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Star Wars Redemption: Episode 1 (Rendering final cut!) (* lost project *) — Page 8


brash_stryker said:

You must be hungry ;-)

Damn, beat me to it.


Yeah wow, that clip is way better than I could've imagined.


 Thanks for the kind comments everyone. I've been working on this for awhile. Wanted to share one of the highlights. I plan to show another transition, and I think I finally have something I'm happy with.


Hope to show it off soon. Should have a fresh clip sometime today.


The point of hitting it there was to actually show this "Great" friendship that the prequels butchered for the most part... Again, trying to squeeze the blood out of a turnip.

Hope to find something else to show off soon enough.


I love it! Excellent transition into it. Everyone wonders what method can fix the prequels, well this is it! Having them as flashbacks, you can cut out as much crap as you want :-)

Good work!


I'll say it again, this really does look great. I actually feel genuinely interested in those flashbacks.


Working on some new clips. I really want some feedback on some the more drastic things I'm trying to do to make this thing really work. If I don't have a new clip up today; it will be tomorrow.


These clips might require some explaining. I want to show you guys a few examples of what I plan to do in this edit. This first clip happens right after the opening crawl. I ask that when you watch this, that you try to flip on your Star Wars virgin switch. These movies are so imprinted into our minds, that we know when things have been changed, and that can sometimes trick us into thinking it's a mistake. Watch the clip more than once and ask yourself... Would this be jarring for a Star Wars newbie? I'd like to know. Thanks.


So, now you may be wondering why I skipped all the interiors scenes on the Tantive IV. Well, I believe people watch these edits for two reasons. 1. They think the prequels suck. 2. They want to see what's been changed. We KNOW A New Hope so well that I wanted to change a few things around so that the material is somewhat fresh for old SW eyes. I hope I've achieved this. THIS next clip will further show you that I didn't actually get rid of the interior scenes of the Tantive IV. Normally you wouldn't see this style editing in a Star Wars movie, but with this style edit, I believe it grants me permission to do this. I like it anyway. What do you think? In the last clip you saw the droids leaving the escape pod, and the rest the shots progress as you know them to do, and then we get here...


Now I've skipped ahead to show you how I transition back to the present.


There you have it. I hope this gives you a clearer vision of what this will be like. I'm having a blast working on it now that I found a direction that is working for me. When I see a clip that begs posting, I'll do so.

Thanks to everyone who views these.



I think the transition back to the present happens far too late. It's a flashback, which means its narrative shouldn't have anything other than R2 and maybe 3P0. The stuff with Vader and Leia really feels out of place in that context.

The new shot of the escape pod leaving might need work, but I love the concept of it!

ROTJ Storyboard Reconstruction Project


timdiggerm said:

I think the transition back to the present happens far too late. It's a flashback, which means its narrative shouldn't have anything other than R2 and maybe 3P0. The stuff with Vader and Leia really feels out of place in that context.

The new shot of the escape pod leaving might need work, but I love the concept of it!

I understand what you're saying, but it's also an important Vader scene that is needed. And honestly, R2 and 3P0 are not the REAL reason to flashback... Because the hologram of Leia takes us back and it's as if we're hearing her story. So the scenes with Vader and Leia in my mind are needed. And I still need the droid shots because I need to bridge that gap too.

But if you think it's off, and have another idea, I'm all ears. Thanks for the comments timdiggerm.

Anyone else?


I don't like the Tantive scene as a flashback.  The other stuff looks great... but this one feels more awckward than the others.  It almost feels disorganized, particularly the transition from Kenobi's hut to the ship.


It's verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry interesting, to be sure.  The transition from Obi-Wan's hut to the Tantive works for me because I get the kind of editing you had in mind.  The cut from the Tantive back to Obi-Wan, however, is too rough in my opinion.  It almost seems to indicate that Obi-Wan and Luke were talking while the Vader stuff was happening, which counters the flashback feel of the whole Tantive scene.  You should fade between them or something instead of just a straight cut.

Also, when we first see the escape pod launch at the very beginning, it's unclear exactly where it came from (the Tantive or the Devastator).  I'd include the shot from the flashback of the pod leaving the Tantive.


Very interesting project, I look forward to upcoming clips and the likes!


Well I'm a bit late to comment as my internet has been down all day.

In terms of the narrative structure you've chosen, I have no problems. I love the direction you're going with this and I can seriously see this being my preferred way of watching the prequels in any form from now on. This edit isn't meant to be star wars as we know it, but a fresh experience :-)

Technical editing is excellent, except I feel in one transition (which I've already discussed with you elsewhere but can't resist seeing what other people think) ;-)

In the escape pod shot in the 'a quick escape' clip, Benja has transitioned from the launch of the pod straight to it's fall to the planet, so as to save all the r2 and threepio stuff for later.

In our conversation about it last night, I felt the transition was a bit jarring and could use some smoothening out. Benja thought I might just be too used to the way it was originally.

I've created a clip with an example of how, using the soundtracks, it can be (in my opinion) improved. It's probably not a dealbreaker, but I'm curious what everyone else thinks. Maybe it's fine the way it is and I just need a hearing aid.
