Part II and a revamp of Star Wars: Reborn

View the discussion thread

Asteroid-Man said:

You think I could adjust Anakin's pitch to make his voice deeper and less whiney?

I know others have tried, and, as with many other things, subtlety is the key. I seem to remember a video with his voice pitched down a certain percentage, then a bit lower, a bit lower, etc... The thing is, no matter how deep someone's voice is, they can still be as whiney as the biggest four-year-old brat! Haha.*

I dunno, I think it would be neat to hear a few attempts at it from different people. The better sounding ones could be used as a guideline and the ways they did it could be discussed.

*They partly did it as a nod to Luke's 'Tosche station' behavior and such, though, right? Or was it just the way Hayden acted?

My crazy vinyl LP blog

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If you want to show Anakin and Padme captured why not cut to the chase and just show them being captured, you don't need the the droid factory at all just Anakin and Padme entering the lair and then perhaps Jengo and the battledroids coming to capture them and replace it with the deleted conference table scene and trial.

That way you don't have to balance a bad CGI Threepio head swap against footage which shows a physical Threepio missing an arm appearing in the same cut (the two hardly resemble the same character).

The droid factory sequence adds nothing to Luke or Anakin's strands of the story in this new context, we already know their are droid factories on Geonosis when Obi-Wan is investigating them.

The conference interogation conveys that they are captured, what the Seperatists want and that they are to be put to death for not joining them.


where is this download at? i see all this complaing, saw the pics of the pixel-happy photos of the movie, what or where is it avail?


Try putting "Star Wars: Renascent" into the search engine of your choice, I'm sure you will get there eventually.

Bingowings said:

If you want to show Anakin and Padme captured why not cut to the chase and just show them being captured, you don't need the the droid factory at all just Anakin and Padme entering the lair and perhaps Jengo and the battledroids and replace it with the deleted conference table scene and trial.

That way you don't have to balance a bad CGI Threepio head swap against footage which shows a physical Threepio missing an arm appeating in the same cut (the two hardly resemble the same character).

The droid factory sequence adds nothing to Luke or Anakin's strands of the story in this new context, we already know their are droid factories on Geonosis when Obi-Wan is investigating them.

The conference interogation conveys that they are captured, what the Seperatists want and that they are to be put to death for not joining them.

Alright, I'll give that a go and upload the scene later.


Star Wars Renascent

Inspired by the Godfather Part II and a revamp of Star Wars: Reborn

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As of posting I am a quarter of the way through.

You are proberbly going to hate me for saying this seeing as you have done so much work but I think this idea needs a major rethink if it is going to work.

The strength in the crossing back and forth shown in Godfather II was largely down to isolating two characters, father and son.

Here the cutting back and forth becomes very jarring because it's not telling a personal story (or even a couple of personal stories) it's seems that the articles that are being contrasted are periods of time (the fall of the Republic and the fall of the Empire).

And while there are key areas where AOTC mirrors events in ANH there are also equally strong mirror points between events in TPM and ANH. By largely reducing TPM to nothing more than a prelude you are missing out on a lot of potentially useful material.

It might be possible to balance two character comparisons Padme and Leia and Anakin and Luke but to pull that off you would really need to do two different edits blend them together as seperate entities. They would have to be rather radical edits too.

Be more bold with your scene restructuring, be brave enough to not show us that iconic Star Destroyer shot until well into the cut.

Show us Padme growing from damsel in distress to strong leader and senator before contrasting her with her daughter.

Show us Anakin from slave boy to a Jedi in training before contrasting him with his son.

The explanatory text is very intrusive in style and though the content may have worked with the films as they were originally presented it doesn't really serve the viewer in this new context.

May I suggest that you come up with a single crawl that explains that there was a Republic that fell and an Empire that grew in it's place and how the story of two generations play out across these periods.

Once again look at the simple text intro to The Godfather II.

In a few paragraphs we get all we need to know to alert the viewer that he or she is going to be seeing two time periods telling one story seen through the eyes of two characters.

It might be nice to split the screen down the middle and show the slave quarters at Mos Espa with a wind effect and the sound of a baby crying on one side (signifying Anakin's birth) as the text is displayed on a blank card on the other side (just an idea)

As for dealing with TPM look on it in the same way that Coppola does with the young Vito.

Isolate a few moments where we need to see Jake's Anakin and Queen Amidala and build them lead them into their AOTC versions.

We don't need to see the whole of Episode One or Two to get a feeling for these characters, just the key moments that will later chime with what happens with Luke and Leia.

And I hate to say this but some of the music changes really yank these ears around instead of guiding me through the story (the over powering Imperial March when we first see Vader particularly stands out in this regard.)

Remember most people who watch this version will already be familiar with the order of events shown in AOTC and ANH so don't be too afraid to bend the rules a bit and remix the sequence of events a bit more to tell the story in a new way.

I shall report in more as I get through this.



It does seem like text intros/explanations are a big key, and not just at the start, but they could be worked in at different scenes. They can even have their own music, but I think it would be neat, if possible, to start a particular song during the text, but lower in volume. Then when the scene it goes into starts, the music could be ramped up a bit.

I'm just thinking out loud without trying to overthink things. :p

My crazy vinyl LP blog

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4 hours? Seems like both movies are cut together almost completely?


It's four hours including credits and the prologue. Otherwise it's like three hours. I plan on using young annie in parts 2 and 3. Especially because it could reveal him being evil later on in his life. His trials will be shown in the intro to Part II. His scenes with Padme will be inserted in Part III. I'll watch through TPM again and find some scenes I could use. I see Part I as more of an intro to the real story being parts II and III of Renascent.

Star Wars Renascent

Inspired by the Godfather Part II and a revamp of Star Wars: Reborn

View the discussion thread

46fleetline said:

where is this download at? i see all this complaing, saw the pics of the pixel-happy photos of the movie, what or where is it avail?


 nothing, so when will the teaser or trailer be avail a-man?


Check the noid or "small"nova.

Also I just realized Anakin's discussions with Qui-Gon in TPM mirror Luke's with Obi-Wan. I'll see if I can work something in.

Star Wars Renascent

Inspired by the Godfather Part II and a revamp of Star Wars: Reborn

View the discussion thread


i hope info gets back in the game, can't stress enough how i like his edits too.

any of you seen the ending edit for rotj? with the vader flashbacks?

i thought that was awesome, always wanted to see that unfold.

Ripplin said:

I've seen a video where Vader was thinking of his nightmare about Padme while Luke was getting zapped, but I can't remember who made it. I figure more than one person has done it.


 well i have it saved as a favorite on my youtube accnt. i never seen a diff.



yeah, i like the whole flashback thing, the moment i watched it, i was like yes, yes, this is what i've been wondering about. how would it be with some more umph in that scene, more emotion for vader during the scene and so forth...


In the "Revenge Of The Jedi" draught script every hit of Force lightning that Palpatine chucked at Luke was deflected as a flash of Obi-Wan and Yoda's ghosts flashed in it path.

While I'm not suggesting that it might be effective if instead of getting a full flashback positive figures from Anakin's past appeared before him in rapid succession (almost subliminally) ending with Padme to create the impression of the Anakin side of Vader's persona rebuilding itself.

Good memories rather than bad ones would kill Vader and set Anakin free.


well i think with the memories or flashbacks depicted in the scene edit were a reflection on what the emperor "made" him do. there for watching his son get hammered, taking that second look, he thinks to himself, eff this guy, he ruined me, not gonna ruin my son.